Lord God Investigator

Chapter 112 - Find the target

Luo Feng and Tang Xiaotian walked onto the streets of Ascatla and began a journey to find a candidate for the heroine.

It’s better to catch up early than to catch up by coincidence. Today, we are catching up with the Woking Temple to host the “Happy Festival”. The streets in the city are decorated with flowers, and many girls walked onto the streets wearing bright dresses.

Happy Festival is one of the few girls’ festivals in Falun mainland. On this day, girls can walk out of their boudoirs without caring about secular prejudices, wear all the clothes they like to wear, dance and parade in the streets.

The shadow plot period of Amn is the era when the goddess Woking disappeared in the turbulent years. The Woking Temple in Ascatraz was managed by the priests of the goddess Li Erla, the “Happy Messengers” on their behalf.

The “Joy Messengers” were able to converge better at first, but Goddess Woking has been missing for a long time, and the people gradually doubted her return, and the Joy Messengers secretly began to spread the faith of Goddess Li Erla. The followers of the Goddess Woking are transformed into followers of the goddess of joy.

As Amn in the rich country, Li Erla’s teachings are relatively easy to spread. The rich have food and clothing and want to play, and there is a greater need for entertainment. The goddess Woking’s belief is only in how to make money, and there is no priesthood of spending money on fun. Domain, coupled with the disappearance of Goddess Woking, made Li Erla’s priests take advantage of the gap.

The joy messengers misappropriated the donations of devotees from the Woking Temple, held a festival on the birthday of the goddess Lierla, decorated the city of Ascatla into a huge garden meeting venue, and put various entertainment facilities on the streets. Clowns and bards perform for the people for free, and there is a joyous atmosphere everywhere.

There is a lot of pedestrian traffic on the street, so small vendors also set up stalls on the side of the street, so that people shopping can easily buy something.

As the goddess of happiness, Li Erla advocates that girls should release themselves, pursue happiness boldly, and not be suppressed by secular moral values. Therefore, on the day of the festival, girls are free birds.

There are many beautiful girls on the street. They don’t know where they hide on weekdays, but today they all change into beautiful and bright dresses, dance cheerful dance steps, and play around with smiles.

On the day of the Festival of Joy, “violence” is strictly prohibited in Ascatla, and any fighting and criminal behavior must be stopped, otherwise not only will the “scarlet actors” of the Lierla Church be listed as the target of assassination, it will also become the major forces in the city. Public enemy.

Luo Feng and Tang Xiaotian wandered among the crowds, their eyes traversing the gorgeous girls, evaluating and selecting. I have to say that today is the right day. The last time Tang Xiaotian went out with Luo Feng, she didn’t see so many beautiful girls. Today, she felt a little eye-opener.

Needless to say, human girls, there are many legal loli halfling girls running back and forth in small skirts and laughing, full of youthfulness, and the rare elves and half-elf beauties in the city on weekdays also travel in groups, and they are even as beautiful as they are. Fairy, water fairy and wood fairy with at least 18+ charm attributes.

But occasionally I can see thick and fat dwarf girls and dwarf girls whose body proportions are very inconsistent. These two kinds of people have a bit of eye for human aesthetics.

Luo Feng walked all the way, but his brows were furrowed and his eyes were very critical. There were several big beauties who Tang Xiaotian seemed to be able to beat very well, but Luo Feng swept past them, without any thought of approaching them.

Tang Xiaotian was in a complicated mood. She neither hoped that Luo Feng would pick a beauty that was many times more beautiful than her, nor did she hope that there would be problems with the operation of the theatre because she could not find the actress.

After picking a beautiful actress, Tang Xiaotian thinks that Luo Feng’s urinary **** must be used to hide her. She feels uncomfortable. Unable to pick the actor, the team leader’s plan could not be carried out smoothly. This time, the score of the investigation task will be greatly reduced. She estimated that she would not be the main investigator. Maybe because of her poor performance, she was washed away and sent back after the task. real world.

With a contradictory mood, Tang Xiaotian still did his best to help the captain find a suitable candidate. It is better to suppress his personal careful thinking.

“Captain, look over there, that human girl’s temperament and appearance are very in line with Rose. She has a sweet smile, and she looks simple and cute. How about we ask if she is interested in being an actress?”

Tang Xiaotian pointed to a girl and suggested to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng glanced in the direction of her fingers, shook his head and said: “No, don’t ask, that girl can’t be an actor.”

“Huh?” Tang Xiaotian said in astonishment: “How can you know that she won’t be an actor without asking?”

“Your eyesight…” Luo Feng explained patiently, “Look at her walking posture. Every time her toes touch the ground to test, she takes one step completely. This is the result of the’silent action’ footwork. She is obviously a shadow thief in her habit. Even if she wants to wash her hands with the golden basin, she has to ask whether the Shadow Thieves Guild agrees or not, and it is hard for us to compete with the Shadow Thieves Guild.”

“Captain, you are not even afraid of the Harp League. You are fighting for theater with the Harp League. Why are you afraid of offending the Shadow Thieves Guild?”

“I’m afraid of Io. If you don’t bring your group of drag oil bottles, which organization on Faerun Continent I dare not offend?”

Luo Feng said: “The Harpists League belongs to the good camp. It has to abide by the law and has no tricks. It is more tolerant to people in the same good camp. The Shadow Thieves Guild will not be disciplined and law-abiding. I can’t defend against it.”

When the two walked by the shadow thief beauty, Tang Xiaotian was still quite sorry, and said to her, how can she be a thief? Seeing the girl’s pure and sweet look, she did not expect to belong to the Shadow Thieves Guild, survive in that kind of dark organization, and probably did a lot of involuntary things. It was really pitiful.

The main venue of the festival is in the downtown area of ​​the Woking Temple. Luo Feng and Tang Xiaotian left the bridge area with the flow of people and entered the slum area. When passing by the slum area, Luo Feng even took Tang Xiaotian to the second floor of the Bronze Crown Hotel. It’s a secret entertainment venue, where there are also many “experienced” beautiful girls.

Luo Feng didn’t want to fight with the Shadow Thieves Guild, but he had no pressure to offend a gangster in a slum area. If he saw a girl, the owner of the Bronze Crown Hotel would not let anyone go, he would come to the Bronze Crown Hotel to wash the group of gangsters at night. There is no difficulty in killing all.

It’s just that after going around on the second floor, Luo Feng didn’t find a suitable candidate. These girls were too dusty and could not be suitable for acting Rose.

The two of them continued to move forward, leaving the Bronze Crown Hotel, making a big circle in the slum area, and patrolling the beauties of the poor. Among these girls, there was the outstanding Xiaojiabiyu, but the temperament was too bad, because of poor maintenance and skin. It was also rough, with yellowed teeth, which was not suitable for acting as a noble girl like Rose.

Now there is only the main venue of the Happy Sacrifice in the shopping area of ​​the Temple of Woking. Tang Xiaotian is a little worried. If the heroine is not found there, it is very likely that there will be no suitable girls in the entire Ascatel City.

Entering the shopping area of ​​Woking Temple, the flow of people gathered in a sea of ​​adults, and the vendors lined up on the surrounding high platforms. The music and dance of the celebration and the cries of the vendors echoed each other.

There are also many mobile hawkers carrying baskets selling sweets, pastries, honey drinks, and alcohol to supplement their families. There are even many children among these mobile hawkers who don’t dare to go out to do small businesses like this on weekdays, for fear of being trafficked. Abducted.

But on the day of the Happy Festival, the traffickers were also shrunk in the slave ship guard and did not dare to come out, so the children boldly ran out of the house to do small businesses to help the family make some money.

“Hey, that girl is really good!”

As she was walking, Tang Xiaotian heard Luo Feng screaming in surprise beside her. She was a little puzzled, how good the girl the captain with such a high-sighted team found out was that he could give him a “really good” evaluation?

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