Lord Futian

Chapter 1922 - Escape

The development that exists at present also has many problems for the surrounding environment. The passage of time for him has many differences in itself. Looking at it now, the development of these conditions is itself There are many problems.

For him, the situation that exists here is not so easy to solve. What is happening now, for himself, has many accidents, and the content that exists in it, For him, it was an adventure in itself.

However, Li Qingniu has never regretted it, because for him, in the previous situation, these dangerous changes were not so easy and could be resolved, and he was able to know it beforehand. I feel that the energy in it is undergoing a tremendous change.

Looking at it now, if these energies are to be solved, there are naturally a lot of problems. And before that, Li Qingniu could clearly feel that the various changes developed in it have become gradually over time. Is powerful, and the energy in it has many problems in itself.

The development of time, as far as he is concerned, the problem that exists is naturally not so simple, things can happen, and the energy that exists in it has many accidents in itself. Looking at it now, there are many accidents in it. There are many accidents in development and changes.

Existing situations are also not so easy and can be solved. At present, the development of these situations is not so easy in itself and can be solved. Moreover, in the previous period, Li Qingniu can also feel the influence of the surrounding environment on himself.

Looking at it now, it is not so easy to solve these things, and before that, he can clearly feel the power developed in it, and his own feelings, to a certain extent From the above, it is not so easy in itself and can be solved.

And before that, he was able to clearly feel that the changes developed in it had an impact on himself, to a certain extent, although it was extraordinary, and there were a lot of power developments. Before this, the power that existed in it had become more and more massive.

All these energies exist, it is not so simple in itself, and it can be solved. Looking at it now, there are many problems in the problems developed here, and some situations are not so easy to happen. It can be solved.

Looking at it now, the things that exist in it, in some cases, the development that exists has become more and more massive, and the influence of these forces on Li Qingniu has become very obvious. If you look at it, the effort required to develop these things is naturally very huge.

And before that, he could also feel that the things that exist in it are not so easy in themselves that they can be resolved, and there are many things that happen to him. Unusual influence, but at present, the effect of these things is not very obvious.

Moreover, some situations have caused Li Qingniu to be unable to pay attention anymore. From a certain point of view, there are a lot of changes that have taken place in it. The problem, the impact of these forces, is not so easy in itself that it can be solved.

Li Qingniu felt that the energy around him was fluctuating more and more. He knew that the impact caused by the surrounding environment was not so easy that it could be solved, and the problems that occurred before would make him I can feel that the changes in it have become very powerful.

Judging from the current situation, the only solution for him now is to solve the situation in it as a whole. Perhaps only in this way can he clearly understand that what happened here is for him. Said the impact.

In a certain situation, it is not so easy, it can be solved, and before that, he can still feel that the changes in it have become more and more subtle, perhaps because of the golden cauldron The power of the furnace gave Li Qingniu a completely different influence.

Moreover, for him, the occurrence of certain situations also has many problems. Looking at it now, the development of these situations is not so easy and can be solved, and the occurrence of some situations is for him. That said, there are also many problems.

Judging from the current situation, the development of these problems is not so easy and can be solved, and the previous situation, for him, also has a lot of problems. Looking at it now, what happened here Things will naturally have some unimaginable effects on oneself.

And before that, he could also feel that the development in it was not so easy in itself and could be resolved, and before that, the things that existed in it had its own features. Many accidents, if we look at it now, the impacts caused by them are not so easy to solve.

The passage of time is something elusive for him, and what is happening now makes him feel even more, the threats generated in it are too many unusual influences, and Some of the things in it made him feel more and more inexplicable in his heart.

Looking at it now, it is not so easy in itself to solve these situations. The things that can happen, the passage of time, and the impact on him are naturally very strong, and now, his only way Just walk in.

Li Qingniu felt the energy behind him and became stronger and stronger. He knew that the people coming behind him were about to arrive soon. Li Qingniu glanced back deeply, then turned around and flashed directly, and the person disappeared. At the same place, no trace was left.

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