Lord Futian

Chapter 157 - Land of immortality

After the voice was silent for a while, he sighed and said, “That is also his life. We can only wait for the next Primordial Divine Body to fall into the dust. In short, we have no other way.”

The old man lowered his head and did not speak any more. His eyes flickered constantly. He seemed to be thinking about ways to deal with this problem, but he seemed to be unable to think of a better way, so the frown became tighter.

“You don’t need to think about it anymore. If there is a better way, I won’t come to you.” The voice sounded again.

The old man pondered for a moment and said, “You want me to tell him how to pass through the earth veins?”

The voice hummed and said, “You are the only one who can help him now.”

“Actually, the degree of difficulty in passing each ground vein is the same, but the degree of danger is different, some are fatal, some are not fatal, he has the ability to break through the first two ground veins, I believe he can also break through in the back.”

“But if the order is wrong, his danger will double. You don’t want this to happen.”

The old man pondered for a while and asked, “Who instructed him to wash the three marrow channels? Almost no one has been to the far north again a long time ago, and there are very few people who know about it, except for those of us. Besides, it is impossible for anyone in the world to know.”

“It’s a spirit, a sword spirit that has existed since the beginning of time immemorial.”

The old man smiled and said: “So, it’s no wonder, but since there is such an ancient and powerful spirit to guide him, what are you worried about?”

“Because there is one thing that even this spirit does not know.”

Hearing the words, the old man put a smile on his face, and frowned again: “You mean… the place of protection?”

“Yes, Qingdi was originally a formation eye, but with his sacrifice, this formation eye has changed accordingly. Following his sacrifice, it turns into the tenth ground vein. If Li Qingniu passes through the land of dry sun Afterwards, go directly to the land of the wind, then he will never return.”

The old man pursed his lips for a moment and said, “How long did he use the first two veins?”

The voice replied: “Each of them is less than four hours each, plus the rest and the time to find the earth veins, it’s not more than two days.”

“So fast?” the old man murmured.

“Yes, so now except for me, only you may be able to catch up, and it is inconvenient for me to come forward, so…”

The old man interrupted the voice and said: “Okay, I know, I will go immediately, but I may not stay here anymore, otherwise it will cause disasters for this place. After I leave, please help me. Aftermath.”


The old man nodded, stood up from the chair, and found a package under the haystack where he was sleeping. Inside was a new piece of clothing and a few strange objects, some of which looked like weapons. Some look like special props for array formation.

After holding and changing the tattered clothes on his body, he slightly closed his eyes and closed his eyes, bursting out the whole body, covering all the objects in the room.

Everything in the room moved again to form another formation. I saw the old man jump into the middle of the formation, muttering something in his mouth, and after pinching a few mantras, the whole person suddenly disappeared.

After he left for a while, suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the night sky, and a sky fire came down. The old man’s hut was instantly damaged by a huge thunder, and a raging fire ignited from the inside to the outside in an instant.

People who heard the sound of thunder and came out to check the situation saw the old man’s house suddenly bursting into flames, and they gathered around to try to put out the fire.

However, there are too many clutters in the house, and the roof is mostly flammable vegetation. There is also a lot of hay in the house. As soon as the fire started, it was already blazing, and no one could be approached. Everyone had to watch the old man’s house buried. In the fire.

“Hey, this old man is pitiful enough. He has been lonely all his life, and he can’t die well when he grows old. It’s really no eyes.”

“Yeah, if it is a young and strong guy, he might be able to escape, but he is ill and has limited mobility. He can’t escape even if he wants to escape. Tomorrow morning, wait until the fire stops and see if he can pick up some burns. For the remaining ashes or relics, help him build a graveyard, help him, and dust.”

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, feeling sorry to hear the tragic fate of the old man.

At this time, Li Qingniu’s physical strength had almost recovered, and he began to follow Mr. Jian’s guidance and began to rush to the land of Qianyang where the next vein is located.

“Master, the heaven and the earth are long and the yin and yang are intertwined, and the land of dry and yang is the place of extreme yang. The reason why you have to pass through the land of Kunyin is to get the power of the yin channels first, and then you can absorb the power of the yang channels and provide you with a breakthrough The power of the earth, you have to remember that they are living together and living with each other. Without one, they may become heretics.” Mr. Jian finally reminded him before disconnecting from Li Qingniu.

However, these are the conclusions that Mr. Jian has drawn based on the deductions he has heard. As for the specific effects, Li Qingniu has to verify it himself.

Li Qingniu was ready, and after adjusting his state, he drove himself into the light group.

This time, Li Qingniu did not feel the heavy fall, but slowly fell, and did not feel the sensation of being torn apart. The moment his feet landed steadily, Li Qingniu felt that he did not feel a vein in the first two places. The warm feeling of being there.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a piece of light tomorrow. Although there is no vitality, there is no lifelessness. There are unchanging clouds floating in the sky, and the warm but not hot sun sprinkles the sun all over the earth.

There are trees, flowers, and rivers here…

However, there are no fallen leaves everywhere, and the birds on the branches repeatedly sing the same melody; all the flowers are just buds, no one blooms; there are no fish playing in the river, just like the stagnant water in the same pool, but the water is clear and bottomless, not like ordinary stagnant water. Muddy and dull.

The flowers are still there in spring, and the birds are not surprised when they come.

Li Qingniu suddenly remembered these two poems for some reason.

Just when he was new to everything here, there was a loud voice in the distance, Li Qingniu turned and looked behind him, only to see a fortress standing far away, crowded inside and outside the gate.

A group of people were sitting together under a tree outside the city, seemingly discussing something fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Li Qingniu walked to check. It turned out that everyone was gathering around two chess players discussing the footwork they had just taken.

Thinking of the old man in the previous fantasy land, Li Qingniu couldn’t help being slightly surprised, and took a step backwards quickly, as if he was afraid that he would be caught in the chess game and would not be freed.

His actions attracted the attention of everyone present, and everyone turned their heads to look at him, looking up and down at Li Qingniu with a strange look.

Li Qingniu took the opportunity to look at the crowd, but saw that these people ranged in age from 20 to 60 or 70, and they were all men and women.

Watching their clothes, although the fabrics of the clothes have different levels of new and old, the styles of the clothes are rarely seen by Li Qingniu. He only feels that the styles of these clothes look very old, but he does not know the specific age. And got it.

The eyes of these people were peaceful, even when they saw him as an outsider, they didn’t show any hostility, all they were filled with was curiosity.

“Are these people all the ancient warriors who came here before?” Li Qingniu thought to himself.

But if you are a warrior, you should be able to feel the unique aura of a warrior from them. Unless you deliberately converge, it is difficult to hide the extraordinary aura.

It may also be that they have lived here for too long and have hardly ever used any force with others, and gradually hide this kind of aura. Even their eyes are full of harmony and no sharp light. Li Qingniu really can’t believe this. People are all high-ranking warriors who have been all the rage for a while.

“Young man, are you also here to pursue longevity?” One of the old chess players put down the chess pieces in his hand, turned his head to look at Li Qingniu, and said with a gentle smile.

“Changsheng?” Li Qingniu frowned and murmured.

At this moment, a middle-aged man who was originally watching chess touched his chin and said: “It has been a long time since no newcomers have joined here. Think about Xiaohao who came here last time, but that was ten thousand years ago. Thing.”

“Wannian? You’re afraid you didn’t wake up, I see… at least one hundred thousand years have passed.” said a beautiful-looking woman next to her.

“Ah? Has it been so long? Hahaha.” The middle-aged man said, smiling awkwardly.

Li Qingniu pondered for a while and said, “I’m not here to seek longevity. I’m here to seek strength.”

At this time, another old chess player also put down the chess piece he was holding in his hand and looked at Li Qingniu, with a sharp tone in his eyes and said: “Oh? Seeking strength, that is, you want to pass through the ground veins here?”

As soon as he said this, all the people present who were still kind-looking suddenly changed their eyes with murderous intent. The eagle-like gaze pierced Li Qingniu’s body, making him feel the oppressive feeling of sitting on pins and needles.

Looking at those people at this time, it seemed that the manner of belonging to the warrior was re-uppered in an instant, where there was still a gentle aura of just now.

In the blink of an eye, several people moved like a phantom and surrounded Li Qingniu. Everyone’s eyes burst into light, and the whole body exuded the atmosphere of a warrior, as if they would not hesitate as long as Li Qingniu answered a wrong word. The shot is sniped.

“You are all martial artists trapped here, don’t you want to leave here?” Li Qingniu couldn’t help feeling surprised at their reaction, and couldn’t help but frown and asked.

“Leave here? Hahahaha, don’t you know? This is the place of longevity in the legend. In order to obtain longevity, whoever did not find this place after all the hardships, let us leave, wouldn’t it mean that we should die? ?” The man who had just spoken sneered.

Only at this time did Li Qingniu finally understand what kind of place this is. This is a temptation to use longevity to trap those who come here to stay here forever, so that they can’t leave or don’t want to leave.

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