Lord God Investigator

Chapter 143 - Persuade and persuade to be used together

The racial traits of the dwarf who regard paying taxes as the number one stupid thing in the world are deeply ingrained. After millions of years of inheritance, it is engraved in the genes of every dwarf. Luo Feng can’t reverse Yao En’s stubborn idea of ​​treating him as a fool with a few words. .

Suppressing his anger and patience, Luo Feng took Io on Tang Xiaotian’s belt and showed it to Yao En, saying, “I heard that you are a very talented inventor and have studied dwarf technology. Then you Just take a look at this technological creation.”

“It’s just a metal ball, it’s polished very smoothly, with some lines carved on it.”

Yao En glanced impatiently and said: “There are always idiots who have been fooled by this. Some seemingly technological items are promoted by profiteers, but in fact they are just decorations, but with a strange appearance.”

“Mr. Yao En, I am not a ball.”

Io’s ball immediately understood the captain’s meaning, and hurriedly said: “I am a magical mechanical creation. The full name is: Pacific Rim Pan-Intelligent Full-Function Multi-Dimensional Non-standardized Electromagnetic Quantum Gravitational Wave Super Brain 3.0plus limited edition.”

Yao En’s eyes widened, and he was almost confused by the series of nouns Io said.

He hurriedly took Io, held it in his hand to examine it over and over, and mumbled as he watched it, “Oh, it’s amazing. Looking through the gap, it turns out that the mechanical structure inside is very complicated. Is this a strange thing from the mechanical realm?”

“The original brain does not come from a mechanical realm, but an artificial creation, developed and manufactured by Io, the most talented scientist in the multiverse.”

Aio put gold on his face without embarrassment, his mechanical body and soul-sealing ball were all made by himself.

“Yao En, you treat me as an idiot, I don’t care about you too much.”

Luo Feng interrupted and said: “The partner who worked with you to develop what I called the great invention is the magical brain in your hands. If you think it is a stupid ball, I never mentioned it to you. I won’t pay your taxes anymore, you should go back to jail.”

Yao En took Io’s ball, glanced at Luo Feng, and thought for a while: “I have to test it, hey, do you know dwarf technology?”

“The Multiverse Encyclopedia is stored in the Brain Intelligence database. The dwarf technology in the multiverse is almost lower than the building blocks played by young children in the multiverse. It may be one level higher than the green skin technology called’wAAAgH!’ Just a little bit.”

Yao En’s face turned green when he heard it.

What is the technological level of “wAAAgH!”

“I think it works! As for why? Because I think it works!”

“Well, it shouldn’t explode, right? I can only guarantee that this thing won’t explode when it is opened, and it doesn’t matter whether it will fall apart or not.”

“Repair? Just knock and smash! Look, it’s fixed! Oh no, it’s falling apart!”

“This part can’t be installed, hey, the size is just right, but it’s not very reliable to install. Use a rope to tie it up, I’m a genius!”

It is hard to imagine that the above remarks are the quotations of a green-skinned master technician and chief scientist of green-skinned. The master technician later died of the highest technological crystallization of the green-skin invented by him-a different-dimensional concussion gun explosion accident.

The shell of the Different Dimensional Concussion Cannon is a medium-sized goblin. However, when the Grand Technician chose the shell, the goblin that he picked did not control his diet, his body was blessed, and his weight was severely exceeded, so he caught up with the bear goblin.

The great technician thought that even a fatter goblin was a goblin, so he slammed the cannonball into the barrel, and then personally lit the fuse to fire the cannon.

You read that right, the green-skinned different-dimensional oscillating cannon fired with torches.

The dimensional whirlpool and demon annihilation energy erupted from the blasted cannon turned the radius of ten miles into nothingness, and the great technician was wiped out in ashes.

Therefore, Io’s rhetoric that the dwarf technology level is a little bit higher than the greenskin technology level, which completely angered the dwarf inventor Yao En.

“Bullish ball, I want to have a good theory with you!” Yao Sen angrily said: “Do you know the’coupling principle’?”

“‘Coupling principle’ has multiple interpretations, do you mean’electrical coupling’ or’magnetic coupling’?”

“Not bad, then I will ask you again, do you understand structural mechanics?”

“Structural mechanics? That’s a long story. The original brain can explain it to you slowly…”

Luo Feng waited at ease for Io to give Yao Enkop, the dwarf inventor and the metal ball were shocked as a celestial sphere after chatting for a while. He was completely overwhelmed by Io’s knowledge and changed his name.

“Master Ball, it’s an honor for me to cooperate with you, but why should a great scholar like you take orders from an idiot? Is it involuntary?”

Yao En respectfully said to Io’s fairway: “How about I kick that fool’s **** and **** you from him?”

Luo Feng sneered and said, “You can try, but I sincerely advise you not to do it.”

Yao En said to try and tried, chanting the mantra blessed him with a “transform himself”, planning to transform into a strong ogre, hitting Luo Feng and grabbing Io and ran away.

Luo Feng didn’t interrupt him to cast the spell, waiting for Transfiguration to finish singing, the short dwarf figure swelled into a muscular giant ogre, Luo Feng smiled grinningly and shot it, pressing the ogre on the ground for a fat beating!

Yao En, who was not deformed, was really not enough for Luo Feng to play. He had to use the resurrection scroll on a mass of rotten meat when he started slightly.

Instead of stopping, the prison guards cheered and cheered on the sidelines, showing how bad Yao En’s popularity is.

The poor dwarf inventor suffered the worst beating in his life. Thanks to that stinky mouth, he suffered countless beatings in his long life, but no one was more painful than this one.

Countless fists hit him and face from all angles, and the power and physical attributes that “Transfiguration-Transforming Ogre” added to him were completely useless.

The monk who beat him is an expert in beating people. The number of people or humanoid creatures who have beaten him in the heavens and worlds is not ten thousand or eight thousand, and the experience of how to trigger pain nerves has reached the master level.

“Oh oh oh… don’t fight, old Yao En’s bones can’t stand it, please spare me.”

The monk was even more poisonous: “Is the neuropathy great? I happened to drove in a lunatic asylum. What kind of lunatic has never seen?”

With dozens of punches down again, Yao En couldn’t scream anymore, his limbs twisted flat on the ground, and the blood flowed into puddles.

With less air intake and more air venting, you will die.

Luo Feng then stopped breathing heavily, mentioning the dwarf inventor who had been beaten back to his original shape, but not why he had lost a lot of weight, and set off on his way back to the five hip flask theater. Dripping blood all the way.

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