Long Live, The Patriarch Is Taking Concubines Again!

117 Hallows Remodeling, Cheers, Respect Of The Sea Clan

"My sea girls are all very beautiful. If your benefactor likes any one, feel free to speak up. They will be very willing if your benefactor is so handsome~haha~"

After all the things came up, the old man in black spoke again.

The girls of the Sea Clan are indeed beautiful.

Except for races like the crab family and the shrimp family.

Many sea girls are born very beautiful.

This time, there were shark girls, snake girls, and some girls who showed their legs, looking quite enchanting.

This kind should be a sea monster, able to transform into a complete human form.

There are also Jiao people like Loli, but Jiao people are a little different.

They have both human blood and dragon blood.

Of course, this dragon's bloodline is very thin, I don't know how much it is.

Only the true flood blood of the flood dragon Loli can be regarded as the authentic flood dragon blood.

The characteristic of Jiaolong on the body is mainly the double horns on the head.

In other aspects, it is very similar to human beings.

All the things had been put into the storage bag, and then the old man in black showed it to Li Su.

Li Su thought about it and accepted it.

"Engong, please ~ we have prepared a banquet for Engong~"

The old man in black invited.

Li Su said: "Let's take a look at the fragments of the sacred vessel first, let's talk about reshaping the sacred vessel.

Hearing Li Su's words, the old man in black was overjoyed, and his eyes couldn't help showing respect. Li Su would help them reshape the holy artifact as soon as he came. This is a real person who does practical things.

The attitudes of the other sea clan powerhouses immediately became warmer, and the smiles on their faces became more natural.

Apparently, Li Su's attitude of working as soon as he came, made these strong sea people also have a good impression of Ji Su.

Even the eyes of Jiaoren Loli are not so cold anymore.

"Grandpa, all the information on the sacred artifact is in this Jade Slip. This sacred artifact was the peak powerhouse of our Sea Clan back then. It traveled to a very far away place. It took a thousand years and touched a Great Master of refining artifacts. The other party took dozens of craftsmen and spent a hundred years building it for us."

"It's a pity that the Great Master who was a great benefactor to our North Sea Sea Clan no longer exists in this world.

In a square, the voice of the old man in black sounded.

He should also be of the Jiao-human race, stronger than 22 scales, maybe the strongest of these sea races.

Li Su picked up the Jade Slip and read it. It contained the very detailed process of making the holy weapon left by the great master of that year.

and how to build it.

This holy artifact was naturally not created out of thin air.

That unattractive bead itself was conceived in the spring of a spiritual spring in Beihai. It is said that it took an unknown number of years to conceive.

It looks very ordinary and has no effect in the eyes of immortal cultivators, but this thing is the key to the sacred artifact of the sea clan.

Without this, it is impossible to forge the Sea Clan Holy Artifact.

So the initial holy artifact was mainly built around this bead. The craftsman found several spiritual springs, fused these springs, and then made the holy artifact Beihai spring.

It takes a lot of time to build, because the difficulty is indeed very high.

At present, the only thing left in Beihai Spring Eye is this most important bead.

Others are too broken to be broken and useless.

The refining tool Great Master looked pretty good, maybe it was moved by the sincerity of the North Sea Sea Clan, and also considering the possible damage of the spring.

The information left in Jade Slip is also extremely detailed, including the process, process, time, difficulties encountered, and so on.

This is equivalent to a refining note.

Not bad for Li Su.

What he needs now is this kind of specific refining knowledge.

With his refining tool Cultivation Base, it didn't take long at all to figure out everything inside.

The accomplishments of this Great Master of Artifact Refining are also very good, and the other party seems to be an Artifact Refiner of the Transformation God level.

A god-level refiner is too rare.

There was none in the northern border tens of thousands of years ago.

This Great Master was invited by the Northern Peak Powerhouse from other places. It can take a thousand years to impress the other party. This Northern Peak Powerhouse is also very persistent.

Look at it this way, when your refiner becomes very powerful, even if your Cultivation Base is low, you will be respected by others.

"Have you prepared Lingquan spring eye?"

After reading what's in Jade Slip, go back.

The strong men of the Sea Clan nodded their heads one after another.

"Yes, we have searched for hundreds of years and found several Lingquan springs, but we haven't taken them yet, because we don't know how to take them, and once we take them, they will be destroyed."

The old man in black said.


Lingquan is integrated with the local environment, and ordinary people will only bring damage if they take it.

"We have also prepared the materials. Engong will see if there is enough."

The old man in black also became more polite when speaking.

A large number of materials were brought up and placed on the square one by one.

Li Su searched for the same thing.

After spending half a day, Li Su finally found it.

"There are still a few things that are missing. You should find a way to get them. I need some assistants."

Li Su said.

The old man in black said: "Your benefactor wants to be an assistant, just ask."

"Grandpa, I know how to refine weapons~"

A snake is humane.

"I can do it too, I have great strength."

It's a bit like Prime Minister Turtle's Dao of the Sea Clan in the TV series Li Su watched before traveling.

The other sea clan powerhouses straightened their chests one by one, expressing that they were competent.

Li Su looked around, and then pointed to Jiaoren Loli Heilin: "Just let her be my assistant, and then you guys will follow."

Li Su also pointed out a few strong sea people who seemed to be very strong, and planned to use these strong sea people as coolies.

Mo Lin didn't expect that Li Su would choose him, and was taken aback for a moment.

"Lin, what are you doing in a daze, you can do whatever benefactor asks you to do, and cooperate with benefactor well."

The voice of the old man in black sounded.

"Okay, Aldehyde."

As soon as the old man in black opened his mouth, Mo Lin had no choice but to obediently agree.

The old man in black was indeed a Jiaoren, and Hei Lin's grandfather.

Li Su called Bai Ling again.

"Molin, take me to find Lingquan, you guys get together the other materials as soon as possible."

Li Su said.

It will take a lot of time to get Lingquan here.

The sea boat shuttled quickly in the sea water.

In the boat, both Bai Ling and Hei Lin were there.

The other sea tribes followed the outside and swam by themselves.

Li Su was sitting there with a piece of paper in front of him, and a pen was moving on the paper.

This is Li Su drawing the blueprint.

He disassembled the entire Beihai spring reconstruction step by step.

Although Li Su's refining tool Cultivation Base has been around for six thousand years, but when it comes to specific refining tools, Li Su is the first time refining a holy weapon.

No, it's the reforging of the Hallows.

The lowest quality of the holy artifact is the top grade treasure.

Generally speaking, low-grade and medium-grade treasures can be used for artifacts.

Previously, Li Su used the Feixian Sword as a prototype, and was able to create a mid-level treasure-level Feixian Sword.

The Feixian Sword is not weak, it is a very powerful Magic Treasures in the head family.

However, Li Su never touched the high-grade treasure.

The best treasure, not to mention.

The top-grade and top-grade treasures should correspond to those above Huashen.

After Li Su's refinement Cultivation Base has made great progress this time, it should be no problem to upgrade the Feixian Sword to a high-grade treasure.

There is no need to worry about the materials. Last time, there were still some in the ruins of the ancient fairy gate. Even if there is no way to refine all of them into high-grade treasures, it is no problem to refine more than half of them.

As for the top grade treasure, the materials are gone.

The ultimate treasure, Li Su didn't take it lightly just because his own refiner's Cultivation Base is high.

For him, there are also certain challenges.

Therefore, Li Su quickly drew his own idea while thinking.

His pen is also very interesting. This pen can only be used by Li Su. After Li Su is activated, this pen can quickly describe his own ideas.

Whatever Li Su thinks, this pen will paint.

Of course, not all thoughts can be drawn, but the steps and blueprints of the refining of the sacred artifacts that Li Su thinks of, this pen will accurately draw them.

On the side, Bai Ling watched curiously.

Mo Lin didn't speak either, just watched silently.

Although this little Jiaoren Loli was still a little depressed when Li Su beat her so badly back then, she didn't play petty temper or deliberately not cooperate in the face of the big situation.

If this is the case, she will not be able to become a god.

Not to mention, although Li Su beat her away, he finally returned the pieces of the sacred artifact to the Hai Clan, and now he is still running to help the Hai Clan.

In her heart, she naturally wouldn't resent Ji Su and the like.

It's just that I'm a little unconvinced, and I want to strengthen myself, and find a chance to compete with Li Su again.

This is normal.

She is a well-known genius among the sea tribe in Beihai, she became a god of transformation at a young age, and she is proud and arrogant.

But she fell so hard at Li Su's hands, which naturally made her depressed.

Depression is depression, this little Loli is now more and more curious about Li Su.

She also had to admit that Su was amazing.

Using Nascent Soul to fight against Huashen is still in her state of Huajiao.

After half a month of sailing, finally, the position of the first spiritual spring fell down.

Li Su walked down.

"Senior, this is the first spiritual spring. We specially sent people to guard here to avoid being destroyed by sea beasts."

A strong snake man came up and said.

This strong snake man was the one who was beaten and vomited blood by Li Su in the mermaid field. This guy is not convinced by Li Su now.

Li Su had beaten him to vomit blood in Nascent Soul back then, but now that he has become a god, he is naturally far from being an opponent.

There is indeed a Sea Clan Nascent Soul guarding it.

Li Su came to the top of the Lingquan and began to observe.

This spiritual spring is not big, only less than one square meter, but if you look carefully, the spiritual Qi in the sea is converging here in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles.

There is a feature in the sea, that is, no Spirit Stones mine will be formed.

After Spiritual Qi enters the seawater, it merges with the seawater.

But there are also spiritual veins on the bottom of the sea, but these spiritual veins are usually visible and move with the ocean currents.

After Li Su observed for several days, he began to throw down the formation flag.

Then, a space without water was opened up, and the utensils were refined.

In this way, a few months later, Li Su shot again.

The surrounding sea water trembled, and the spiritual spring slowly floated up, and was successfully taken away by Ji Su.

Of course, Li Su took the spring.

The method he used cannot be replicated by others. It is useless to come to a god to take away the spring, this thing is useless.

"Senior is really amazing!"

Seeing that Li Su successfully took away the Lingquan spring, all the strong people of the Sea Clan were a little excited.

This step was not easy, but Li Su did it so easily.

This lets them know,

Li Su has real talent and learning, and has real skills.

After taking the first spring, Li Su set off again.

After more than ten days, I came to the second spring. This time, it was much faster. In less than ten days, Li Su took the spring.

In this way, it took a year for Li Su to take all the Lingquan springs and return to the Holy City of the Sea Clan.

"My lord, everything is ready."

After returning to the Holy City of the Sea Clan, the old man in black sent other materials.

It seems that there are indeed quite a few treasures in the sea, and they were gathered so quickly.

So, on the square, Li Su started.

All water was emptied, leaving room for a Li Su to operate.

Li Su began to refine some parts and auxiliary things.

This process lasted for a whole year.

The reason why the sacred artifacts are called sacred artifacts is that their structure is relatively complicated, not one piece, but a combination of many Magic Treasures.

The Beihai Spring Eye needs not just one top-grade treasure, but a total of three pieces, and then a large number of components are combined.

All Magic Treasures also need to have commonality.

This difficulty is very great.

No wonder it took hundreds of years for the great master of refining equipment tens of thousands of years ago, together with a large number of refining masters, to complete it.

"Ink scale, give me ink stone."

"Bai Ling, give me the seven-color bamboo~"

Li Su kept giving instructions.

Bai Ling and Mo Lin became Li Su's little helpers, constantly cooperating with Li Su.

Outside, the powerful Sea Clan and a large number of people from the Sea Clan watched with anticipation.

Time passed bit by bit.

After half a year, finally, Li Su successfully refined a top-grade treasure.

In fact, this can only be regarded as half a piece, because it is an assembly, the function is actually not as complicated as a complete top-grade treasure.

A few months later, Li Su refined the second top grade treasure.

Now, Li Su is much faster.

In the end, it only took a little over a year for Li Su to refine all the necessary top-grade treasures.

Then, Jisu began to refine others.

After several months, finally, Li Su refined all the needed things.

Now, three years have passed since Li Su came to the Holy City of the Sea Clan.

In the past three years, the northern border has remained calm and nothing major has happened, otherwise Ji Su would not have been here forever.

Although it took so long, it was worth it in Li Su's opinion.

Refining holy artifacts is also a very valuable experience for him.

Otherwise, even if Li Su has the refining tool Cultivation Base, if he doesn't have any top-quality treasures as a reference, it will not be so easy to refine the top-quality treasures.

This is no ordinary top-grade treasure.

This Beihai spring was also given to Li Su Qidi.

Li Su might also be able to figure out a kind of sacred weapon, and he made a kind of sacred weapon in Xili's family.

Therefore, these three years are very worthwhile.

Time, Li Su is a lot.

Everything was refined well, Li Su clapped his hands.

Next, is the main event.

He was not in a hurry to assemble, but continued to polish these parts, and then deal with the original eye of Lingyuan.

This took another year or so.

Finally, it's the fifth year.


This year, Li Su used all his might to gather a large amount of energy.

The surrounding Sea Clan powerhouses also kept coming in and out one by one, injecting energy.

After the energy was extremely concentrated, Li Su let out a soft drink, and combined all the parts together.


With a sound of vibration, an unusually beautiful spring appeared in the middle of the square.

As soon as this spring water appeared, the surrounding sea water instantly became a little different, and an invisible wave spread out in all directions.


"It should be a success, great!"

"Senior is too good!"

In the square, all the sea people felt the formation of the spring, and cheered one by one.

Every Hai Clan looked at Li Su with gratitude and reverence.

Some sea girls even had questions in their eyes.

In the past five years, they watched Li Su reshape the holy artifact step by step!

The Great Master who used to be a refiner, led several decades of refiners, and used it for a hundred years, but Li Su only used it for five years.

Even if it is remodeling, it is very powerful.

"Grandfather, you have done us a favor of rebuilding Beihai, please accept our worship!"

Excited, the old man in black bowed deeply with all the people of the Sea Clan.

PS: Ask for a monthly pass, I wish you all a happy new year, everything Ruyi Scepter, family health, new year, prosperity, career, study, love and three harvests!.

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