Lord Futian

Chapter 38 - Tentative

Li Qingniu knew that he had taken such a big deal to get him here, definitely not just to introduce himself.

“Brother, do you want to tell me something?” Li Qingniu asked.

Fenggu Zhengyun finally stopped talking to himself, turned around and looked at him and said, “Do you know what is a master’s gate?”

“Uncle Fang said before that the fate of Shimen is the relationship between the martial artist and the Star Sect. Only people with fate can reach the Star Sect.” Li Qingniu replied.

Feng Gu Zhengyun smiled slightly and said, “Do you really think this is the case? Have you ever questioned this statement?”

“Is not it?”

“In fact, there are very few people who can really find here by their own luck. Each of them only has one day to recruit disciples. If there is no one secretly leading, sometimes even a disciple can’t be recruited.”

Li Qingniu seemed to understand what was coming, nodded and said, “That’s why we met?”

Fenggu Masaun nodded and said: “Yes, every school will send disciples to look for martial artists in the glacier, and recommend them here, because there are many people who come to the Sky Star Sect, but they can be met by the recommender and guided to this place smoothly. But it’s very limited, so gradually there is the saying that it is due to Tianding, which is what you call “teaching due to the door”, but each person uses different methods, and usually they don’t show up directly to contact each other. So almost no newcomer knows about this.”

Li Qingniu nodded with enlightenment: “So… the relationship between the teacher’s door is not as mysterious as the legend, it is just a man-made result.”

“Although it is so, but being able to meet in the vast glaciers is not a kind of fate in itself? So this statement is not wrong.”

Li Qingniu nodded and said, “Senior brother’s statement is indeed reasonable, but I still don’t understand. Why did you choose to tell me these things now?”

“I used the’barrier’ technique to enter the glacier. Originally, I just wanted to get close to the identity of a fellow warrior and understand the character of the other warriors, and then choose the best one and recommend it to the Sky Star Sect. You know what your first impression of me is. ?”

After a short pause, Fenggu Zhengyun continued: “It is unfathomable and remote. The Fenggu family is good at acting, but I can’t see anything to you or me. That’s why I create a chance to meet you again. I hope to observe more. You have some, but in the end, apart from seeing the energy cluster and the number of Venus Stones you have, which shocked me, there was nothing else.”

“Senior brother said so much, do you want to ask where the stones come from, and who taught me the energy aggregation formation?”

“Actually, I already know the answers to these questions. What I really want to ask is who have you worshiped as a teacher before?”

“I only know that when I was in Xiaoman Village, the deaf mother and the blind grandfather taught me a lot of things, but unfortunately, I was too weak to master it completely. Later, I brought a strong person as a teacher, but the master was awakening. After that, Wuhun suddenly left, and has never seen it again.”

“Deaf mother, blind grandfather? Why are these different from what he said? Could it be that I made a mistake? But the light work you used when chasing the cloud is indeed very similar to that described by that person…” Fenggu Zhengyunnan said.

Li Qingniu heard his ambiguous words and frowned, “That person? Who is he?”

“Remember that I told you just now that what I am best at is actually not art, nor martial arts skills.”

“Then what senior brother is best at?” Li Qingniu asked earnestly.

Fenggu Zhengyun slowly said: “Yes…it!”

Before the words fell, a sword rushed across the sky like electricity.

The sword was swift and fierce as a rainbow, slashing Li Qingniu’s chest straight. Li Qingniu couldn’t think about it carefully, his figure turned, and his speed was dizzying when he reached the length of his feet. Look at Fenggu Zhengyun’s hands in the palm of the sword, Qi Yun palms the front, between the hands of the wave, the sword is horizontal and vertical.

Seeing Li Qingniu’s dodge speed, Fenggu Zhengyun did not show weakness, swiping both palms sharply, and one after another swift and fierce swords followed, like a violent wave, Li Qingniu had almost no chance to breathe.

“It’s this speed, who taught you this?”

“The lame grandfather in the village.” The sword spirit was like a tide, Li Qingniu was still able to swim in the lightning, with a calm, calm and indifferent expression.

“Cripple? Huh, I have been honest with you so many things, even if it is a show of sincerity, you should make up a decent reason to prevaricate me.”

Fenggu Zhengyun seemed to think that Li Qingniu was playing with him deliberately. He couldn’t help feeling a little sullen, and screamed, his palms became stronger, not only faster, but also more concentrated blade shadows. Under such an offensive, even Xingyue Level master, I am afraid it is also difficult to resist.

But for Li Qingniu, he can still escape easily.

“Why are you just hiding and not attacking? How about using your trick to deal with Junior Brother Yun if you let me see and see?”

“I’m still too weak, and the trick is not good enough. It can only disappoint my senior.”

“Any attack that can easily escape, you still say you are weak? Are you mocking me in disguise? Well, I don’t believe you can’t force you to shoot today.”

Fenggu Zhengyun yelled, and the whole body surged, gasifying the blade, rushing like a wild beast, and rushing towards Li Qingniu. The dense rain of sword gas hardly left Li Qingniu with any space to escape.

Seeing that avoidance is inevitable, Li Qingniu was suddenly lucky, and shot out with one palm, the grand and infinite Qi Jin turned into a huge palm facing the dense sword strength approved by Fenggu Zhengyun.

Amid the roaring sound, the surrounding ice surface was impacted by the two men’s vigor, and it scattered fiercely.

The grand palm strength has not been exhausted, but Fenggu Zhengyun’s swordsmanship has been exhausted, shocked by Li Qingniu’s powerful palm, and for a while, he forgot to raise his strength to block the opponent’s power.

Seeing that when he was about to be swallowed up by the grand palm, a figure suddenly arrived with lightning, and his body was used to block the raging waves of strength for him.

The palm strength dissipated, the ice and snow were chaotic, Fenggu Zhengyun was still stunned, staring at the person in front of him, and said in amazement: “It’s you…how is it possible? You…”

It was not someone else who stood in front of Fenggu Zhengyun, it was Li Qingniu who slapped that palm.

Therefore, Fenggu Zhengyun’s surprise is not unreasonable. You must know that no matter how fast a person is, he cannot be faster than his own shot, because after a move is released, not to mention the speed of the move, only to release it. After such a strong offensive, if you want to move again, you must re-mobilize the movement of the true energy in the body. Although the higher the practice, the shorter this time can be, but no matter how short, this gap is enough to release before. One of his moves attacked in front of the opponent.

This is not to say that there is still a closing process in the middle, and it is not what surprised Feng Gu Zhengyun the most. After all, Li Qingniu’s speed has been seen before, even if he still finds it incredible, he can accept it in front of him.

And what really moved him was that Li Qingniu actually blocked that powerful move with his body. Although the power of this move was removed a lot by his own sword strength, he felt that the force of the move was still very strong. , But Li Qingniu not only blocked it, but also looked very relaxed, as if he didn’t seem to be injured at all.

“What was the name of the palm just now?” Fenggu Zhengyun asked after returning to his senses.

“This was taught to me by the deaf mother since I was a child. I really don’t know the name, but the deaf mother often uses this trick to sculpt my body.” Li Qingniu said sincerely.

Seeing his sincere expression, Feng Gu Zhengyun clenched his eyebrows and said: “The deaf mother and the lame grandfather you said are true? Didn’t you make it up?”

Li Qingniu nodded earnestly: “Of course it is true. There is also the blind man. He can see what I can’t see even without his eyes. The medicine dregs can call out the names of all the herbs. There is also the **** cow at the entrance of the village. …”

As he talked, he suddenly choked up, his thoughts seemed to be drawn back to the carefree place, and he was practicing running, beating, hunting wild animals, playing leather and beating with the deaf mother and the lame grandfather in the village. Playful picture.

“I must become stronger, stronger than the person in the wind and snow. Only by defeating that person can we find out the whereabouts of the deaf mother and their…” Li Qingniu secretly said to himself in his heart. At the same time, he was too excited. Her hands were slightly clenched, and her body couldn’t help but tremble.

Fenggu Zhengyun had never seen him so gaffe, he couldn’t help but stunned, his heart could not be the stamina trauma caused by just blocking the palm.

Thinking of this, he hurried up to support Li Qingniu and said, “Junior Brother Li, are you okay?”

Li Qingniu retracted his mind and said, “I’m fine, thank you brother for your concern, I just offended you.”

Fenggu Zhengyun heard the words, and said with ashamed expression on his face: “It was my first hand, so please don’t care about it.”

“I know Brother didn’t intend to hurt me.”

“But is it really okay for you to receive that palm? Let me check the pulse for you.” Fenggu Zhengyun couldn’t believe it. After touching Li Qingniu’s pulse, he was really okay, so he was relieved.

“Good boy, I didn’t expect that you received a palm like this. You didn’t suffer any injuries at all. You are a monster. You should be very strong. But after you were asleep, I tested your martial arts soul. Around the fifth and sixth levels of Xingyue, but the move you just did is obviously more than that. It is really weird, and it doesn’t look like a metallic martial art.” Fenggu Zhengyun frowned in confusion. .

Li Qingniu gradually began to feel that Fenggu Zhengyun was not malicious to him. Everything before was just a test. In order not to let him continue to suspect, he said, “Actually, I only awakened a metallic martial soul more than a month ago. Before that, I hardly knew what martial spirit attributes or martial skills are. The deaf mother used to beat me with the trick just now since she was a child, and then got beaten more, she learned it by herself.” Li Qingniu nodded.

Fenggu Zhengyun said with condensed eyebrows: “But as far as I know, that move should be the famous move of the first female emperor Mo Nishang under the stars, ‘pull the palm of the cloud’.”

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