Long Street

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 If you return home, you don’t die seriou

The rain that day was not heavy. Compared to the heavy rain in Changsha when they met last summer, it was not worth mentioning.

It’s just that the patter was so dense that it wet Jin Fu’s white face, his hair was pushed up to the top of his forehead impatiently by himself, exposing his forehead, and his shirt was stuck to his skin in the rain.

Embarrassed and anxious, but it also makes people unable to fail.

Standing in the congested traffic, Xiangyu waved and jumped and called him: “Jin Fubai! I’m here!”

Just a sound, Jin Fubai looked back suddenly, looking straight over.

Through the misty rain, they looked at each other on a strange street abroad. They reunited after a long time, so their eyes were more lingering than the rain.

Xiang Yu watched Jin Fubai throw the police megaphone in his hand back to the police, and strode towards her.

He pulled her wrist and prepared to leave, only when Xiang Yu came back to his senses: “I haven’t paid the fare yet.”

Standing in the rain, Jin Fubai exchanged a few sentences with the taxi driver in a foreign language, took out the wallet and paid the fare.

He turned and hugged towards Yu, crossed the noisy traffic, passed the sound of police sirens, passed the rain screen, and gently put her into the car.

Jin Fubai was always silent as the car drove out of the airport road.

In the elevator of the hotel, Xiang Yucai went over and hooked his finger, tentatively asking: “I am here, are you unhappy?”

Jin Fubai looked back, his eyes fell deeply into her eyes, and he said: “I heard that there was an accident with a Chinese on the airport road, and thought it was you.”

Before he could say anything, he grabbed her waist, and Xiang Yu almost fell on his chest. He just raised his head, and his lips were blocked by his kiss.

In a foreign country, this hotel is probably not Li Ju’s property. The decoration style is very simple, and Xiang Yu is not used to it for a while.

Jin Fubai didn’t live in a suite, but it was surprisingly spacious. Xiang Yu was held by him. He took off his shirt soaked in rain and came over.

Xiang Yu turned and turned his back to him, but felt that Jin Fubai’s skirt was pushed up to his waist, and he hugged her from behind.

That is probably the craziest of all love affairs.

Afterwards, they hugged each other and lay on the bed. Jin Fubai got up on the white long dress that was wet by the rain. He squinted and asked Xiang Yu: “In Changsha last year, did you wear this one?”

Xiang Yu was exhausted and nodded weakly and said yes.

During the four months that Jin Fubai was away in China, although he did not meet, he talked or sent messages almost every day, but he didn’t want to meet and there were so many topics to talk about.

They stayed together in the middle of the night, telling Yu to Jin Fubai about the trivial things in her ordinary life, talking for a long time, and then suddenly stopped: “These trivialities, do you sound boring?”

Jin Fubai chuckled in her ear: “It’s very interesting, you keep talking.”

Maybe it was because he was infected by Xiang Yu. He also said something about his family’s business. He didn’t understand Xiang Yu even though he didn’t understand it.

But she was very quiet, listening carefully only remembered Jin Fubai’s sigh in the night. He said that the inability to return to heaven is probably the way she feels now.

In the early morning, Xiangyu was a little stunned to sleep. Hearing the phone ringing by the bed, he subconsciously picked up the phone and put it in his ear: “Who?”

There was an old gentle old man on the phone. The old man coughed a few times, his voice was full of surprises, and he said something in Cantonese.

Xiang Yu woke up suddenly, holding the phone at a loss.

Fortunately, Jin Fubai came out of the bathroom at this time. She looked like a catastrophe. She was crying and holding her mobile phone, and said to him with an agitated voice that it’s no good. I received a call from your family, like your grandmother. , Cantonese, I don’t understand…

Jin Fubai didn’t have any special emotions. He smiled and took the mobile phone in her hand and spoke a few Cantonese to the person on the phone.

When he hung up, Xiang Yu asked nervously, “Is it your grandmother, did she say anything?”

Jin Fubai, the hooligan, put on a nightgown loosely after taking a shower and deliberately changed clothes in front of her.

As he slowly buttoned his shirt, he smiled and said, “It’s nothing, my grandmother asked if you were her future grandson and daughter-in-law, and asked you to sit with her if you have time.”

Xiang Yu was taken aback: “Then you should come down?!”

“The future grandson-in-law, aren’t you?”

He said this love story so beautifully, he beat Yuxin fiercely a few times, but he didn’t respond again.

After that day, Jin Fubai didn’t have so much time to accompany Xiang Yu.

Jin Fubai abroad is also not the same as in China. Sometimes when he drinks water at night or goes to the bathroom, he will find that Jin Fubai has returned.

Maybe because he was worried about waking her up, he didn’t come to bed to sleep, he was wearing a formal suit and leaning back on the sofa with his eyes closed.

His eyebrows were always frowning, and there seemed to be thousands of strands of melancholy.

And all his melancholy, never let her participate.

Xiang Yuhui leaned over to sit on his lap at night and helped him untie his tie.

Often at this time, Jin Fubai would suddenly open his eyes, full of hostility and defensiveness.

He saw that it was Xiang Yu, his eyes softened again, looked at her affectionately, pulled up a piece of tie in her hand, kissed her lips and wrapped the tie around her wrist: “Why, want to stimulate Is it?”

During that time in bed, he had a kind of unspeakable fierceness, Xiang Yu was tossed so hard, and finally he was too lazy to even the hotel door, eating in the hotel restaurant.

He spends very little time with her, but never ignores her.

One day, Xiang Yu was sitting in the restaurant. A waiter spoke with her in a simple foreign language, saying that Mr. Jin had arranged lunch for you.

Xiang Yu didn’t expect that the lunch that Jin Fubai arranged for her was actually cooked in the bone broth she was obsessed with when she was in Changsha.

Opening the soup cup, the fragrance was delicious, and she took a spoonful of it to taste, the taste was exactly the same as she remembered.

She didn’t know whether Jin Fubai invited the cook to come abroad or what other methods were used.

For a moment, she remembered “Yiqi Hongchen concubine laughs, no one knows that it is lychee”.

It is also an ancient poem by Du Mu, saying that in order to win Concubine Yang’s happiness, Xuan Zong traveled far and wide to send fresh lychees to Concubine Yang.

Xiang Yu thought a little bit jokingly that he was treated as a “concubine” once.

She sent this message to Jin Fubai, and Jin Fubai took the time to return to her and said, are you so promising? Just want to be a noble concubine?

Later, I ate the soft and waxy hibiscus lace on the side of the taro and reflected on it.

One is to reflect on how you think you are a noble concubine?

The second is to reflect on yourself. After more than ten years of school, how can you remember some verses that seem to contain “gossip” after graduation, and you can’t even memorize the entire poem?

She was thinking about it, and a shadow was cast on the table.

Xiang Yu raised his eyes and saw a man standing by his table in a suit and leather shoes, with the face of an Asian compatriot.

The man looked at Xiangyu and smiled, and asked politely: “This lady, can you make a table with you?”

She is sitting at a two-person dining table. Does this man want to sit opposite her and have a meal?

Obviously the restaurant is only half full, so what is the table?

Xiang Yu had just eaten the hot bone soup hibiscus flower, and his mind was filled with satisfying comfort. He was not alert for a while, thinking that this man was just an ordinary hitman.

So she propped her cheek with one hand, put down the silver spoon with the other, swayed her fingers, and refused casually: “Excuse me, there is someone here.”

The man turned a deaf ear to her refusal, pulled the chair away and sat down opposite Xiang Yu, “I heard, you live in 404?”

Xiang Yu also realized that the man in front of him might not be simple when he said the room number.

She glanced at him calmly, and could not see his purpose, so she could only ask, “What then?”

“It’s nothing then.”

The man laughed, with fine lines stretched around his eyes, which looked harmless, but his words were sharp, “Miss Xiang, what is your relationship with Jin Fubai? Are you his lover?”

If Xiang Yu is more sensitive, he should realize that his name is Jin Fubai.

Not Mr. Jin.

There are many diners in the restaurant of the hotel. They watched too many movies about the spy war. They glanced at the direction of the safety exit and said, “No, I’m Jin Fubai’s girlfriend.”

Jin Fubai’s preference for many days gave her courage. When she said this, she did not show a guilty conscience, on the contrary, she was not humble or humble.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly unexpectedly and was silent for a few seconds before spitting out a foreign language with a smile.

It’s like ridicule, but the irony is heavier.

Xiang Yu is not good in foreign language, but she understands such simple words.

What he said is true love?

When most people encounter this, they are either on the verge of an enemy or find it annoying.

But Xiang Yu didn’t have any special emotions. She was still drinking soup, taking a slow look. She only glanced at the man opposite, nodded, and said with certainty: “Bingo, we are true love.”

Xiang Yu will not affect his mood because of other people’s deliberate words and deeds.

What’s more, she was experiencing the life of a “concubine” today, and she was drinking the bone soup Mujinhua that Jin Fubai had brought from more than 10,000 kilometers away.

Can I not smoke it if I am swollen?

The man on the opposite side spoke several times, as if he couldn’t see the taro, scooped the soup to his lips, and ordered the snake to play.

The man might not have thought that Xiang Yu had such a calm temper. After a while, he suddenly smiled: “No wonder Jin Fubai likes you. It’s really interesting.”

He talked about men’s interest in women very frivolously, and didn’t even raise Taro: “Listen to your tone, you have no object, right?”

“People like us don’t need an object, understand?”

“Understood, there is no pitiful person who really loves.” Xiang Yu continued to play with Snake Snake and said.

The man finally stopped sitting down, got up and walked to Xiangyu, leaned in, lowered his voice and said in her ear: “Miss Xiang, if you say true love is abandoning the family and betraying relatives, I can’t agree.”

Xiang Yu’s greedy snake hit her to her tail. She took her phone back and smiled, and said with a bright expression: “Who wants your dog to come with you?”

That may be a very rare sharp moment in her 22 years of life.

There are also lonely people who are not deeply involved.

It was many years after that, when Xiang Yu accidentally saw a familiar face on TV, he knew that he was the heir of a well-known domestic company, whose surname was Chu.

It’s just that at that time, she didn’t know the young President Chu better, but his younger sister, Chu Linlang.

When Jin Fubai came out of the villa, the sky was already dark. He was going to the hotel to find Xiangyu, and he casually found an excuse to go out.

After not taking a few steps, the driver followed up: “Mr. Jin.”

“What? Grandma hasn’t fallen asleep yet?”

“The old lady fell asleep, it’s about Miss Xiang.”

Jin Fubai tilted his head: “Say.”

“In the afternoon, there was a little accident on Miss Xiang. Chu Jue found Miss Xiang. I don’t know what Miss Xiang said.”

The Chu family has been interested in marrying the Jin family. Chu Jue finds Xiang Yu, and it’s weird if he can say anything good.

Based on this situation, Jin Fubai always felt a little uneasy on the way to the hotel.

Pushing open the door of the hotel, Xiang Yu was in the lobby.

She knelt down on the sofa, leaning on the back of the chair and looking at the scenery outside the window.

He asked the hotel staff to move the sofa to the window. Xiang Yu has always been playing games in the hotel these days, and he is worried that she will be bored.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful crown-shaped tree outside the window, and the scenery is not bad.

She lay by the window, looking at the moonlight outside, her hair was blown by the breeze when she looked back, and her eyes were stained with the color of the lights outside the window.

She smiled at him Yingying, Jin Fubai was silent for a moment, thinking she was going to say something, but she only said: “Jin Fubai, the moon in the sky is so beautiful, like cut nails.”

Jin Fubai laughed unexpectedly, and leaned in to kiss her from behind: “I met something unhappy in the afternoon? Why don’t you tell me?”

Xiang Yu put a soft voice in his kiss: “No, I only met an irrelevant person.”

After a pause, she said, “Bone soup hibiscus is delicious. It’s a pity that you are not here. This is the most unhappy thing for me today.”

There was a lot of tenderness in her eyes, enough to soothe all Jin Fubai’s impatience with life.

Jin Fubai twisted the buckle on her back through her clothes and put her hand in it: “I may have time tomorrow afternoon, so I can take you out for a walk?”


“If I don’t accompany you, you won’t go out? I’m not afraid of being suffocated in the hotel, so lazy?” He said twirly.

Xiang Yu smiled in his arms: “I am here to accompany you, not to travel. I don’t want to go out if you are not here. It has nothing to do with being lazy.”

But the next day, Jin Fubai still had no time to come back to accompany her.

For the whole day, Xiang Yu had no news of Jin Fubai in the hotel.

He came back late at night, wearing a black suit with a black shirt underneath.

Like a night killer in a movie, he quietly opened the door of the hotel, walked in, and sat on the sofa.

Xiang Yu slept restlessly that day. It may be that he drank too much coffee while playing games in the afternoon, and he could not enter deep sleep.

So Jin Fubai came back, even if the movements were light, she felt it.

Instinctively, he was in a very bad mood, heavier than the late night when it was raining outside the window.

Without turning on the light or wearing shoes, Xiang Yu walked to Jin Fubai in the dark and snuggled into his arms: “What’s the matter?”

He was covered with Ye Lu’s coldness, and she pressed her warm body to help him keep warm.

For a moment, she felt like the wife who had been married to him for a long time.

Jin Fubai hugged her waist, rarely took the opportunity to wipe the oil, only buried his head in Xiang Yu’s neck, his voice dumb like a patient with a severe cold.

He said, “Xiang Yu, stay with me for a while.”

Jin Fubai smoked half a pack of cigarettes that night, but remained silent.

Xiang Yu accompanies him until the sun rises to the horizon outside the window, and the sun shines slightly through the lush canopy into the hotel room, and Jin Fubai takes out his mobile phone from the pocket of his trousers.

It turned out that his mobile phone was turned off all the time, and many calls and messages flooded into it at the moment it was turned on.

Xiang Yu didn’t close his eyes all night, his mouth was a little dry, and he licked the corners of his lower lip before asking him: “Jin Fubai, let me change the ticket and stay with you for a few more days?”

Jin Fubai kissed her on the forehead: “No, I can’t spare time to come over these few days. Go back to China and wait for me.”

Jin Fubai didn’t take her to the airport personally. When Xiang Yu packed himself, he had changed into another all-black suit and was wearing a tie.

After getting dressed, Jin Fubai took Xiang Yu’s hand and comforted him simply: “Trust me, don’t think about it, wait for me to go back.”

Xiang Yu turned around and kissed his profile face on tiptoe: “Okay, I’ll wait for you.”

At that time, Xiang Yu didn’t know what happened to Jin Fubai.

It wasn’t until a week after returning to China that she used her computer to scan the news at the company, and only happened to see an obituary:

The co-founder and chairman of a Fortune 100 company, xxx, suffered an emergency abroad and the rescue was ineffective. He passed away unfortunately at the age of 85 on June 31, 2013.

June 31st was the date she returned to China.

Xiang Yu typed the unfamiliar name of the deceased in the obituary on the search engine and saw the life introduction of the deceased old man.

The above said that she is from Cantonese.

In the encyclopedia introduction, there are photos of the old man when she was young. She dressed in a formal suit and sat with a few men, her eyes sharp and determined, as if she was a strong woman.

The sharp inner corners of her eyes looked very similar to Jin Fubai.

But Xiang Yu heard her voice, gentle and kind.

When he was at the hotel that day, Xiang Yu answered Jin Fubai’s call.

The old man spoke softly in Cantonese, asked if she was Jin Fubai’s girlfriend, and asked her to sit there with her.

Unexpectedly, such an old man would suddenly die.

But Jin Fubai didn’t disclose it to her about the loss of a close relative.

His most fragile and gloomy moment was just smoking a cigarette and staying up all night.

Fortunately, she had the opportunity to be by his side that day.

Xiang Yu suddenly regretted that he could not stay abroad for a few more days to accompany Jin Fubai.

It’s already late summer to see Jin Fubai again.

At that time, Xiang Yu managed to relax at the company. She sat in front of the computer at the front desk all day long, and couldn’t stand her shoulders and necks. Jin Fubai was not in the country and had a lot of free time. She simply went to buy a tennis court card. Go play tennis when you have time.

Once I had dinner with Tang Yuchi, he sent her over. At the entrance of the tennis court, Tang Yuchi raised her jaw: “Hey, a woman hit her shirt with you.”

Xiang Yu drove out of the car curiously. It was a coincidence that he saw a girl who had asked her about the clothes brand at Li Chi’s in the winter, the one with Xiao Xingyan.

Xiao Xingyan was waving goodbye to a man, smiling very sweetly.

In a blink of an eye, she saw Xiang Yu getting off the Tang Yuchi car, Xiao Xingyan seemed to want to say hello to her, but she shyly retracted her hand as if he was concerned about something.

The girl didn’t pay attention to her face for a while, and her smile became a little uncontrollable.

Still Xiang Yu took the initiative to speak to her: “Meet again, today we have the same clothes.”

Xiao Xingyan’s eyes lit up, like a little sparrow, who jumped over and talked to Taro: “I found this dress in the shop where you gave me a big brand. The clothes in this shop are really good-looking! You! Come to play tennis too?”

“Ah, you too?”

“Yes, yes, I also came to play tennis.”

Xiao Xingyan was very excited, “Last time I talked to you, a few sisters said I shouldn’t talk to you, saying that you would be annoying.”

“Why am I bothered?”

“Because Mr. Jin…”

Xiao Xingyan hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, “Because Mr. Jin is too tall, I followed Mr. Qu, and I had to talk to him at the same position as Mr. Qu, otherwise it would be bad for him. Someone would say him behind his back. …..”

“President Qu, is the one who sent you here just now?”

Xiao Xing nodded with red eyes and ears: “Well, others are very nice. I bought me a bracelet today.”

She stretched out her thin wrist, and a chain of broken diamonds gleamed on it.

Maybe it was because I often met Xiao Xingyan when playing tennis. There were gradually rumors in the circle that Xiang Yu had finally “fallen out of favor” and was abandoned by Jin Fubai and could only mix with some “low-grade goods”.

Xiang Yu had heard of these vaguely, but she didn’t care.

The only thing that worries her is that at the end of August, Jin Fubai finally returned from abroad.

After playing tennis to Yu that day, he turned around with a racket and suddenly saw Jin Fubai sitting on a chair in the rest area with his legs wide open, drinking half of her mineral water.

Xiang Yu ran all the way and grabbed the water bottle: “What do I drink after you have drunk?”

Jin Fubai’s eyes were full of smiles: “I will rush to see you when I get off the plane, and I won’t even drink my saliva?”

“Why are you back today? Didn’t you mean next week?”

“I miss you so much, I’m back.”

Xiang Yu was held by him and sat on his lap. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that Jin Fubai had lost a lot of weight.

She remembered the temperatureless obituary, the night when he was smoking in silence while abroad, and the news that he died carrying his relatives but never showed weakness.

Xiang Yu’s eyes were red, and he called him: “Jin Fubai.”

This person didn’t want to complain to her at all. He rubbed her buttocks and looked down at her tennis skirt: “The ball is not playing very well, but the clothes are pretty decent.”

Xiang Yu suffocated all the tears, and hit him: “Why are you so nasty! Forget it if you are not serious!”

Jin Fubai smiled and leaned to her ear: “You just jumped up, guess what I saw?”

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