Lord Futian

Chapter 110 - All thoughts

“Damn, it’s a bunch of lingering guys.” A faint complaint came from the gloomy underground.

In the wilderness, in front of the burning wooden house, surrounded by more than three hundred martial artists who were dispatched from various empires, arranged by family organizations, or spontaneously came from the Star-Moon rank and above.

These warriors surrounded the front and back of the wooden house, and no matter what rushed out of it, they would be wiped out in the first place.

When they received the news, there was already a fire here, and they didn’t know if there was anyone inside.

Looking at the raging fire, a few fire-attribute martial artists came forward and prepared bravely to take a closer look to see if there was anyone inside.

But other people were afraid that they would grab the merits, and they all disagreed, and some even ridiculed them.

After a quarrel, everyone decided to ask a few water martial artists to put out the fire in the house, and then everyone would use their own ability to explore the situation inside.

The people stopped the dispute, and then several water-type warriors walked out of the crowd and surrounded the fire house. They formed a water jet. Suddenly heavy rain poured down on the roof, and the fire in the room was extinguished in a short while.

After the fire was completely extinguished, everyone went inside and found two corpses inside. According to the inspection by warriors with this experience, the two deceased were a man and a woman. Everyone suspected that the two corpses were Yelanglang and Yemohe. .

But because of being burnt by the fire, his skin was scorched and it was impossible to recognize his face.

Although they were just two burnt corpses, it was still possible that they were the target they were looking for, so everyone began a fierce battle.

Water attribute warriors said that the water was put out by them, and the corpse should belong to them. Other warriors naturally did not agree, so a fierce debate began.

At this time, Yelanglang and Yemohe, who were hiding in the ground, were almost out of breath. The underground air was too thin. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they would not be able to support it for a while, they would have been able to survive until now. Of it.

They only stayed here for less than a day. They originally thought it was remote and hard to find. Xingchen Pavilion would not find them so quickly. At least they could stay safely for a day or two. How could they know that the money came so quickly that they almost didn’t have it? Time to escape.

So the two strangled the old couple who let them stay here temporarily. In order to create the illusion of being burned to death by the fire, they set fire to the house just before everyone arrived, so that everyone thought they were dead. These are the two people they have been chasing.

I thought they would leave with their bodies. Who ever thought they would start a dispute here.

The cave where the two of them hid was temporarily opened with their own martial souls. After all, they were not martial artists of the earth-attribute martial souls, and could not walk freely underground. Even if they could move forcibly, they would inevitably be noticed.

When everyone was arguing, an older warrior stood up and said: “Now I haven’t even figured out the identities of these two people. What are you fighting in?”

“Zhao Qian, where are you talking coldly, do you dare to say you don’t want it?”

“Of course I want it, but I want the real Ye Lang Lang, not two useless corpses.”

A word awakened the dreamer, and the people who had just been fighting for the corpse instantly calmed down.

After deliberation, it was decided to send the two corpses to the nearest Xingchen Pavilion branch for identification. After confirming that the identities were correct, they decided how to distribute them.

Immediately everyone left with the corpses mighty.

In order to ensure safety, the two of them who had been in the ground for a long time held on for a while before they got out of the ground.

The rainwater that extinguished the fire infiltrated into the soil and stuck to the two of them together with the soil, making the two of them look very embarrassed at this time.

“Damn it, these **** will be suffocated if they don’t leave.” Ye Linglang said, breathing heavily.

Ye Mohe gave him a white look and said: “Are you so embarrassed to say? Isn’t it your fault?”

“The two are finally willing to come out.” A sudden sneer came, and a voice came from behind a boulder next to the wooden house.

The two of them shook suddenly and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

But when one person walked out of the stone queen, it was Zhao Qian who had awakened everyone just now. I don’t know when he quietly left the team, hiding behind this stone and waiting for the two.

“You…you didn’t leave? Who are you?”

“In the Northern Ming Empire, Zhao Qian, deputy commander of the Shenqi Guarding Battalion, on the order of our country’s lord, you must capture the two and hand them to the Star Pavilion.”

Ye Langlang sneered: “The Beiming Empire also wants to come and mix in this muddy water? It seems that the information of Xingchen Pavilion is really tempting. How did you know that we are underground?”

“First, I am a Martial Spirit martial artist with native attributes; second, I am calmer than them.” Zhao Qian said slowly while walking towards the two of them, while continuing: “Are you going to follow me obediently, or do you want to I will catch you.”

Ye Linglang hummed: “First, if you want me to follow you obediently, you shouldn’t persuade them to leave so early. When we are suffocated underground, then persuade them to leave, you will be able to effortlessly persuade them to leave. Get what you want. Second, since we have come out alive, it is impossible to obediently go to death with you, so you are actually not calm enough.”

Both sides are masters, and now relying on Dao is the confrontation between momentum and momentum.

Whether it is oppression in strength or gain in words, it can cause a great psychological burden to the opponent and affect its performance. Ye Linglang knew this well, so he pretended to say lightly.

When Zhao Qian heard the words, he smiled and said: “You have such a strong desire to survive, will you be obedient and willing to stay underground and be suffocated? If you can’t hold on, jump out before they leave, then they will be another one. There is fierce competition, I’m not so stupid, I can share with others what I see.”

Ye Linglang’s complexion changed slightly as expected, and his momentum was immediately shortened. He couldn’t help clenching his fists as he watched the opponent approaching gradually.

“Wait, I know that the Beiming Empire has always wanted to move south, but it is subject to the threat of the Shenyue Empire and the Tianyang Empire, and has never dared to act rashly. I have a way to help the Beiming Empire tear up the line of defense between these two countries. “

“any solution?”

“Take me to see the North Hades, I will naturally tell him.”

Zhao Qian coldly snorted: “Take you to see the king? Humph, do you want me to be chased by the world warrior with you? Besides, taking you away will definitely offend the Star Pavilion. When the Beiming Empire’s situation is only It will be even more difficult, let alone a plan to advance south.”

After Zhao Qian said, he waved his hand, and history has built a dungeon around the house.

The ground around the house also began to shake fiercely. During the shaking, the ground around the house gradually cracked and finally separated from the earth.

“They must go to the branch of Lin Mucheng in the north. Now I will take you to the Xingchen Pavilion in Xiancheng. If you don’t want to suffer, you’d better stay inside.

After that, he raised his hand again with a wave, and the dungeon that trapped the two of them rose off the ground, following his command and drifting towards the direction of Guixian City.

It doesn’t matter if what Yelanglang said is true or not, it doesn’t matter to him, as long as he can deliver Yelanglang to Xingchen Pavilion, he has already done a great job. There is no need to take risks for what the other party says is not true or not.

Before that, he had already learned through Xingchen Pavilion that Ye Langlang’s strength was only around the sixth level of Xingyue, and he had reached the fourth level of the starry sky, and he was fully capable of winning the opponent.

When a person is too confident about something, he often neglects some things that he can see before his eyes.

A flaming sharp blade suddenly passed through his stomach, burning his internal organs without mercy.


Amid the horrible howls, the dungeon that was floating and traveling above the mountain suddenly fell down, hitting a mountain and smashed to pieces on the spot.

“You…” At the moment of landing, Zhao Qian, who was flying over several feet, looked at the black-robed woman who was standing right in front of him at this time with a surprised look: “You… Are you a star warrior?”

The other party slowly pulled down the cap cloth on his head, revealing a face with delicate features and extremely high looks.

But in her flashing blue eyes, it was full of cunning and fierceness, and people couldn’t help but feel a little bit cold in their hearts.

Cold…relenting…extremely…, that’s the most intuitive feeling she gives people.

“Starry sky level 2, the safe distance you leave is only enough to make you instantly aware of star-moon-level military attacks, but if you want to defend against starry sky-level attacks, you must at least double it.”

“I obviously tested your martial soul.”

“Everything you can detect is what I want you to detect.”

“Do you also know’shu’?”

Ye Mo Heyin smiled coldly and said: “‘Skill’ is my specialty. My’skill’ is to confuse opponents and make enemies underestimate me. There should be all these news in Xingchen Pavilion. Unfortunately, you are still not careful enough. Calmness is not enough. I guess you only asked for my brother’s information, but ignored my information.”

Ye Lanlang also stepped forward and said with a smile: “What are you talking about with him, his internal organs have been burned by you, and now any Xingyue martial artist can kill him, kill him, we have to hurry up Go find the next place to hide.”

Ye Mohe said: “What are you anxious about? Can he still run away like this?”

Zhao Qian wanted to stand up on his back, but as long as he moved a little bit, there would be tearing pain from the internal organs. At this time, the corners of his mouth had begun to ooze slightly, which was a manifestation of the increasing internal organ injuries.

“I advise you to stay still, the more you want to move now, the worse your injury will be.” Yamohe slowly walked over to him and said.

“What do you want?” Zhao Qian began to waver.

Ye Mohe smiled and said, “As we said before, cooperate, we want to cooperate with the Beiming Empire.”

“You dream, Xingchen Pavilion will not let you go.”

“Hahaha, Xingchen Pavilion has cut off the news of the North Underworld Empire for seven years. The North Underworld Empire has not been well, nor has it been taken over and annexed by other countries. Even if you offend the Xingchen Pavilion this time, you can What a loss?”

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