Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 70: New Jin

[Progression: (150/150) sit-ups, (3000/300) push-ups]

[Task Completed!]

[+5 Exp]

Jin heaved. The exercises were still far too easy, as expected. He stroked a hand along his forehead, wiping away the trifle of sweat present. "These tasks aren't going to get me anywhere. My best option is to level up by beating people up on the streets ... don't think I have any other choice." apathy in his voice.

He took a bath, brushed his teeth, and went to the living room. He sat on a couch, next to Ashton. To which Ashton alluded nervousness all of a sudden. Ashton kept shooting glimpses at him. And he noticed every single one. With or without his system, Jin was quite good at sensing when people's looking at him.

Dobby was sitting on the other couch with Tristan, his eye downcast at his phone. Tristan's hands were clasped together, his eyes narrowed. Tristan sighed and looked at Jin. "Hey, Jin. Mind passing me the remote on that table there."

Quietly, Jin looked at him, and then looked at the remote. He stood a bit, leaning over, and clasped his hand to the remote. While sitting down again, he tossed it to Tristan. Tristan caught it seamlessly and smiled. "Thanks,' he said, maintaining his smile. He pointed the remote at the TV and pressed a finger upon the power button. "Let's see what's happening around the world." his voice trailed off as the tv came on.

There was a female news reporter. "The killer of the thirteen people is still unknown. Last night, a passer-by was able to capture a recording from a safe distance of a figure equipped with a green and black knife, a hoodie, and a green mask. The masked man was found stabbing a group of smugglers to death and moving about at uncanny speeds. The speed—which was presumably the illicit usage of an Ability—allowed the perpetrator to kill the three smugglers within a minute. The recording will play on screen."

There was a video captured by a smartphone playing on the screen. The figure dashed about, stabbing the men to their bodies. In an instant, there were three of the masked figures. Groans and wails sounded. Blood spilled and splattered. The three bodies collapsed, and the masked figure, looming in the darkness, towered over them, panting. Finally, he walks off and the video ends.

The news reporter continued, "The masked murderer has killed the perpetrators of a recent kidnapping scenery. Five girls—all under the age of eighteen—were found in one of the dead smuggler's homes. The masked murderer was spotted in one of the traffic cameras unmasked, but his face was concealed by the darkness. This masked murderer remains unfound, and law enforcement officers are doing their best to find him."

"Coming up next after the commercial break is a small, enigmatic tsunami—just like the one earlier this week—that is responsible for the deaths of two victims, and one brutally harmed victim. The perpetrator remains unfound. And then we have the spotting of four more light beacons to discuss. Stay tune on MJC Live, where there—" Tristan turned off the tv, pausing for a while, then looking at Jin.

Dobby and Ashton also had their eyes glued to him, to which he simply heaved and folded his arms. Dobby looked infuriated, Tristan looked as if in disbelief, and Ashton looked extremely worried and concerned.

Tristan heaved as well, rubbing his temples and averting his eyes. "I just knew ... I knew it. I knew this was going to be bad. That system you have in your possession is evil. So evil that I think you don't feel anything about death anymore. Take your grandma for instance," he furrowed his eyebrows, "You didn't shed a tear for the woman ... that's not you, Jin," he finally looked Jin in the eyes, "You know this."

Jin turned his head.

Ashton glimpsed at him. "Jin, I think it's best we talk this one through. I think you need someone to talk to and that's why we're here. If you store and accumulate too many things inside you; you're going to explode. Aren't we ... friends?"

Jin just looked at him, not uttering a word.

Dobby glared at him. "That's not, Jin. He's probably sick in the head or something ... in a trauma. Or it could that system thing ... it could be getting to his head, making him a monster. That Nyx guy wanted that thing for a good damn reason: it suits him, it's evil, it's powerful. That's why you'd be an arsehole to just give it to him.

"You better keep those tears in those eyes, Ashton. 'Cause, you'll make me punch you. Leave Jin be, let him go through his phase ... and hey, maybe he'll get smart and sincere again."

Jin heaved. "Guys," he averted his eyes, "there's something I want to tell you." his tone soft and deliberate.

Ashton perked up. "Sure! Go ahead, Jin. We're listening, we're here for you ..."

Jin closed his eyes and leaned his head against the chair. "I don't ... feel much ... anymore. I still feel things within but .... I just can't ... I can't show ... it. I don't feel anything but determination. Nothing but the determination to get stronger. The system is eating away my ability to express emotions and then my emotions are eating each other. And ... and I'm ... scared. I'm scared that ... I might k—"

"Pin," Cliff, standing at the door, chimed in, "I wanna talk to you. Meet me outside, it's more important than you think."

Jin looked at his friends. Every and each one of them had alluding worry on their faces. His lips parted. He could tell just how much they cared about him and somehow this came out strange on his part. Never before was he able to tell exactly what someone felt. He heaved, standing up. He turned around, making their eyes focus on his back.

"Guys," he said, "If I ever lose myself, I want you to move on. Forget you ever knew me. You can cherish the moments you had with me in the past. But forget about this new me. Forget about the horrible things I might do, and move on. Everything ... everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's my fate to become this new me. Maybe this power I've been bestowed is to make a difference. Maybe it's your fate to be free from someone ... someone like me." he walked away.

Ashton's eyes shimmered. His lips quivered but he held it in, biting them. He had so many things to say, but he relented. He decided he'd not chide Jin. Not chide Jin because of fear. Fear that Jin might turn on them. Fear that his life would be in danger. He heaved, fixing his glasses. Maybe ... he wanted this new Jin to leave. Maybe Jin leaving them .... was for the better.

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