Long Street

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Saw her staying at a friend’s house toda

After the flight finished taxiing, Xiang Yu left the plane with the people. Her checked luggage hadn’t arrived yet, so she could only wait at the baggage carousel.

The phone rang several times after it was turned on, and several messages squeezed in. There were “Welcome to Ride” messages sent by airlines, and there were also spam advertisements.

The only useful message was sent by Tang Yuchi.

He came back from abroad, and just today, he said he would let her pick up the plane.

Tang Yuchi and Xiang Yu have not been in contact these days. He probably thought that Xiang Yu had finished the journey and returned to the imperial capital a few days ago. It was only natural to ask her to pick up the airport. He asked her in the message very intimately. It would be boring to return to the emperor. ? Anyway, you are not in a hurry to find a job, wait for me to take you there!

Tang Yuchi’s international flight did not arrive until one in the afternoon. After taking his suitcase from Yu, he strolled around the airport.

Reunion and farewell everywhere, but more passengers just go through the registration process indifferently or walk through the exit silently. How can there be so much sentiment and reluctance?

It was really boring. I chose a coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee from Yu. The location of this coffee shop is just beside the exit of International Arrival. You can see Tang Yuchi as soon as you come out.

A few hours are actually easy to pass. There is a power supply next to the table for charging. Snake eats casually and kills the time.

When the neck becomes sore after playing, he stretched his waist to Taro and put down the phone.

A small plane landed on the tarmac outside the window, which looked like a private jet. A woman in a rose-colored stewardess uniform ran down hurriedly, holding a file bag in her hand.

Xiang Yu thought: It’s the rich again, and there are private jets.

When Tang Yuchi came out of the international arrival corridor, Xiang Yu had already drunk three cups of coffee, but Tang Yuchi, a person who had not fallen into jet lag, looked vigorous.

Tang Yuchi rushed over in three steps, put his arm on Taro’s shoulder, looked at the coffee on her table, laughed and said, “Just miss me? You asked you to pick up the plane so early?”

Xiang Yu was staggered by him, and turned to hit his arm: “What came early, I only got off the flight in the morning. I took a taxi home and then came back and couldn’t make it, so I just waited here for you, waiting for a few hours!”

“That’s not guilty.”

Tang Yuchi’s gaze was still lingering on the coffee cup that was emptying the taro, and he asked with a dazzling expression, “Is this brand of coffee good?”

“taste not good.”

Those who grow up together in kindergarten will have a tacit understanding that no one else will have.

Turning to Yuchi and seeing the wandering look on Tang Yuchi’s baby face, he immediately guessed that he was thinking of Ansui.

Tang Yuchi and Ansui have been in intermittent love for 5 years. This time they broke up for the longest time, but I can’t tell if they broke up or the cold war, or they just wanted to be free for a while. .

Every couple has their own way of loving each other, and Xiang Yu feels that she doesn’t need to worry about this.

When Tang Yuchi asked again, “Have you drunk hazelnut latte?” Xiang Yu almost concluded that Tang Yuchi would look for Ansui within three days.

She put the suitcase on the Tang Yuchi luggage rack and replied: “I still like instant coffee.”

Tang Yuchi laughed at her: “The instant coffee smells like sesame oil, what’s so good?”

“I like it, 50 pieces for 40 yuan, and a red coffee cup.”

“That cup doesn’t look good! Why are you here?”

“If you don’t use it to drink water, you can use it as a pen holder or a tooth cylinder. Red is auspicious. What’s wrong.”

Tang Yuchi walked a few steps with the luggage cart, and was shocked by the taste of Xiangyu. Even Ansui couldn’t even think about it: “Xiangyu, you won’t be the kind because buying two barrels of yogurt can give you a bowl. The kind of person who buys two buckets of yogurt to kill him?”

“Yeah, I might buy four buckets and drink them slowly in the refrigerator, swapping the two bowls.”

“Buy eight barrels! Four bowls!” Tang Yuchi shouted.

This is obviously to raise the bar, Xiang Yu is actually not tepid, and he thinks very seriously for a moment: “It is also possible. Bowls that are not used can be placed in the community to feed the cats.”

“…Are you trying to **** me off?”

“You are so angry!”

The two of them have been used to it since they were young and grew up.

Out of the airport, Tang Yuchi and the taxi driver said, “Master, take a shortcut and drive quickly. We are starving to death.”

During the conversation between Tang Yuchi and the driver, he glanced at Yu behind him.

As the airport traffic came and went, a black Benchi turned on the fork behind them and drove to the right.

I don’t know if she is dazzled, and vaguely feels that several of the license plates are “4”.

Xiang Yu had lunch at Tang Yuchi’s house. Tang’s father and Tang’s mother liked Xiang Yu very much. He treated Xiang Yu as his daughter and served her a lot of dishes.

A beef ball has not been swallowed. Garlic scallops and prawns have been put on the taro dinner plate. She covered her lips and bulged her cheeks and said vaguely, “Thank you, godmother, godfather, I will do it myself.”

“Don’t pick her up, what should I do if I become a fat pig.”

Mother Tang used chopsticks to hit Tang Yuchi: “Shut up and eat! The taro is so thin that it can float up when the wind blows. How can you get fat and become a pig? You won’t be able to speak for a few years when you have been abroad.”

Tang Yuchi snatched a prawn from Xiangyu’s plate: “I think you two have regretted giving birth to me more and more after going abroad for a few years. It is enough to have a wife.”

“That’s right, it’s better to be taro.” Mother Tang said.

Xiang Yu also likes Tang Yuchi’s family, because Tang’s father and Tang’s mother are the kind of people who “no matter how much money they make, they are the most important in the family”.

When Xiang Yu and Tang Yu were in Chishang Junior High School, Tang’s father had a chance to enter a larger platform. He refused in order not to become a marriage in another place.

Xiang Yu’s parents couldn’t do this, and Xiang Yu rarely saw them.

There is only a nanny at home.

After eating, Tang Yuchi changed his clothes and was very excited: “Go to Yu, let’s play!”

Go shopping and play around in the video game city. Even Tang Yuchi, the restaurant booked for dinner, finds a restaurant where he can sing while eating.

There is a square table horizontally in the private room, and in front of Xiang Yu is a big screen and a karaoke machine. In addition to eating, this shop looks no different from KTV.

Xiang Yu suspected that this place was originally a KTV, and only hired a cook when it couldn’t keep running.

But the steak rice is really delicious.

Tang Yuchi ordered a song “Those Years” and sang it very seriously.

That was the song in the youth movie “The Girl We Chased Together” that hit last year. The movie Xiang Yu was watched with Zhao Yanmo.

She sighed when she was at the cinema, but Zhao Yanmo said: “This cinema is so profitable. A movie ticket costs 40 yuan and you have to buy some popcorn. Just the price of the popcorn. .”

“I wanted to conquer the world,

It was only when I looked back at the end that

Every bit of this world is you. ”

Tang Yuchi sang emotionally, and took a bite of steak rice to Yu while sitting in the singing. It was not Zhao Yanmo and “The Girl We Chased After Those Years” that he remembered.

She remembered the scene where Jin Fubai helped her pick up her broken hair and tuck it behind her ear.

Some regrets can’t stand the memories.

When it happened, I didn’t feel very deeply. It was like saying goodbye to Xiang Yu and Jin Fubai at the airport, and they walked in a cool manner.

At this moment, Xiang Yu was in the noisy music, and was trapped in the memories of the previous days.

Memories have plated a layer of gold on some subtle emotions, the more I think about it, the more regretful I can’t ignore.

Tang Yuchi finished singing a song, drank a whole can of beer, turned his head and looked at Xiang Yu: “I didn’t see how uncomfortable you were when I was broken in love. It’s been more than a month. What are you doing with a sigh?”

He paused the music on the big screen, “Don’t you want to get back together with Zhao Yanmo’s grandson?!”

Xiang Yu’s thoughts were interrupted by Tang Yuchi, and he looked at him in confusion for a while: “Who? Zhao Yanmo?”

“…It doesn’t seem to be him anymore, Xiang Yu, did you gain a lot from this graduation trip? What’s special you have encountered?”

“I bought a ceramic vase, it looks pretty, I will give it to you.”

Tang Yuchi wrinkled his nose and looked disgusted: “You know I’m not talking about this.”

Seeing Xiang Yu didn’t speak, he curled his mouth, “Well, don’t ask, I don’t dare to tell me what kind of man I like, I will always be on your side, when you saw Zhao Yan Mo, haven’t I broken up with you?”

Xiang Yu didn’t feel any mood anymore and continued to play, ready to go home.

The driver of the Tang family came to pick them up, and Tang Yuchi drove the door to Yu on behalf of him: “I can go back to my house, my parents are looking forward to you all day. There is no one in your house, so Aunt Chen keeps the vacant room alone every day and makes a call. Aunt Chen said it.”

“Yeah.” Xiang Yu took out the phone.

When I dialed, I was thinking that they didn’t even leave each other’s phone calls.

The regretful person is not just Xiang Yu. At night, Jin Fubai got out of Li Ju’s yard and got into the car.

Li Qi leaned against the car and knocked on the window: “Brother Jin, there is news from Changsha. I asked you about it. Do you still have to?”

“Bring it.” Jin Fubai rolled down half of the car window and stretched out his hand.

“Hey? Then I can’t give it to you in vain. My brothers will settle accounts, but I will help you do a big thing. You can’t do something for your brother?”

Jin Fubai snorted, “What do you think of me again?”

“The last time I gave you the bottle of brandy, I got it. I like wine. You don’t know.” Li Qi rubbed his hands.

It’s pretty beautiful. The bottle of brandy is a limited edition set with diamonds and is worth millions.

Jin Fubai smiled and tickled his palm: “Take it if you like it. Give me what I want.”

Li Qi put a sticky note printed with gold leaf in Jin Fubai’s hand.

He watched Jin Fubai’s expression, hesitated for a moment and still said: “Brother Jin, it’s been two years now. Are you feeling emotional at this time…”

Jin Fubai said lightly: “I have a sense of measure.”

When the car drove out, he looked at the sticky note in his hand again, Li Qi’s hand drawn horrible characters like a ghostly drawn talisman, drew a string of numbers.

It is the landline number dialed to Yu in Changsha Hotel.

In those few days, the heavy rains were severe, and the phone signal was good and bad. One night, she knocked on the door of his bedroom. She wore a linen skirt printed with gardenias, and stood at the door of his bedroom with her face unconscious and asked him if it was okay. Use the landline to make a call at home.

He said: “Please.”

I closed the bedroom door and vaguely heard a call to Yu, saying that the weather in Changsha was bad and the flight would not be able to fly, and I would go home in a few days.

Jin Fubai asked Li to find out the phone number he dialed to Yu that day.

The car was not fast or slow, driving at night in the emperor city where the lights were everywhere, Jin Fubai took out his mobile phone and pressed the landline number to Yu’s house.

It was a woman who answered the phone, and Jin Fubai said politely that he was looking for Yu.

The woman said, Xiang Yu was living at a friend’s house today.

After hung up the phone, Jin Fubai glanced at the night, with an anxious expression.

When Xiang Yu and Tang Yuchi returned to Tang’s house, the guest room had been cleaned up for her.

Tang Yuchi grabbed the door frame of the guest room and yelled, “Xiang Yu, what about your vase, didn’t you say you want to give it to me, take it out and let me have a look.”

Xiang Yu rummaged through the suitcase and took it out.

The ceramic vase with the forearm length is pure white, without any impurities, and looks very ordinary.

Tang Yuchi jokes together: “What is it, hahahaha, it’s so ugly, it looks like it was stolen from an express hotel.”

“According to that, it looks like you.”

Tang Yuchi was about to fight back when he saw a black shirt in the suitcase: “Is this the shirt you picked up?”

In fact, Xiang Yu had already washed this shirt, but when he returned it to Jin Fubai, he confiscated it, and only smiled and said she was better-looking.

Tang Yuchi picked up his shirt and glanced at it for a few moments, then suddenly frowned, “Xiang Yu.”


“Have you… met Jin Fubai?”

Suddenly hearing Jin Fubai’s name, Xiang Yu was at a loss for a moment, but Tang Yuchi showed an unprecedented serious tone: “I have seen it or haven’t I seen it?”

“I have seen it.”

Tang Yuchi frowned: “Stay away from this person.”

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