Lord Futian

Chapter 173 - Through the fire

Seeing the four walls of fire coming for his life, Li Qingniu knew that even if he could be supported by the golden light of his body for a while, it would not be a long-term solution after all.

Moreover, the energy of fire can overcome gold, and in such a space where the five elements are affected by the mutual growth of the five elements, the consumption and speed of metallic spiritual power will be increased several times more than that in the case of mutual restraint.

Li Qingniu closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes. Without a thought, he actually removed all the golden light of the body from the surroundings, and then triggered the fire-attribute martial spirit in his body to envelop the whole body with his own fire energy.

At this time, the wall of fire coming from all around had restricted Li Qingniu’s range of activities to a space less than three feet square.

Li Qingniu discovered that as the scope of the fire wall continues to shrink, the extra fireballs will retreat to the outside of the wall on a regular basis, and re-wrap a layer on the periphery. On the one hand, the smaller the space, the fewer fireballs are needed, and the extra fireballs will come out. The fireball will inevitably be squeezed aside. On the other hand, these extra fireballs form a large package on the outside, so that even if the people trapped inside use their own strength to break through the first wall of fire, there will still be outside. The second floor and the third floor are waiting for him.

And when the excess fire wall is squeezed out, there will be a very short gap between these fireballs and the fireballs. Li Qingniu spotted the timing of the gap and drove his body through the gap at the fastest speed.

Then I used the same method to pass through the second and third floors, and this time, the fireballs did not seem to find his trajectory, but continued to shrink the space where the fire wall converged, until the fire wall completely came to an end. All of the fireballs merged together to form a huge fireball, and these fireballs finally stopped moving.

If someone is caught in the center and burned by such a huge and amazingly hot fireball, no matter how strong it is, it will not escape the fate of being burned to charcoal in the end. Let’s not talk about the light energy of the body protector. How long it lasts, but just the powerful heat energy of so many fireballs gathered together, it is enough to burn people into charcoal through the body protection divine light.

With lingering fears, Li Qingniu couldn’t help but sighed for a long time. Fortunately, he didn’t use the golden light of the protective body to resist.

At the same time, he also won a bet. Fireballs are fireballs after all. It is impossible to really have wisdom. The reason why they know how to arrange formations for siege and other strategies is only because the setter of the ground here gave them some relevant instructions. That’s it.

To allow them to execute instructions normally, it is necessary to provide special conditions as a basis for their judgment.

Li Qingniu judged that since their goal was to burn all objects, that means they could sense any object except fire and set it up as a siege.

After realizing this, Li Qingniu relieved himself, and the golden light of the protective body wrapped his whole body with its flames, forming an aura similar to the fireballs here, in an attempt to avoid the siege of these fireballs.

When he flew out of the gap surrounded by fireballs, seeing that those fireballs didn’t immediately change their formation, and surrounded him again, Li Qingniu knew that he was betting right.

Until the fireballs were completely surrounded, they thought they were burning the foreign objects they had just discovered.

It should have been preset for him before. How long the strongest can survive under this kind of fire energy, and how long they should hug and burn together in this way, unless this is a new foreign object entering the space. It is possible to redirect them to the past and launch a new offensive.

There is a constant flow of fire energy here, so Li Qingniu does not have to worry about insufficient fire energy in his body in a short time.

But even so, it is impossible to spend it here forever, there are still many things outside waiting for him to do, and the little food left in the space does not allow him to spend it here for a long time.

He must now try to find a way to get through here as soon as possible. Li Leiqing roamed around in this space with flames, looking for possible opportunities.

But besides the countless fireballs floating in the air and the boundless sea of ​​fire below, there were almost no other objects.

After trying to find no results, Li Qingniu suddenly increased the intensity of the flames around his body again, and his whole body was hurt in the flames. From a little distance, he could almost only see a ball of fire, and he could not be seen at all. People.

After intensifying the flames to the point where it could not be further increased, Li Qingniu suddenly descended, submerged his entire body directly into the sea of ​​fire below, and was sinking rapidly and rapidly all the time at the fastest speed.

The sea of ​​fire is not only boundless but also bottomless. Li Qingniu didn’t know how long it took to fall before he felt the heat around his body gradually weakened.

Li Qingniu opened his eyes and saw a steaming cloud and mist beneath the sea of ​​fire. Several hills loomed between the clouds. Between these hills there were flashes of thunder and lightning from time to time, and the roar continued.

Li Qingniu closed his figure and landed on one of the highest mountains, observing this strange space.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise that sounded like thunder, but a little dull like thunder, coming from the valley. This sound carried a powerful force that made Li Qingniu’s eardrums hurt.

Feeling the unusual sound of thunder, Li Qingniu frowned and flew towards the place where the thunder was coming from.

After approaching there, Li Qingniu landed on a hill next to him and looked down. However, the clouds and mist in the mountains covered it, making it impossible to see what was happening below.

So Li Qingniu had to open his eyes again, penetrating the clouds and mist, Li Qingniu saw a huge, bizarre behemoth covered with golden scales, lying motionless underneath.

Because the body is too long, its body can only stay there winding and winding among the mountains, unable to move freely.

Although he only saw a part of his body, Li Qingniu felt that the body of this strange beast looked extremely similar to the legendary dragon.

Although among the wild beasts, there are also many wild beasts with the word dragon in their names, such as the hydroid dragon scale beast that Li Qingniu once fought with, and the flying pterosaurs and earth dragons that the sea sand used to ride. Beast and so on.

But these are not dragons in the true sense. Some are just because they have certain characteristics that are more similar to dragons, and some are just because they have some special abilities that are similar to dragons.

But the real dragons no longer exist in the world. It is said that they only appeared on the mainland a long time ago, and then disappeared. No one knows the reason for their disappearance. They are only mentioned in the legend that they are extremely powerful. Can fly into the clouds, ride the fog, fly into the sea, and be omnipotent.

In the story of the storyteller, there is a legend that does not know the truth or not. It is said that there was a dragon in the ancient times. At that time, hundreds of starry experts were dispatched to conquer the dragon and fought the dragon for three days. After night, more than half of these starry sky powerhouses were killed and injured, and most of those who were lucky enough to save their lives were seriously injured and unable to fight again.

In the later story, no one knew Li, where did that dragon go? Do you continue to be evil? No one knows.

Only know that the dragon disappeared from the world not long after that.

If the one Li Qingniu saw was really a dragon, it might be the last dragon in this world.

Its huge body is undulating slightly with breathing, which shows that the dragon is alive and healthy, not a huge dragon-shaped statue or an immortal corpse.

Just around Li Qingniu’s position, there will be waves of shocks from time to time.

Before reaching this position, Li Qing heard a slight vibration, but it was far away before it was not obvious. It’s near now.

After falling on this mountain now, the rumbling sound became more and more obvious.

After listening carefully, it felt like a very dull thunder.

At this time, Li Qingniu’s feet suddenly produced a violent shock, followed by a huge thunder, and Li Qingniu felt as if there was continuous heat in the valley behind him.

Li Qingniu quickly flew up, soared into the air, raising his eyes and looking down.

With the help of the divine eyes, Li Qingniu saw that he was living behind the hill on which he was standing just now, with a huge odd-shaped horn on his head, and his face was similar to the outline of a horse’s head magnified countless times, but with five senses and Jin Lin. From any angle, it is a hundred times more majestic and ferocious than a horse’s head.

Whether it is the description in the legend or the appearance on the scroll, it looks like a real dragon.

“It’s really a dragon~” Li Qingniu could not close his mouth in astonishment.

At this moment, the dragon was closing its eyes and seemed to be asleep. The rumbling that just heard was actually his breathing. As for those huge thunder responses, it should have come from when it sneezed.

Li Qingniu also found that in the airflow from the nose wings on both sides of the dragon, faint flames appeared. On the ground around the dragon head, there were almost no trees, flowers, and grass, only some were covered by black powdery objects that were charred into charcoal. On the ground.

“Is this a fire dragon? It seems that the sea of ​​fire and fire **** above are kept burning with his power. In other words, if we want to pass here, it seems that the fire dragon can only be nodded.” Li Qingniu muttered. .

While speaking, his body also dropped sharply, falling straight toward the horn on the top of the fire dragon’s head.

As if feeling an attack by an outsider, Li Qingniu’s feet just landed on the dragon’s horns, and the dragon opened his eyes and raised his head to look around. The throat began to make a huge snoring sound, which seemed to be a warning. Intruder.

At the same time, as the breathing continued to emit flames from its nostrils, after looking around for a while, he saw that no target was found. The snore in the dragon’s throat became quieter, and his breathing became less heavy. From the nostrils The flames spewed out were not so violent.

Seeing it finally calmed down a bit, Li Qingniu just wanted to speak, but suddenly saw the giant dragon violently lift his head, and then violently shook his dragon head…

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