Long Street

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Abai, don’t boil it up, go to sleep.

Jin Fubai is a generous lover. If you tell him to coax him, he will really make you feel his affection every moment.

Suddenly Xiang Yu heard his Cantonese liking, and was stunned in his arms for a while, and did not answer in time.

Jin Fubai didn’t say anything more, just bowed his head and kissed her and put her in the car.

That day, Jin Fubai drove the car and shuttled to the imperial city in the middle of the night. The lights of all the houses were silent, and only the lights of some large enterprises were still lit up dutifully.

Parking at the 7-11 convenience store on the road, Jin Fubai got off the car and bought two packs of sanitary napkins and warm treasures.

He put the plastic bag with the stuff in the back seat and turned to look at him from the co-pilot’s position, holding the back of the seat to Yu, and he stopped talking, as if there was something to say.


Xiang Yu rarely puts on a full set of makeup. She often simply puts on a base makeup and a little eye makeup and then a lipstick. This kind of makeup takes only 5 minutes.

At this time, it was around 2 o’clock in the night, and I slept in the hospital, almost taking off my makeup.

So when she raised her eyes, she always gave people a sense of childishness.

Jin Fubai’s eyes fell on her face and asked her, “What do you want to say?”

Xiang Yuting went round in a circle, “Jin Fubai, are you hungry?”

“Not hungry.”

Knowing that she wanted to eat, the man deliberately replied that he was not hungry.


Inhale deeply to Yu, “Then I will go by myself.”

She said that she was really going to the car door, with her hands on the handles.

Jin Fubai hurriedly stopped and pressed against the door of the car outside: “Stay honestly, what to eat, I’ll go buy it, it’s chilly outside, what are you doing here?”

“I want to eat oden! I want 3 skewers!”

At night, she was sitting in Jin Fubai’s car and eating oden, put a ball in and handed it to Jin Fubai’s mouth: “Would you like to try it, it’s really delicious.”

“Driving, don’t make trouble.”

“Have you guys never eaten oden from a convenience store?”


Xiang Yu expressed surprise at this, but Jin Fubai glanced at her: “I have also been 21 years old.”

But she actually couldn’t imagine that a noble person like him would squat at the door of 7-11 at the age of 21 and eat a whole oden.

Jin Fubai’s car drove into a hotel. Just looking at the decoration, Xiangyu knew that the owner of this hotel was probably the same person as the one in Changsha.

As soon as the hotel enters, there is a western-style little angel fountain in the Chinese garden.

The most funny thing is that the white marble statue next to the fountain is actually □□, making the overall theme of the fountain look a bit like “the toad wants to eat swan meat.”

Xiang Yu couldn’t help but laughed out of the cup of oden.

Jin Fubai seemed to know what Xiang Yu was thinking, and said, “This hotel and the hotel in Changsha are both owned by Li Qi.”

Hearing Li Qi’s name, she reflected for a few seconds.

At the dinner table, Xiang Yu didn’t pay too much attention to Li Qi. His impression of him was just “dressed like a Christmas tree”, “top is not fun”, and “excellent emotional intelligence.”

But when Jin Fubai said that, she recalled Li Qi’s outfit, and suddenly felt that the hotel’s taste was exactly the same as his outfit.

If Li Qi is the owner of the hotel in Changsha, it is no wonder that he would say when shaking hands with her, “I have heard of the name for a long time, and I saw it today as a beautiful woman.”

At that time, Xiang Yu was still very puzzled.

“Hear the name for a long time”?

Doesn’t Jin Fubai seem like someone who will put women’s names on his lips?

The owner of that hotel in Changsha is Li Qi, so he knew of her existence as early as July, and he had heard of it for a long time.

Perhaps he also checked the surveillance video through the convenient identity of the hotel owner, and saw how she met Jin Fubai in a nightgown at the front desk of the hotel.

Seeing Xiangyu remained silent, fearing that she would think of Li Mao’s words again, Jin Fubai turned to a new topic and asked her to choose a bedroom at will.

As in Changsha, he lived in a suite alone, with several bedrooms upstairs for her to choose from.

Jin Fubai probably lived here, he even put a change of clothes in the hotel room.

Xiang Yu said: “I will live in a room where no woman has stayed overnight.”


Jin Fubai glanced at her with a smile, and was very helpful to her such careful thinking, and then pulled her wrist, “You live next door to me, closer to me.”

He said to let her rest early instead of staying up late, and then went to the next bedroom by himself.

Jin Fubai gave her too much gentleness this night, which made her feel soft.

What kind of person will stay in a hotel all year round? Was it like she occasionally stayed at Tang Yuchi’s house, because she didn’t like the openness and quietness of the house?

After taking a hot bath, Xiang Yu sat on the edge of the bed wearing Jin Fubai’s new shirt. After thinking about it, she walked out of the bedroom with her pillow in her arms and opened the door next door.

Jin Fubai’s bedroom door was unlocked. He should have just smoked a cigarette, and the air was full of agarwood.

The light was not turned on in the bedroom, and the curtains were not drawn, only moonlight merged into the room from the window, illuminating his profile.

Jin Fubai sat on the bed with his upper body naked, raised his eyes to the door in the dim light, his voice was slightly sleepy: “Can’t sleep?”

There was a crystal ashtray by his bedside, several cigarette butts in it, a very large TV in the bedroom, and a few CDs on the DVD player.

Xiang Yu walked in with a pillow, naturally placed the pillow next to his bed, and then got into his quilt: “No, I will accompany you.”

Jin Fubai gave her a funny look, put his hand under the quilt, pinched her leg, and tried to pinch her: “Knowing what I can’t do with you, I’m deliberately torturing me, isn’t it?”

“I’m really here to accompany you.”

Xiang Yu moved some body, trying to avoid his hand, but he was wrapped around the waist and pressed into his arms.

They leaned against each other, and Xiang Yu could clearly feel the muscle lines in his legs.

Maybe she was too stiff, Jin Fubai chuckled lightly, in a narrow tone: “I won’t touch you, why are you nervous?”

The doctor has said that it cannot be done at this time.

Jin Fubai kissed her for a while, breathing was not messy, he only held the person in his arms, and put his palm on her lower abdomen through the shirt: “Go to sleep, it’s not too early. I won’t go to work tomorrow. ”

Xiang Yu felt the warmth of his palm, and suddenly felt that if this evening passed, it would be difficult for them to have such a simple and tender moment.

She won’t be in her menstrual period every day. The next time she lay on his bed, some things would definitely happen.

So she looked at Jin Fubai with a pair of eyes bright: “Are all the CDs on your bedside movies?”


“The serious one? Or something else?”

Jin Fubai put his lips on her auricle: “Guess.”

He was probably sleepy, his voice became more lazy, and he couldn’t tell whether it was intentional or unintentional. When he spoke, the tip of his tongue swept lightly on the auricle.

Xiang Yu’s eyelashes trembled, and he did not flinch, but he was able to answer him: “I guess all of them.”

That night she was full of energy, and she got up and picked a Hong Kong movie to play. Jin Fu Bai was very sleepy, so she still hugged her to watch the movie.

“Money Empire”, not too old, the first two or three years of the movie, there are many big names in it, and the plot is not bad.

Xiang Yu saw the protagonist played by Eason Chan sitting in a car and handed a white handkerchief to the woman beside him.

The woman took the handkerchief and touched it, and found a huge diamond ring inside.

The male lead said that he has nine wives in his family, but he has never talked about a relationship.

He yawned to Yu, and even thought to himself a little teasingly:

Will Jin Fubai get married in the future and feel that he has never been in a relationship?

She laughed, and Jin Fubai, who had closed his eyes and was asleep next to him, was awakened, his eyelids piled up too tired: “Aren’t you sleepy?”

Xiang Yu turned around and put his arms around his neck, and said in a very non-standard Cantonese: “A Bai, I also like you.”

Her tune is a bit strange, and she has some Taiwanese accents.

And the word “Abai” is like the name of a pet.

Jin Fubai closed his eyes again, pulled her back into the quilt with a smile on his lips, and touched the remote control to turn off the TV: “Don’t go to bed, go to sleep.”

After that day, Jin Fubai went abroad and did not come back for more than a month. He said that the elderly at home was in poor health and needed more accompany.

They talked on the phone occasionally. Jin Fubai did not make mistakes about jet lag like her parents did, and never called when she was working.

Often during lunch breaks or on the way to work when she got up early, sometimes interrupted her to play a lot of gluttonous snakes. She would also be lucky to call his name on the phone: “Jin, Fu, Bai.”

At this time, the person on the phone chuckled, knowingly asking: “What’s the matter?”

At the beginning of December, there was a light snowfall in the emperor city. Xiang Yu wore a white down jacket and walked on the way to work.

When she talked to Jin Fubai, she asked, “When will you be back?”

“miss me?”

Xiang Yu didn’t say a word, Jin Fubai said, “Maybe after the Spring Festival.”

“After the Spring Festival?”

Xiang Yu took the phone out of his pocket and looked around. “The Spring Festival is in February, so it will take two months for you to come back?”

Jin Fubai was at night and it was very quiet. He still had the same problem: “I’ll go back sooner if I think about me.”

Xiang Yuzui said: “I don’t want you. If you come back only 2 months, then I have to find someone to accompany me on Christmas, New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day.”

Jin Fubai’s laughter came out on the phone, mixed with the cold wind roaring in the cold winter of the imperial city, the slightest ears.

Xiang Yu heard him say, wait, it won’t let you have this kind of opportunity.

In fact, only Xiang Yu is the only one who leads a peaceful life. Jin Fubai took her to eat and play everywhere. It has been spread in circles for a long time. Even when he is abroad, people often ask if there is a woman around him recently.

Jin Fubai laughed and never responded positively.

Many things changed after they were passed on, and by the time they reached Tang Yuchi’s ears, they had already been copied more than 800 times.

The degree of explosiveness has also increased by more than 800 levels.

On the second weekend of December, Xiang Yu was sleeping at home and received a call from Tang Yuchi.

She lazily put the phone to her ear, and heard Tang Yuchi yelling at her in a calm voice: “Xiang Yu, get out of me and see if I will kill you for your godmother and father!”

Xiang Yu was quite dazed, and sat up for half a minute.

Doing the math, I have been dragged by the company to work overtime every day, and it has really been a long time since I saw my godfather and godmother.

Even though she is guilty, she is not guilty, and there is no need to kill her, right?

She didn’t speak here, Tang Yuchi’s roughness kept coming from her phone, and it sounded like he was going to die of anger.

Xiang Yu suddenly remembered that in the evening a few months ago, Tang Yuchi carried Jin Fubai’s shirt and said to let her stay away from him.

“…Is it because of Jin Fubai?”

Tang Yuchi was so angry that his voice was trembling: “Xiang Yu, you are so capable. I said why you didn’t even show your face during this period. I heard that he even found you the most authoritative professor of gynecology to help you abort the baby?!

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