Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 67: Eating

Jin had just finished his daily task the next morning.

[Progression: (50/50) sit-ups, (280/280) push-ups]

[Task completed!]

[+5 Exp]

[Exp: 47/50 | Level 7]

His eyes were kept slit. "It's all too easy now." he heaved, turning around. He walked toward his bathroom.

He took a shower. And while taking a shower, he was stuck in a reverie. One where his grandma was present, well, and alive. Yet, for some reason, he couldn't get himself to smile at this fantasy.

He turned off the shower, grabbed his towel, and walked out of the room. He then changed his clothes and went outside again.

He was meaning to look for more street troubles again so that he could level up. He walked into the living room, and everyone's eyes landed on him. He neglected this.

Ashton perked up, "Jin, you're awake?" his eyebrows rose. Still, Jin could perceive alluding to worry in his eyes even behind the pair of lenses on his face. They shimmered with it.

Dobby was sitting with his arms folded, moody as usual. Something happened yesterday that he hadn't shared with the others. And he was beginning to get scared about it.

Cliff was smoking; and drinking wine. At the same time.

Tristan was standing up, his eyes downcast at his phone. He finally looked up at Jin again. "Hey, Jin. Good morning. I should let you be and not bother you, assuming you're still pissed and would plunge your fists into anybody's guts."

Cliff blew his smoke out of his mouth—with parted lips. A perfect smoke ring was formed. He hadn't looked at Jin yet. "He wouldn't do that …"

Tristan threw him a look. "What are you talking about?"

"Pin …" he said, "Pin wouldn't plunge anything into his friend's gut. He's still all sentimental. But heed my warning," his eyes darkened, "he's the God of Mischief for a while. There'll be a time when he won't think twice about killing even his own friends."

Ashton swallowed the air in his mouth.

Tristan's face screwed up. "No, you're wrong," he looked at Jin, "Jin's different. The system's not gonna get to him that much."

It became silent for a while until Tristan approached Jin, nervous. "Hey uh … Jin?"

He was waiting for a response but Jin just looked at him as if half dead.

He continued, "Miss Pierce, and Benjamin … you're gonna bury them, aren't you? Maybe I can call the—"

"No," Jin blurted, "We're not calling anybody. There are cops—with magic powers—who'll question us to a point where we actually tell them the truth. There are people who could even read our minds, so there's no lying to them.

"We're not calling anyone. I'll bury them myself."

Ashton stood. "But Jin … where are you going to bury them here."

Jin walked into the kitchen. "The backyard."

"What?" Ashton grimaced. "You're gonna bury them there?"

"A problem with that?"

"No but—"

Tristan interjected, "That's insane, Jin. It's also really disrespectful. You're not going to have any funerals, wakes—nothing? If it's the pecuniary part you're worried about then let me help.

"I can cover all the expenses. The coffin, pay the church—everything. I can pay for the entire—"

"No thanks," Jin said, carrying a bottle of water to his mouth. He drank the entire bottle of water down, and then approached the living room again.

"Are you sure, Jin?" asked Tristan, sorrowful.

Jin had not responded and so Tristan took it as a 'yes, I'm sure'. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to a seat again. He sat down, and turned on his phone again.

Dobby looked at Jin, and shook his head. He looked disappointed. The wry on his face was a bit inexplicable on Jin's part. Jin had neglected it entirely, turning his head.

[Consume sufficient sustenance]

Jin bolted up to his feet like a robot. It was as if he was a computer, and the system was the user—it was supposed to be the other way around and he knew this. But now, he felt obligated to complete every single system task.

The others looked at him as he walked briskly to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door. Nothing to eat. "What can I eat?" his stomach growled.

"There's some burgers on the kitchen counter—bought it this morning." uttered Tristan.

Jin turned around, and started approaching the brown, ruffled bag. For some reason, he could smell what was inside of the bag. He opened the bag, and walked with it in his hands.

He pulled a chair, and sat down at the dinner table. He placed the papered burgers on the wooden tabletop. There were three of them. Jin unwrapped the shrouded goodies, and he could smell the aroma entering his nostrils already.

He clasped his hands to a burger, scrutinized it, and started carrying it to his mouth. He opened his mouth, placing part of the burger inside it. He then sunk his canines into it like he would plunge a dagger into his foes.

Then he started munching. There was a subtle crunch he heard while chewing, which was presumably from the raw vegetables. It tasted great. But he's going to lie to himself—the meat patty was undefeatable with regards to taste!

Deliberately, he continued chewing again. But fuck chewing—he hurled the entire burger into his mouth, trapping it in there by shutting his teeth like a beartrap.

He chewed a little more, and then he finally swallowed. He looked at the next burger, he could've sworn it shivered upon his gaze. He quickly clasped his hands to the burger, and started shredding it apart with his draws like a feral beast devouring its prey alas.

In two bites the burger was gone—like magic. He swallowed and turned his head to the next burger, smirking. All that fighting yesterday must've gotten him ravenous—his hunger felt as though it was insatiable.

He ate the last burger … It wasn't enough. He needed more to complete his task, more to sate his long-kept hunger. There were sauces and fallen veggies on the wrappings used to cover the burger.

Jin carried it to his mouth, and started licking it away. Surprisingly, after he's done such a greedy thing, and drank his soft drink, the task was at last completed.

[Your hunger has been sated]

[+1 Exp]

[Exp: 48/50 | Level 7]

He heaved.

He slowly turned his head such that he could see Tristan and the others staring at him with partial sneers.

His eyes subtly widened and he froze—like an animal would pause when a threat lingered unmoving and peering at it. "What?"

Tristan tittered. "Bro, if you wanted more you should've just said so …"

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