Lord God Investigator

Chapter 132 - Ticket sale

The day before the “Midsummer Festival”, the Bradlow Theatre Company held a ticket sale for the first performance of “Titanic” at the Five Flags Hotel.

The long-awaited urbanites of Ascatel flocked to the hotel and blocked the hotel lobby. Luo Feng had to temporarily change the location of the sale meeting and moved it to the street outside the hotel.

A small platform was temporarily built at the entrance of the hotel. Luo Feng and the team members stood on the platform and looked down. It was really crowded, and the crowds were crowded to the bridge. It is roughly estimated that there are no fewer than thousands of people!

The original plan was to sell 1,000 tickets today and three performances tomorrow, one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

This kind of film density is already at the limit of the Bradlow Theater Company. On the one hand, a play has to be performed for three hours in a row. For the actors, it is a harsh test in terms of physical strength. On the other hand, the illusionist Carla even wears the whole body. Increase the magic equipment of the spell slot, the illusion magic can not support the fourth game.

Thousands of citizens came to buy tickets, which means that most people will not be able to buy tickets.

Moreover, Luo Feng looked intently and found that the people who squeezed to the front were all physically strong, with fierce faces and almost all occupations being thieves. They threatened other citizens in a vicious manner and would approach the platform. The people who want to buy tickets are driven away.

This is obviously a scalper party!

Without thinking about it, Luo Feng can guess that it must be the merchants and nobles in the city who have issued a reward for the ticket for the performance in the black market. Maybe a ticket originally priced at 5 gold coins was fired at a sky-high price. Indulge these scalpers, there will be no civilians in the performance venue, and all the votes will be taken over by wealthy businessmen and nobles.

This is not okay. Luo Feng created stage plays to perform in order to gain reputation and complete investigation tasks. If the reputation of the theater company can only spread among the noble circles, the audience of “Titanic” is only rich, and the influence will spread Speed ​​will be greatly reduced.

After all, the number of the rich is far less than the poor. Even in the capital of money-oriented merchants like Amn, the social structure is pyramid-shaped, and the poor are the base of the pyramid.

Luo Feng frowned and thought for a while, took a step, and shouted at the crowd: “Citizens, thank you for your love, I am very honored to have so many people here to join us!”

“Hurry up and sell the tickets, we have been waiting for a long time!”

“Stop talking nonsense and sell me all the tickets!”

“Yes, stop talking nonsense, we are here to buy tickets, not to listen to you.”

The scalpers closest to the platform clamored, and some even revealed the Shadow Thief’s dagger secretly, shaking the blade from a distance to threaten Luo Feng. Most of these guys are the disciples of the Shadow Thieves Guild. They are extremely skilled in deceiving the market and extorting, and are very arrogant.

Luo Feng smiled slightly, pointed to the group of scalpers under the stage, and ordered the town guards in the Daqiao District who had assembled: “Get out of the Daqiao District at the ticket sales meeting. They are not allowed to approach until the end!”

The town guards pounced on with their spears, set up the movie thieves, and dragged them away without saying a word.

After this period of running-in, the town guards in the bridge area already knew who the boss in this area was. The guard captain of the bridge area had a disagreement with Brad Roy in dispatching guards to guard the theater. As a result, the city hall ordered the next day. The security captain was removed from office on the ground that he could not solve the skinning case.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the inability to solve the case is just an excuse. The skinning case has been pending for more than a month. Isn’t the security captain safe?

Less than a day after he had an argument with Bradro, he was sent home, and the curves in it were clear.

In the eyes of the Am Guards in the Bridge District, Bredro is the real guard captain of the Bridge District, and he speaks much more effectively than the newly appointed substitute captain.

“Okay, your name is Bradrow, right? I remember you!”

One of the leading scalpers yelled viciously when being dragged away: “You have offended someone who shouldn’t be offended. Sooner or later you will kneel down and beg me to forgive you!”

Luo Feng squinted his eyes and remembered that person’s appearance firmly in his heart, saying that you are the one who should not offend you if you offend. Even if you kneel down and beg me one day, I will not forgive you!

Ignoring the snarling barking of the losing dog, Luo Feng said loudly to the crowd gathered: “Tomorrow, our troupe can only perform three shows. This is already the limit of the actors and the creative team behind the scenes. Today, we can only sell 1,000 copies. Tickets are far from meeting the needs of citizens who want to buy tickets.”

The people whispered to each other, and there was a deep and low sound of mixed discussions.

They had no hope that they could buy tickets. The front row was surrounded by the shadow thieves of Amn. Once the theater troupe started selling tickets, they immediately paid for the tickets and sold them to the black market to make a big profit. We photographed in the shadow thieves’ guild’s power, but also dared not speak.

However, things turned around. The great performer Bradro was not afraid of the threats of the shadow thieves at all, and asked the Amn guards to drive away the shadow thieves.

They were looking forward to it, wanting to hear what Bradro would say next.

“So, I decided, first, to thank everyone for your love, second to make the’Midsummer Festival’ more fun, and third to celebrate the first performance of the Bradlow Theatre Company. There will be no charge for the performance tomorrow, and we will no longer sell tickets. Instead, we will give away tickets to everyone for free!”

“Wow! It was given away for nothing!”

“The great performer Bradro is such a good guy!”

“Gift tickets, does that mean I might get a ticket too?”

“In the black market, a ticket is worth a hundred gold coins, and it was given away for nothing!”

The citizens gathered in the audience were in an uproar upon hearing this.

“There are two ways to give tickets.”

Luo Feng explained to the crowd with a smile: “The first is for couples to exchange tickets with kisses. Any unmarried young couple who is over 18 years old who come to the stage to kiss in public will get two tickets for free.”

As the Midsummer Festival is approaching, citizens are not as cautious as they used to be. Such bold public kissing is not considered apostasy, and dozens of couples eagerly signed up immediately.

Soon more than one hundred tickets were given out. In order to prevent these tickets from being stolen or robbed by movie thieves, Luo Feng publicly declared that if the couple who came with the tickets tomorrow is not himself, the free tickets will be invalid.

“The second way is to give tickets to a lottery.”

After completing the couple’s ticket gifting session, Luo Feng continued to announce: “We will issue a numbered ticket stub to every citizen present. Please bring the ticket stub to the venue for tomorrow’s performance. We will announce the winning number on the spot. Winning citizens can hold the ticket. Enter.”

The citizens thought about it carefully and found that this method was very interesting and fair. After they got the numbered tickets, they knew whether they had won the lottery only before the opening. Even if the movie thieves wanted to grab it, they might not get the winning ticket.

The wealthy people who want to buy tickets want to buy lottery tickets, it is very likely that they just bought a bunch of invalid numbers.

Although it is impossible to completely avoid the rich people from smashing large sums of money to win tickets, it can be regarded as a guarantee that a considerable part of ordinary citizens will get the opportunity to watch the stage play.

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