Looking After a Battle God With Hundreds of Billions in Supplies

Chapter 6

Up the Mountain to Collect Supplies

Xiao Jin’s eyes flashed with a cold sneer. Su Ying indeed put in a lot of effort to get close to him back then. Even he couldn’t tell that she practiced martial arts. How could Xiao Jue give up such a good hand so easily?

Xiao Jin glanced sideways at Ji, who was sleeping soundly in Su Ying’s arms and hid the killing intent in his eyes. Since Su Ying wanted to pretend, he would take advantage of this time to recover from his injuries. It wouldn’t be too late to take her life when she revealed her true colors.

With this thought, he slowly closed his eyes again.

The group did not stop at noon to make up for the delays. The bailiffs were worried that the prisoners would all die before they could leave the country. After the sunset, they found a place to rest at the foot of a mountain and distributed dry food rations.

Su Ying also went to get some food to avoid suspicion. She wasn’t afraid of these people but didn’t want to attract unnecessary trouble.

The mountain behind them was very high, and the forest was dense. To prevent attacks from wild beasts, she didn’t rest near big trees at the foot of the mountain. Instead, she found a grassland with a broader view and released Xiao Jin and Ji from her body, placing them on the grass.

Su Ying was also tired but had to take care of Ling first.

Ling had been following her for the entire day. A few times, she was so tired that she almost cried. However, she pouted her little mouth and did not let her tears fall.

Su Ying carried the kid in her arms and removed her faded shoes to treat the blisters on her feet.

Ling was exhausted and had no energy left. She leaned on Su Ying’s chest, and her eyelids grew heavier.

“Good Ling, don’t sleep yet. Eat something first.” Su Ying took food from her interspace and placed it near her mouth.

The little kid was hungry and sleepy. She instinctively opened her mouth to eat when she sensed the lovely smell. Nevertheless, she fell asleep completely before she could swallow the last mouthful.

Su Ying’s cold gaze softened when she saw Ling sleep soundly with pouted lips.

After sticking the heat pack on Ling, she placed her on the soft grass and got up to check on Ji.

Ji had been unconscious all day. She had already given him two injections, but he still had a low fever.

Su Ying took out a glucose solution and fed it to Ji bit by bit to maintain his bodily functions. She also fed him some anti-swelling drugs and painkillers before walking to Xiao Jin.

Just as she reached out, she met with a pair of eyes like a deep cold pool.

Her hand stopped mid-air, then turned to put the dry food, medicine, and water bag to the side.

“It’s good that you’re awake, saving me from having to feed you.”

With these words, she ignored him and returned to the two kids. She sat down and took out some dry food from her clothes to eat.

Today, Su Ying gave Xiao Jin medicine. After taking it, he slept on Su Ying’s back all day and recovered his spirit a little. He propped himself up and sat, looking at the black pill and dry food on the ground. His cold eyes didn’t waver as he picked up the dry food and ate it.

Su Ying saw him eating from the corner of her eye, but she didn’t pay him any more attention.

After she was full, Su Ying sat cross-legged and adjusted her breathing. This method was taught to her by a comrade from an ancient martial arts family. Her current body was too weak, and she couldn’t use it. As a decisive warrior during the apocalypse, she couldn’t accept that she couldn’t kill a bull with one punch!

The night grew deep, and the surroundings fell into silence.

Su Ying slowly exhaled the foul air in her body. After regulating her breathing, she felt even more energetic than waking up from sleeping.

She looked at the mountain under the moonlight. Dense vegetation covered it. There must be a lot of wild animals in the forest.

Su Ying licked her lips at the thought of delicious meat.

After the apocalypse, there were no longer any domestic animals for consumption. Wild animals had become the spoils of war that people yearned for. Now that there was a mountain full of wild animals in front of her, how could Su Ying miss this opportunity to fill up her interspace?

After all, she wasn’t familiar with the terrain of Chu. It was highly likely that opportunities like this were hard to come by and not to be missed.

Su Ying stood up and patted the three of them. She then took out some medicinal powder and scattered it around them. The powder was poisonous. Whether it was a human or a beast, anyone who got close to it would die without a doubt. She patted them for them to inhale the antidote.

After making the necessary preparations, Su Ying used the darkness of the night to avoid the patrolling bailiffs and sneaked into the mountain.

She didn’t notice that Xiao Jin opened his eyes as soon as she left.

He looked in the direction that Su Ying had disappeared in. Su Ying, you’re so eager to reveal your fox tail.


Su Ying suddenly sneezed as she entered the mountain. She didn’t know who was talking about her at her back so late at night.

She triggered the mechanism in her bracelet and entered the interspace. She took a sharp dagger, a tranquilizer gun, and a hand lamp from the storage rack on her right, then came out.

The further she went up the mountain, the lower the temperature.

Under the hand lamp’s light, she found a brown bear’s footprints under a tree. She followed the prints down and came to a cave.

The footprints disappeared before the cave, so the brown bear was probably hiding inside.

Su Ying picked up a rock and threw it at the entrance.

The sound alerted the brown bear in the cave.

Soon, a stinky smell filled the air.

Su Ying smiled. Her prey was out. She turned off the light, hid behind a tree, and raised the tranquilizer gun aimed at the bear.

Without waiting for the brown bear to react, the tranquilizer needle went into its body.

“Three, two, one.”

The brown bear fell to the ground with a thud.

Su Ying walked out, satisfied. The dagger in her hand glowed a silver light in the night.

Su Ying quickly drained the bear’s blood and stripped it of all its fur. She then cut it into pieces and put them into her interspace.

Time in the interspace was halted, so there was no chance the raw meat turning bad.

By the time she was done with the brown bear, it was already past midnight. Su Ying hunted some wild rabbits and pheasants before heading down the mountain.

Just as she reached the mountain foot, she heard a strange movement behind a big tree in front of her.

“What are you guys doing?”

“Ha. What are we doing? I’m saving food for the bailiffs, of course. Kill him.”

“You’re sent by Xiao Jue. Oh!”

Su Ying didn’t want to be a busybody, but she stopped when she heard the name “Xiao Jue.”

Xiao Jue was the scumbag who took advantage of her. If his sweet words hadn’t deceived her, she wouldn’t have been so stupid as to murder her husband. Although ‘she’ was the stupid one first and couldn’t blame anyone else, this Xiao Jue was not a good person.

Su Ying turned around and walked behind the tree. She saw two men throwing stones at the person on the ground.

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