Log In to The Old Man Ring At Hogwarts at the Start

Chapter 83 About the Basilisk and the Chamber of Secrets, the protagonist has a special loud conspir

The next day, the Hogwarts bulletin board posted the news of the attack on Mrs Norris last night.

At the end of the notice, it is to remind everyone that the real murderer has not yet been found, and the little wizards should pay attention to safety.

In the general hall, on the long table in Gryffindor, Harry and the others were discussing what happened last night.

"I actually heard voices last night," Harry emphasized to Ronald.

"Well, you're right, but we didn't hear it." Ronald swallowed a mouthful of bread and said.

"Do you think I should tell Professor Dumbledore about this?" Harry asked frantically.

Hermione retorted: "Come on, it's not a good thing to hear strange noises even in the Muggle world, let alone the wizarding world.

And, don't you think it's strange? You heard voices, and then Mrs. Norris was attacked.

Zicomo nodded at the side, really strange.

After shouting for a night of killing, and finally petrified a cat and returned to the nest, this basilisk is really strange.

The three discussed for a long time and did not come up with any clues.

Hermione saw Zicomo calmly beside her, and she guessed that he probably knew the truth, but just didn't want to tell it.

So she secretly asked Zicomo while Harry and Ronald were away.

As a result, Zicomo did not tell her, but told her that she would know in a short time.

Because soon, Zicomo plans to move this basilisk into the 'Zen Garden'.

As for the reason, not why, because this basilisk is big enough.

Boys like big things.

What's more, this is probably the only basilisk in the world that has lived for nearly a thousand years, and it is also probably a snake that has lived for nearly a thousand years.

It was brought into Hogwarts by Slytherin and guarded the Chamber of Secrets until the Parseltongue summoned him.

The last time he summoned it was Voldemort fifty years ago, when he was still called Tom Riddle.

After being called out, Tom used it to petrify a girl, and he never paid attention to it again.

That girl was Myrtle Warren, and her soul was still crying in the bathroom at the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.

So she got the nickname "Weeping Myrtle".

Many people think that Myrtle was killed by a Basilisk.

Zicomo doesn't think so.

He speculates that the Basilisk may have just petrified Myrtle.

Because Myrtle is wearing glasses, there is only indirect eye contact between her and the Basilisk.

And only direct eye contact with the basilisk will kill it.

Mrs. Norris only saw the reflection of the basilisk in the water marks on the ground.

It was actually Voldemort who actually killed Myrtle.

The manufacture of Horcrux requires an additional spell to be used while killing a person with 'Avada Suoming'.

This spell will split the user's soul. At this time, only one item needs to be prepared, which can carry this part of the split soul.

And Voldemort's first Horcrux was his student diary.

Therefore, Voldemort must have killed people when he was a student.

Zicomo guessed that at that time, Voldemort had just learned about Horcrux making and happened to discover Slytherin's chamber.

When he called out the Basilisk in Parseltongue, he was accidentally caught by Myrtle, and the Basilisk turned her to stone.

So he decided to do it all the time and use Myrtle's life to make his first Horcrux.

And he also framed Myrtle's death on Hagrid's head.

At that time, Hagrid had just acquired an eight-eyed giant spider, that is, Aragog, who was killed by Zicomo last semester.

Although the eight-eyed spider was still young, its venom was deadly enough.

The school finds out about Hagrid's feeding of the eight-eyed spider, making him a murderer.

So Hagrid was fired, and even his wand was broken.

By the way, Hagrid was only in the third grade at that time, and he started raising the poisonous eight-eyed giant spider at the age of fourteen. It can only be said that the life of the hybrid giant is hard.

Having said so much, I just wanted to express that Zicomo felt that the character of this basilisk was not bad, so he decided to keep it as a pet.

After all, what kind of bad thoughts can a snake that has lived in for nearly a thousand years?

It just obeyed Parseltongue's orders.

In Transfiguration, today's lesson is about transforming a creature into a goblet.

Professor McGonagall first demonstrated it, and then let the little wizards practice on their own.

The little wizards used creatures prepared by Professor McGonagall in the classroom.

Only Ronald, who brought his own rat, Scabbers.

Animagus of (bbaj) Peter Pettigrew to be exact.

So Ronald's Transfiguration practice is much more tiring than the average little wizard.

After all, he was going to turn a person into a goblet, and the other little wizards only needed to practice against a small animal.

At this moment, there was an explosion behind Harry and Ronald.

Everyone turned around and found that the white mouse on his desk had turned into a black mouse and could no longer move.

There was also a smell of burnt feathers in the air.

This scene scared the goblet in Ronald's hand back to the appearance of a mouse.

Zicomo looked hilarious in the back seat.

If he remembered correctly, Harry and Seamus should be in the same dormitory, right?

I don't know if Seamus will cast magic in the dormitory.

If so, it is estimated that the entire dormitory is living in dire straits.

And Hermione, who had already raised the level of Transfiguration to an advanced level, felt a little bored.

She raised her hand to Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, I wonder if you can tell us about the secret room?"

If another little wizard made this request, Professor McGonagall might give him a good practice.

The question to ask is Hermione, the little witch who is excellent in her studies and in her eyes.

And since she knew that Zicomo had become Snape's apprentice, she had paid more attention to Hermione.

After all, there are only one or two outstanding little wizards in the academy, and they can't be robbed by other professors.

She nodded kindly and said, "Well then, I'll talk to you.

"As we all know, four great founders founded Hogwarts over a thousand years ago. They were Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin."

"Three of the founders got along very well, the last one didn't."

(Salazar: Slander! This is blatant slander!)

"Slytherin hoped that Hogwarts' admissions would be more selective. He believed that magical education should be limited to magical families, that is, pure-blood wizards. But the other three did not agree with him, and he left the school in a fit of anger.

After listening to Professor McGonagall talk for so long before getting to the point, Hermione couldn't help asking aloud: "What about the secret room?

Professor McGonagall heard the words and entered the topic.

"Regarding the Chamber of Secrets, it is said that Slytherin established a secret room in the castle, the so-called 'Secret Chamber'. He sealed the room before leaving, waiting for his heir to return to the school."

"Only his heir can open this secret room, and once it is opened, the terrifying monsters in the secret room will wipe out all those who Slytherin thinks are not worthy of learning magic.

"A Muggle-born person?" Hermione added.

Professor McGonagall nodded, indicating that she was right.

Zicomo has a different opinion on this.

At the beginning, Slytherin and the other three founders had different ideas, and finally chose to go their separate ways, which shows that he still has his old feelings in mind.

He himself did not want to destroy the school he built with his own hands.

So what was he doing to kill all the little Muggle-born wizards when he had nothing to do?

There are so many new Muggle-born wizards in the outside world every year, can he kill them all?

His philosophy is pure blood supremacy, and he wants to ensure that the status of pure blood wizards is high.

This secret room was originally just a place he used to facilitate his students to practice black magic.

Later, he left the school and closed the secret room, presumably just to leave a legacy for future generations.

What kind of heir will release the monsters in the secret room to destroy all those who are not worthy of learning magic, it is pure nonsense.

But Voldemort had that idea himself.

If Slytherin had that kind of mind, wouldn't he be able to cultivate heirs outside?

Would a great wizard who founded Hogwarts think a basilisk could kill all the Muggle-born wizards in a school?

Stop being funny!

How much trouble can a second-grade wizard bring a creature that can be killed by a phoenix?

Even if you can't find a phoenix, it's not difficult to pull a group of crowing roosters, right?

It can be recorded in the data that the rooster's crowing will kill the basilisk.

Wait, Zicomo suddenly thought of a question.

Since Slytherin has a legacy at Hogwarts, will the other Big Three also have it?

He took this matter to heart and decided to explore it in the future.

By the time he regained his senses, Professor McGonagall was almost finished telling the story of the secret room.

"Of course, the school personnel conducted several searches and did not find the existence of this secret room."

"So, what is that terrifying monster? 35

Hermione was still struggling with what attacked Filch's cat last night.

"I don't know either, but it is said that only the true heir can control this monster."

Professor McGonagall shook his head, indicating that she didn't know either.

Having said this, Ronald subconsciously looked back at Draco.

Although Draco didn't know why the man suddenly looked at him, it didn't prevent him from looking back with sarcasm.

As a result, this behavior made Ronald mistakenly believe that he was the heir, or that he knew who the real heir was.

"Okay, alright, this is the end of the extracurricular topic. Now that the monster's whereabouts are unknown, you have to be more careful.

After talking about the secret room, Professor McGonagall reminded the little wizard to pay more attention to safety.

In this regard, the pure-blood wizard of Slytherin did not care at all.

They think that monsters will never attack them, but will help them eliminate those half-blood wizards they dislike.

"Although there are monsters roaming around Hogwarts now, that's what teachers should be worried about. And what you should be worried about should be your studies, so just write a 10-inch paper on Transfiguration for your weekend homework.

An understatement from Professor McGonagall diverted the attention of all the little wizards.

Everyone wailed, and no longer had the mind to care about the issue of whether the secret room was a secret room.

Sure enough, after all, there is still too little homework.

As long as there is a little more homework, do you think who else cares about the secret room?

Oh, not without.

Harry, who was the party involved, was still obsessed with this matter.

There is also Hermione who is curious about this matter.

After class, Harry pulled Ronald in to discuss the secret room with Hermione.

As for why you pull Ronald, isn't it normal that good friends are inseparable?

"Are you saying the Chamber of Secrets really exists?" Harry asked.

"Of course, don't you see it? All the teachers today are a little worried and in a hurry."

Hermione added in her mind as she answered, 'Except Lockhart'


"If there is a secret room, and it has been opened. Does that mean that the heir to Slytherin is back?" Harry continued.

"Compared to that, I'm more curious about who the so-called heir is?

Hermione frowned, expressing her doubts.

The terrifying monster has not yet been found, and now a Slytherin heir has jumped out.

Why does she feel that things are getting more and more confusing?

"Think about it, who thinks Muggle-born people are scum? Ronald asked confidently.

"You mean, Malfoy?"

Both Harry and Hermione thought of the eldest young master who talked about pure-blooded glory all day.


Ronald recounted the scene in which he met Draco in class, with his own analysis.

A well-founded argument successfully persuaded Harry.

"But we have no proof. 33 Hermione doubts it.

"Crabbe and Goyle must know, maybe they can trick them into saying it." Ronald thought of the two sidekicks beside Draco.

"They're not that stupid yet, but maybe there's another way. It's this way that could break nearly 50 school rules. And it's very dangerous.

Hermione shared her thoughts with the two, and Harry and Ronald looked at each other and nodded.

This vote is done!

Zicomo and Lani watched from a distance as they loudly plotted against the school rules.

Lani looked at Zicomo curiously and asked, "How long have their symptoms lasted?"

In this regard, Zicomo shrugged and said, "It's been like this since last semester, and this is probably the behavior unique to the protagonist in the movie.

Although Lani didn't understand it well, she didn't ask any more questions.

She decides to go back and watch some movies to test Zicomo's claim.

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