Lord God Investigator

Chapter 108 - Report (two)

“You need time, I understand, but the citizens of Ascatel are taking the risk for your delay. You are not qualified to let the innocent citizens take care of you! From the perspective of being responsible for the safety of innocent citizens, I report to the city hall If you know the truth, what is your opinion on this?”

Luo Feng asked coldly: “Do you think that the citizens are taking risks for you and even causing heavy casualties because of your delay? It is natural that the managers of Ascatla City are not qualified to know about this? Can it be above the’people’?”

Meloxia’s face changed drastically, and she couldn’t help taking a step back.

As outstanding spy agents blessed by the gods, in order to maintain the balance of the world and thwart the evil plans of the conspirators, the harps have repeatedly participated in “big events” and continuously won victory.

Apart from being proud, they may have thoughts like this before, but they never dared to say it.

Melothia has a little selfishness. She doesn’t want to annihilate the passage of time and space, and tries her best to delay time, just to create a chance to rescue Ruilis.

Luo Feng stepped forward and whispered in her ear: “I just notified the city hall of the space-time channel, and did not reveal the identity of your harpist alliance, but if you and your people continue to block, I I have to…”

Luo Feng didn’t make it clear what he had to do. He skipped that paragraph and went on to say: “If things develop to that point, the Harpers League and Amn’s official will be embarrassed. In fact, it’s hard for you to not reveal your identity. If you stop, the captain of the city guard has the power to arrest you for obstructing official duties. Do you plan to reveal your identity?”

Meloxia was silent, Luo Feng ignored her, and walked over to the captain of the guards and said, “I have been observing you for a long time. A group of guards representing the face of the city hall can be blocked by a few’civilians’ for so long, Am When are the guards so close to the people? It seems that you don’t care much about the strict orders of Mayor Barana, which shows that you have another understanding of the identities of these’civilians’ who blocked your law enforcement. I should talk to Barra on this. Mayor Na talk about it.”

The captain of the guard was shocked when he heard the words, swallowed and spit, and quickly waved his hand to let the guards drive away the two members of the Harpist Alliance who had stopped them, and forced the masked mages into the theater.

Masked mages surrounded the space-time vortex, chanting spells, and the powerful magic power covered the vortex, quickly annihilating this space-time vascular.

Watching everything happen but couldn’t stop Melosia kneeling on the ground in pain. She knew that no matter what decision the masters made, how powerful a rescue team was to form, she would never have a chance to enter the dimensional prison. ‘S friend Rui Lisi will always be locked there and tortured.

Luo Feng coldly watched the time and space vortex disappear, and came to Melo Xia, sighed: “This is the end of the matter, I am very sorry, but please understand… This is a’controversy of ideas’ and not a’personal grievance’, for This theater will not be used by some’minded people’, and some dangerous things that’endanger the public’ will happen. I can only do this.”

He dropped the desperate Melosia and walked to the theater gate. When he reached the door, he suddenly punched a ball of air. The shocking fist smashed a figure out of the air and stunned the person. Can’t move.

It was the female assassin Lucit who was shocked by Luo Feng’s punch. Her body was stiff, her eyes widened, and she looked at the monk with frosty face in amazement.

“Miss Lucit, why can’t you accept your lesson? I told you I can see through your invisibility.”

Luo Feng disarmed the dagger in her hand. It was a Mithril dagger with a cold blade. It was painted with black paint and had an excellent concealment effect in the dark.

Luo Feng held the dagger in his hand. He stuck the dagger on the female assassin’s cheek, and the blade lightly slashed it, leaving a shallow blood mark on her cold and beautiful face.

“This time I’ll give you a little warning, don’t be caught by me next time, or you will cut off your nose…”

The man’s indifferent expression made Lucit immediately understand that he absolutely did what he said.

The female assassin no longer dared to speak rashly.

The blade ran across the cheek without much pain and the wound was not deep. Beautiful face is the most cherished thing of every woman, even if Lucit is an assassin master, and that mithril dagger has pierced the hearts of many Santarin villains, she was frightened by this threat.

Luo Feng walked out of the theater gate with a sullen face, and the two new harpists guarding the door were swept by his fierce gaze. He couldn’t help but lower his head and look away, not daring to look at him.

I don’t know if they were taken by Luo Feng’s “righteousness” before he was dedicated to the people or the “evil spirit” who threatened to cut off the pretty girl’s nose later.

Melosia chanted the mantra to relieve the female assassin Lucit’s state of shock and fixation, and used healing techniques to help her deal with the cut on her face. She confirmed that the scar was very shallow and would not leave a scar. Relieved.

Lucit said to her angrily: “The so-called’artist’ called Bradrow did so despicable! He went to the city hall to inform the city hall, let the city hall send someone to annihilate the space-time passage, and make Sister Ruilis no more. There is no chance to escape from the Dimensional Prison! That guy is quite strong, and he can easily see through my shadow hiding ability. It seems that he has to report to his superiors and let the harp masters deal with him!”

Melosia slowly shook her head, sighed and said, “The masters of the harpists will not agree with our actions this time… When I reported last time, I greatly concealed the danger of the space-time vortex, saying that it was a one-way passage. The masters of the harpist did not give the order to annihilate it immediately. Our actions did pose a great threat to the city of Ascatraz.”

“Should you let him get away with it?” Lucit said through gritted teeth.

“What about impunity? He didn’t break any laws, and reporting safety hazards to the city hall was an orderly and law-abiding behavior.”

Melosia sighed again: “Our motto is’Only do what is necessary, don’t do more. Don’t let the result exceed expectations.’ The masters of harpists who adhere to the motto will not easily intervene in disputes and affect the world. To deal with him, he can only rely on his companions in the base of Ascatla.”

Lucit was silent, and she thought for a while and said: “I will find a way to track him again. As long as I can find out something and have evidence, the harp masters will definitely help us…”

“No, it’s too dangerous!”

Melosia stroked the female assassin’s newly healed cheek, and said: “He can see through your invisibility. He is a cruel person. If you fall into his hands, I can’t imagine what he will do to you! “

“Neither does it, nor does that…” Lucit said angrily, “Is it all right?”

Melosia narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression turned cold, and she firmly said: “How can it be forgotten? This is not a’controversy of ideas’, this is a’personal grievance’! He will pay for it!”

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