Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 118: APOCALYPSE DAWN (3)


Tristan stood in the road, Milton alongside him. Thousands of creatures had burst up from the earth. With just one look, Tristan had sensed their malice. These were monsters, ready to attack them. 

Many of these creatures possessed pitch black skin, deer skulls for heads, and antlers. This deer-like type of creature did not walk on four legs, but two. Then, there were semitransparent creatures; who resembled ghosts. These creatures possessed crimson eyes, and looked like sheets were thrown atop their heads. The only body parts that were not covered by this 'sheet' were its hands. There were only a few of these creatures. Then, there were rocklike giants; with red glowing eyes, and sharp protrusions of rock extending out from their wrists. These mentioned creatures were only a measly few, for there were a myriad more of them. The major parity remained how majestic they were in spite of their grimness.

Tristan and Milton's only escape from such an outnumbering army of monstrosities remained the vehicle behind. The modern, blue Volkswagen, which, unfortunately, was covered in scratches and bullets holes. Tristan had no plans to use flee without doing damage to the fast approaching creatures. 

One of Milton's arms were broken, it dangled lifelessly at his side. This was the aftermath of a great battle; one in which a successor was slain. On his face, there was also a lifeless look. His skin was exceptionally pale. His neck was quite long, almost as if it wasn't supposed to be attached to his body. He was much different when compared to his younger brother, Tristan; the disparity striking to the keen eye. 

Yet how could rivals stand alongside each other just as best of friends would?

Tristan glimpsed at Milton. "I don't know where the hell these things are coming from but I do know that they're gonna worth a lot of Exp. We could really use some upgrade points right now to heal ourselves up. What's more, they'll catch us even if we use my car. We might need to kill a few for points, while also slowing the rest down from catching us. Can you take the pressure? Are you ready, Mil?" alacrity was present even in his voice. 

Milton did not look at Tristan. He continued to peer at the forthcoming enemies. "Yeah ... I'm ready, Tris."

It went quiet for a while; as the two siblings watched the monstrosities quickly near them. Tristan was tired. He constantly bled from his nostrils. Milton peered at him. "What about you? Are you ready, Tris? Got any more fire left in ya?"

Tristan was exhausted. But he was ready to fight. He looked at Milton, his eyes beginning to glow. "Sadly, I don't have any fire left in me," suddenly hovering water began to conjur up around him, "but I do have a shit load of water!"

Milton looked ahead again, smiling. "That'll do. If it's capable of bursting through skin like bullets, that is."

Tristan turned to the forthcoming monsters. "O it's capable of bursting through skin like bullets, alright!"

With a single arm, Milton outstretched his fingers. A huge volume of water manifested, hovering above his head, and gradually increasing in size. "Then what are you waiting for? Let's crush the monster-fuckers!"

Suddenly a Trident started to manifest in Tristan's palms, emanating from the previously created hovering water. Despite having been made out of a single material—that is water—it was a beautiful weapon. It shined, and glimmered ... but it was certainly not a glamorous and serene thing. It was a weapon. Profane. 

Tristan pointed the trident at the creatures who closed in. "Bet!"

Suddenly, streams of water jetted out from Tristan's trident and rippled through air, spraying at the creatures in the distance. Then, Milton had decided to attack. There was a huge, hovering sphere of water above his head. He moved the sphere with his mind. It moved forward, and lowered in front of him, blubbing faintly with each motion. It stopped in front of him. He slowly raised his hand, carrying it toward the sphere. Then, he touched the volume of water. Subsequently, it turned into a huge stream of water, blasting at the monstrosities ahead and shredding through flesh and bone. 

From all of the heavy streams of water, the creatures were knocked off their feet. They squirmed about in the water, unable to move against the pressure. On the face of it; they were not great swimmers at all. 

However, the ghostlike creatures fared better. The water constantly went through them, not affecting their bodies, and even not thrusting them an inch back. Though, their invulnerability was still trivial to the siblings, for these creatures were quite slow instrinsically. 

For Tristan and Milton, smirks could not be held back. Not upon seeing the creatures succumb so pathetically to their wrath. From the time the ground had wavered, their smiles had fallen. They slowly turned their heads, looking at each other with slight grimaces. It was almost as if to ask, 'did you hear that too?'. Then, the floor had rocked again.

They backed away, slowly, looking down at the cracking floor. Suddenly; a creature had burst out from the floor; bolting into the air. It quickly landed on its feet. 

Tristan and Milton had quailed. 

The creature possessed the face of a human's but freakishly pale, with crimson, glowing eyes. Its back was covered in a hard, dark purple, spiky shell. This shell was not present at its chest. At its chest, there was soft skin on par with a human's. And in the middle of its chest, there was dark void, through which energy expelled. 

The creature hadn't wasted a second of its time. A spike quickly released from the creature's back, hovering in the air. Dark energy emanated from the creature's core, and traveled to the spike. The spike was then embued with such energy. 

It zoomed toward Milton.

Milton furrowed his brows. He quickly stomped a foot. A wall of water appeared in front of him. However, it did not stop the powerful spike. It passed right through the water, and penetrated his chest. He groaned, stumbling a bit.

Tristan looked at him. "Mil!"

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