Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 160: Beaten to a pulp

We slumped against the filthy walls of the same alley in which we were assaulted. The enemy had encroached our little hideout, some even ambushed us from behind. I caught a quite familiar whiff.

Striking and metallic, leaning toward the more foul side. It was a bothersome stench, wafting through the air. And such stenches were emanating from none other than our own bodies. Our battered bodies. Cuts, and scratches and swollen areas. If anything, that stench had to be our blood.

The blood of failures. 

I didn't have the eyes to prove that it was blood. It was too dark. But I did know we took quite the beating. We were beaten left, right and center. There was not a single place in which I hadn't felt pain. An excruciating aftermath indeed. 

I bled. My body too cumbersome for feeble me to muster might to carry. So, I lounged against the wall, my mid and lower back touching the floor—legs sprawled out. I felt lethargic, like I had just eaten a large meal, more than my stomach could handle. I hated huge, excessive meals. Mom would have one everyday little holiday. I really hated them. 

But there was absolutely nothing I hated more than being pricked in the arse by the very thing you suspected.

Hanso, Miguel and I remained stagnant, wounded, silent. This was our lot as vulnerable young men caught carrying around huge bags of food in an area of starving folks. I frowned, putting a hand on my rumbling stomach. It was pity that Nate's gang decided to flee with all of our loot.

"Damn it," I cursed, "why didn't we hide our loot somewhere else and just settle for what was in my backpack?" The gang suspected that my pack also contained food, and forced me into handing it over. If not the so, they just beated me and took it. 

I couldn't remember what happened well. It was just a major blur for me. 

Hanso snorted. "I was gonna say I warned you ... but I think it's obvious at this point." 

I hated being wrong especially when it comes to the simple stuff. "I guess you really tried to warn us. This was the second time we've learned from not listening to you."

Hanso scoffed. "Let's just hope that Nate's gang beating taught us all."

"I knew they'd come," Miguel said, softly. 

"Fat BS. You knew? Then why did you insist on carrying the bags of loot?" Hanso asked, apparently irritated. He seemed angry with Miguel.

"I'm sorry for jeopardizing our safety," Miguel said. "The bags ... I figured they'd be found by some other scavengers. So it would have been better for us to go with them first. I have," his tone softened,

"other reasons as well."

Other reasons as well? What other reasons? It got quiet for a while. 

"Demons like taking short cuts," Hanso said, "I don't wanna hear those other reasons. Just remember that we've just been through another huge

predicament for the day. Today was one fucking long d—"

Suddenly the creatures at our shoulders started hovering higher. The intensity of the glow in their eyes skyrocketed as they gazed—more so glared—down at us. 

"Hours have passed," the three creatures said in unison, "and you have failed to repay your debt. This is day two. Today, you are to fall under hexes. The hexes will hinder your bodies until the debt is paid off fully."

"Also," they continued, "we have a message from

our master."

Suddenly, the creatures opened their mouths. Light beamed from their mouths and lightened the area with staggering luminosity. The light particles slowly formed a scene in front of us. It much resembled a hologram to a high extent. Translucent and amphorous.

I was then looking at a giant face in front of me. It was the head of Aiden. He smirked arrogantly as he peered at what appeared to be us. It was like we we were looking at a three dimensional movie without the 3D glasses. 

Aiden looked different. His face looked cleaner. His hair was jelled and slicked back. He head leaned in. "Oh, I have your attention. This video was recorded a day prior to the current one for a few reasons so excuse the minor inaccuracies in prediction, if any. My subordinate fortune teller is quite new to the job. 

"I'm Rafael, the son of the god of the new world: Courtez's son. You, the viewers, are most likely under the effects of my second ability. The monsters that follow you around proves it. I'm sure more than half of the ten thousand citizens of this new world is bewitched by this second ability."

Fifty percent was a massive! When did he put all those people under his spell? Was that why he hurried to heal Miguel? So that he can go back deceiving others?

Rafael continued. "I'm here to inform of you that soon we will be taking over this new world. There will be no democracy. Everything will depend upon my father and me. But do not fear. It's all for the better. We will shape this new world into its best. We will expand and populate this dome. And we will overthrow the current government and overtake other domes. 

"It all starts with your alliance. Groups can still paying us visits. If you want power. That we will give. You will be bestowed more abilities to use however you like. In return, we ask for your honor and respect and your service to my father. Soon you will all understand the debts you're in. There will be another message at a later date. For now ... this is goodbye."

Suddenly, the creatures closed their mouths shut. The scenery before us disappeared, and then did the lights. It was dark again. It felt colder as soon as the world was benighted again. 

The creature hovered back down to us. 

Hanso sighed. "Too much has happened today. I'm gonna catch some z's."

I yawned, flinching in dismay at my clicking jaw. "I'm ... gonna sleep as well."

Too much has truly happened in a single day. It was the longest day of my life. One I would never forget.

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