Longevity and cultivation of immortality in the last days begins with having many children and many blessings!

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Li Changqing was also relieved to hear Zhao Zhilin’s explanation, if it was the big family of the Chaoyang Base, Li Changqing would be a little nonsense.

After all, provoking this kind of family is not in line with Li Changqing’s way.

Zhao Zhilin also seemed to see Li Changqing’s scruples, and chuckled and told Li Changqing that she was a member of a small family, saying that the family had nothing to talk about, but the family had surplus wealth.

Now, Mai Ghost Xiangshu also told him that the other party’s family was not large, and Li Changqing took Zhao Zhilin’s hand with confidence and watched carefully.

Zhao Zhilin’s earlobes were slightly warm, and Li Changqing stared at Zhao Zhilin’s palm: “Hey, your life expectancy is very long, well, not bad, your current situation can be regarded as internal and external troubles.”

“Someone in the family colludes with outsiders and wants to occupy your home, well, this should be regarded as a desperate family.”

Li Changqing calculated, his hand did not move, he was a serious calculator!

Li Changqing spoke again: “Oh, this person who betrayed you is someone you are very close to, and has been with you for five or six years.” Zhao

Zhilin listened to Li Changqing’s words, quickly thought about it in her mind, and found a person, but that person would definitely not betray her!

At this time, Li Changqing frowned and said: “This person seems to be unfavorable to the people around you, he seems to have taken out some things and got rid of some people, and you trust him very much.”

Zhao Zhilin suddenly withdrew her hand and looked at Li Changqing coldly: “You are wrong, that person will definitely not betray me.”

Li Changqing was stunned and said with a smile: “My physiognomy can’t go wrong.

Zhao Zhilin frowned: “Then can you show evidence?”

At this time, Zhao Zhilin had long forgotten about Li Changqing’s liar, and the matter of putting Li Changqing in the ninth prison, and she looked at Li Changqing.

Li Changqing lay down: “Want evidence?” That’s a lot of money.

Zhao Zhilin said lightly: “It’s not bad money.” ”

Lying groove, Li Changqing was calmed, and such a rich woman?

“Okay, I’ll do the math for you.”

Li Changqing pinched his fingers and said: “In the east, that person is called Cao Zhaoyi, it should be your henchman, it is she who betrayed you, the evidence tonight, there will be colluding outsiders in her room, you just go and take it down.”

When Zhao Zhilin heard this, she took a deep look at Li Changqing: “Good.” How much?

Li Changqing put up a finger, and Zhao Zhilin said, “It’s not expensive, but if there is no result, I will come to you.”

Li Changqing smiled: “No problem, you!” ”

Zhao Zhilin dropped a hundred credits to leave.

Li Changqing looked at the money, and then at Zhao Zhilin, “Eh, slowly, to give you another sentence, you don’t drink anything that person gave you tonight, and there is more than one person who wants to harm you, you will know tonight.”

Zhao Zhilin was stunned and nodded, Li Changqing shook his head and got up directly and took something to her.

“Okay, take it, this thing is for you, a hundred credits is really worrying.”

Zhao Zhilin looked at the thing in her hand puzzled, it was a grass that Li Changqing pulled on the side of the road, Zhao Zhilin left and threw the grass on the side of the road.

She didn’t believe that Cao Zhaoyi would harm her!

Li Changqing muttered in the back: “It’s worthy of being a rich woman, I just want ten credits.” Eh, if you don’t listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss in front of you.

Zhao Zhilin paused slightly, almost clenching her fists and turning around.

Li Changqing hummed the song and went back, and the single ended, as for Zhao Zhilin, she didn’t listen, and Li Changqing couldn’t help.

A hundred credits, it’s not worth him to save people.

Isn’t it just a woman, Li Changqing on the road to eternal life, he is destined to send away many people.

Relatives, friends, enemies ….

will turn into white bones.

Li Changqing is adapting to all this, and he is also changing his mentality and finding a way to keep Cheng Xiyan and them.

Zhao Zhilin also returned to her house, in the most central area of the Chaoyang base.

“Zhilin, you’re back.”

When Zhao Zhilin came back, a fair lady came up, she was Cao Zhaoyi.

“Naw, this is the soup I made for you, stay up all night, come on, while it’s hot.”

Cao Zhaoyi said enthusiastically.

Zhao Zhilin nodded, Cao Zhaoyi is a very lively person, Xiong is brainless, for Zhao Zhilin, Cao Zhaoyi is a very important person.

Zhao Zhilin did not believe what Li Changqing said.

“It’s just an ordinary person, I can’t let him disturb my mind.”

Zhao Zhilin thought in her heart.

Zhao Zhilin sat down to drink the soup, and Zhao Zhilin felt more delicious than before.

In the evening, one thing after another arrived, which made Zhao Zhilin a little bored.

She wanted to go out for a walk.

“Chief, are you going out?”

The guard outside the hall seemed to be a newcomer and asked.

Zhao Zhilin shook her head, looked at the scenery for a while, and went back to work again.

The night is getting darker.

Everything is calm.

The new guard seemed to turn around every once in a while.


Zhao Zhilin walked on the road and came to the outside of Cao Zhaoyi’s house, looking at the figure inside, her steps were slight.

“She has already eaten something…” Zhao

Zhilin pushed the door and walked in.


The next day, in the ninth prison, Li Changqing looked at Lu Yi, who was covered with peach wood.

“Hey, Xiao Lu, what are you doing?”

Li Changqing pulled the peach tree branch on Lu Yi’s head that was like a deer antler and asked with a smile.

Lu Yi looked distressed: “Isn’t this bad luck, Brother Li, is there a way to get rid of it directly?” Seeing

Li Changqing shaking his head, Lu Yi’s face was as bitter as a bitter melon.

At three o’clock, Li Changqing Shiran came to the small market in the south of the inner city and found Zhao Zhilin waiting for him with a woman.

“Oh, here, I thought I wouldn’t see you.”

Li Changqing sat down and opened the stall.

Zhao Zhilin saw a smile on Li Changqing’s face: “Thanks to Mr. ‘s help, the internal worries have gone.” Zhao

Zhilin said with internal worry, the woman’s eyes behind her moved slightly, looking at Li Changqing, she was actually called Mr. by Zhilin?

What is this man capable of?

Li Changqing nodded: “That’ll do.”

Zhao Zhilin couldn’t help but ask, “Doesn’t Sir want to know what happened last night?”

Li Changqing lay down and shook his head: “No, I don’t want to do it at all, I don’t want to mix the affairs of your big family at all.”

Zhao Zhilin was slightly stunned, and said with a smile: “Where is a big household, it’s just a little inheritance.” At

this time, Zhao Zhilin was already convinced of Li Changqing, Li Changqing was a superior person!

Last night, everything was as Li Changqing said, Cao Zhaoyi colluded with the people of the Wolf Tooth Base!

To make a move on her!

Zhao Zhilin couldn’t help but kill.

Zhao Zhilin said slowly: “Sir, I came this time to ask you how to solve your external troubles.”

Li Changqing smacked his lips: “External troubles.”

Li Changqing raised a finger and shook it.

Zhao Zhilin nodded: “I know, it’s still a hundred points no problem.”

Li Changqing shook his head: “No, I mean I have to add money!”

Zhao Zhilin’s face became strange, and Cao Zhaoyi behind her moved slightly, wanting to step forward, but was stopped by Zhao Zhilin.

“No problem, as long as it can be solved.”

Zhao Zhilin said boldly.

Li Changqing snapped out a book.

Zhao Zhilin looked at Sun Tzu’s art of war.

Zhao Zhilin flipped through and saw the last page, the biography of Wu Zetian and the biography of the ruthless female emperor.

Zhao Zhilin looked at it, groaned slightly, and turned back to the front.

Sun Tzu said:

Soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of death and life, the way of survival and death, must not be ignored.


Zhao Zhilin closed the book and stood up abruptly, “I want this book!” ”

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