Lord God Investigator

Chapter 117 - Help City Hall

“It’s not easy to save people!”

Melonia frowned and said: “The masters of the harpist were very dissatisfied with my last act of concealing the danger of the space-time vortex. The level of the manpower I can mobilize is generally below ten, and you and me are both higher. Even if all the people are assembled now to save people, they are not at all an opponent of the Bradero criminal gang.”

“What can we do!” Lucit said anxiously: “It’s past tonight, but it’s too late for everything. Is it so that the evil people can succeed?”

“No, how can the harps let the wicked get away with it!”

Melosia solemnly said: “Bredro will not succeed, we still have a way! His crimes of robbing and kidnapping merchants have seriously violated Amn’s laws. Amn takes the protection of merchants very seriously. This is Amn’s. The most taboo evil deeds, we can turn to the City Hall for help!”

“But… it’s too late to ask the city hall for help.”

Lucit hesitated: “We have no contact with the Amn officials. We usually operate secretly in the city. Should we formally identify ourselves? This will become a diplomatic relationship between the Harp League and the Amn Council of Six. In the event, only document exchanges and meetings with diplomats will take a lot of time.”

“We can’t reveal our identity. The official attitude of Amn to the Harpers League is not clear. Rumor has it that at least half of the members of the six-member council have a bad feeling for the Harpers League.”

Melonia shook her head and said: “I went to Gerlos for help. He is a secret member of the harpist and a big merchant in Amn. He provided the house of our secret base. Gerlos reported Bradro to the city hall. It is claimed that Fernandon, a small businessman who was arrested, is one of the suppliers of the Guerros Chamber of Commerce. We testified as a member of the Guerros Chamber of Commerce and assisted the city hall guard to point out the detention facility to help save people.”

Lucit nodded frequently when he heard the words. This is precisely the way to treat his body. When Bradrow sought to seize the theater, he used the power of the city hall to make Melonia suffer. There is no way to tell.

Now it happens to use the power of the city hall to report Bradero’s evil deeds. When he gets the money, he also has to taste the bitterness of breaking the law and going to jail. This is what he deserves!

The two hurriedly started the action, Lucit continued to watch at the Five Flagon Inn, lest the Bredrow group would transfer the meat ticket, Melosia summoned his staff and went to the big businessman Gerlos for help.

With Melonia, Gerlos rushed to the city hall overnight to ask for the mayor of Barana, claiming that there was an extremely serious case reported.

Mayor Bairana happened to be unable to sleep peacefully because of the case of the skin-skinning monster in the bridge area. He stayed in the office to arrange manpower and conduct night inspections. He heard that someone reported a serious incident in the bridge area and quickly summoned him.

“what did you say?”

Hearing Melonia finished the case, Mayor Bairana looked strange, as if she had heard it wrong.

Melonia once again said urgently: “Bredro robbed and kidnapped the family of merchant Fernandon and held them in the theater. If you don’t go to save people immediately, you will be murdered!”

Mayor Bairana looked at her suspiciously and shook his head: “If it weren’t for Mr. Gerlos to guarantee you, I wouldn’t even see you! You actually came to me in the middle of the night and told me, a famous artist In order to achieve ulterior desires, want to possess a girl, kidnap her family to the theater, and kill her parents?”

Mayor Bairana stood up and stared at Melonia and said seriously: “This is not because you have a rift with Mr. Bredlow and intend to slander him? I can warn you, false accusation is also a crime!”

As the chief administrator of the city of Ascatla, the mayor of Barana is a lady, but she is also very bold. She is so angry that she will feel great pressure even if the strong fighters face it.

Melosia has the righteous blessings in her heart, and her conviction is true. She also looked back at Bairana and said one by one: “I am willing to be responsible for my testimony! Now the Vernanden family is hidden behind the theater. As long as the city hall guards encircle the theater in time, go in and check, the truth of the matter will be revealed, Bredro’s mask of hypocrisy will definitely be exposed, and his evil nature will be completely exposed!”

The mayor of Bairana and the harpist Meloxia stared at each other for a while. She was convinced that her observation and intuition were that the girl in front of her did not lie.

Although it feels very unbelievable, that Mr. Bradlow is obviously a very educated and talented and elegant person. Before he reported the time and space vortex and made a great contribution to the safety of the city. Someone accused him of such a serious and evil crime. To be sure, there is no telling a lie from the expression.

It just so happened that, in order to prevent the skinners from committing crimes at night, the guards in the Daqiao District had been assembled long ago. By the way, it would not take much effort to check the Five Flagon Theater.

In an attitude of being responsible for the life and safety of the businessmen, although she couldn’t believe that Bredro could commit such a crime, she decided to believe the girl in front of her for the time being and sent someone to the theater for inspection.

She had to deal with this incident carefully. On the one hand, Mr. Gerlos was an extremely prestigious businessman and taxpayer in Amn. Under his recommendation, Melonia could only believe it again, although she had concealed the history of the time and space vortex. .

And Mr. Bradlow is now a hot trend in the upper class of Amn. Almost all the nobles who love drama pay attention to his every move and look forward to the performance of “Titanic”. He has made a lot of friends in the aristocratic circle. Friends and contacts are quite wide, and they can even influence the bills made by the parliament.

Under his operation, the five-flap theater worth 200,000 gold coins was half sold and half given to the Bradrow Theater Company at the price of 20,000 gold coins, which shows its power.

If it was Melonija who made a false accusation and offended Bradro, he set up some rumors in the aristocratic circle that was not conducive to the city hall, and it was Mayor Bairana who finally got the blame.

The female mayor decided to go there in person to see with her own eyes whether Bradrow was a well-disguised beast, so as not to prevent her subordinates from being ignorant and acting indiscriminately and smashing into Bradrow.

“Ms. Melonnya of the Gerlos Chamber of Commerce.” The mayor of Barana said solemnly: “I will personally lead the guard to surround the theater and conduct a strict inspection of the theater, but if you don’t find the Fernandon family… …”

Melonia replied immediately: “As long as we get to the theater in time, the Bradero gang will never have time to transfer the meat ticket. If we don’t find the Fernandon family, I will bear the consequences!”

The mayor of Bairana immediately ordered: “The guards immediately follow me and surround the Five Flagon Theater!”

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