Lord God Investigator

Chapter 151 - Cobbler workshop

The Amn guards began to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the suspicious building that was cleared after a lot of hard fighting. They found a human leather magic armor under a bed on the second floor of the leather workshop!

This human leather magic armor has excellent properties.

In the original plot, it was just an ordinary leather armor, but this time because Chanem didn’t know where to go, the skinner devil case has not been solved, and the number of victims is increasing day by day.

The human skin on this magic armor has been stacked more and more. When Bredro leads the case to solve the case, it has reached the ultimate attribute of +5. If you stack a few more layers of human skin, it may reach the level of an artifact of +6.

It’s a pity that you can’t swallow the magic armor privately like the original plot. Luo Feng can only drool and hand over the “Human Leather Magic Armor +5” to Jim, the captain of the Daqiao District Security Team who comes with him.

At the same time, they also found dozens of rotting corpses with their skins off on the lower floor of the workshop!

A letter found from the cobbler’s workshop even revealed that this case was related to the Santarin Society, and that necromancer was probably a member of the Santarin Society!

Mr. Bradlow has broken the skinner’s case in the bridge area!

As the news spread, the citizens of Ascatraz were in an uproar again.

The unsolved case that caused panic in the bridge area and the city hall has not been solved for more than three months. As an artist, Bradrow solved it as soon as he took it. He caught the principal cobbler, Rejic, and seized criminal evidence and dozens of victims on the spot. Dead body.

Citizens scolded the city hall for being stupid as a pig, and the serious investigation by a group of criminal investigators was not as good as Mr. Bradlow’s casual action. The pressure on the bombing task force surged and it was very passive.

The case of the skinner in the Daqiao area has come to the ground. The citizens do not need to be worried every day for fear that they will be stripped of their skin.

The artist Bredro’s reputation has taken another level.

The adoration and admiration of the Amn girls who regard Bradro as the lover of their dreams cannot be repeated.

Originally, these girls thought of Bradlow as idols and they still had some complaints about the meaning of loving a butter niche. Amn’s good men are warriors fighting the sea, and strong and brave men are worthy of admiration.

Now Bradro’s fans and fans finally have a counterattack: Bradro is not a cream nanny, he is the hero who defeated the skinning demon and defeated the evil organization Santalin Society!

Luo Feng didn’t care about these false names.

The cobbler workshop was closed by the city hall after the skinner’s case was solved. The original homeowner, Regic Heizmann, was imprisoned and sentenced to be executed immediately by hanging. The house was also confiscated and became the public of the city hall. assets.

The city hall held a public auction for this house with a reserve price of 100,000 gold coins. This is already an ultra-low price for the real estate market in the Daqiao District, but it was unsuccessful.

No one wants to buy a house in which dozens of people died.

Such a fierce haunted house will be undead!

In Faerun Continent, it’s a very normal natural phenomenon to make the dead, just like rats in a messy house.

If you don’t have the patience, it’s best to stay in the house where the undead is troubled. Faerun’s undead can be very fierce. The demigod liches can only wait for a city to be destroyed, unlike the real world. Can be resolved.

This house is full of negative energy and will definitely breed powerful undead.

The rich and nobles are not tired of their lives, how can they bid for such a haunted house?

Seeing the right time, Bradrow found the public resource management official again and offered 50,000 gold coins to buy the government’s sunk assets.

He cracked the skinner’s devil case, not out of justice, nor seeking to improve his reputation, but because of this house.

The cobbler’s workshop has a very good location, very close to the theater that has been blown into ruins. It is only one street away. The house is very spacious and has three floors. The lowest floor has direct access to the river, even if it is surrounded by Amn soldiers. The boat runs off the road.

As the saying goes, “It’s not too late to make up for it.”

Luo Feng learned from the violent explosion caused by the research and development in the theater, which blew up the coin machine that made millions of gold every day, and almost wiped out the team. He decided to give “Bradero and his friends cultural and technological development.” Co., Ltd.” to build a scientific research center.

After thinking about it, he realized that the cobbler workshop where the skinner was hiding was the right place, so he broke the case with his hands, sent the original owner to the gallows, and bought this building at a low price. Haunted house.

This building is spacious enough, the location is relatively remote, and the privacy is good. It kills and skins people every day, and has been killed for more than three months without being noticed by the Amn guards.

Now that the case has been solved, the house has become a murder house again, and the citizens are even more reluctant to approach it. It is appropriate for Mimi to quietly engage in illegal magic research inside.

What’s even better is that there is a small dock at the bottom level, where you can smuggle in magic materials without fear of being detected by the masked wizard.

After buying the murder house, Luo Feng’s team immediately moved in. They are now like a frightened bird. If the task force finds out that the bombing is a self-directed and acted performance by Bradrow, the team happened to take a boat from the small pier.

It’s just that the house smells bad. It was originally a cobbler’s workshop, and the smell of tanned leather was so ridiculous that it concealed the **** smell of murder and skinning and the smell of corpses.

Now that the rotten corpses and leather materials have been cleaned up, the smell has already penetrated into the walls and floors of the house. The team has done many cleanings and washed it with water many times, but the faint smell of corpses can still be smelled.

Luo Feng didn’t care about himself, let alone a smelly murder house, he had lived in a dead city full of rotting corpses where millions of people died.

The team members reacted differently.

Tang Xiaotian was terribly afraid of ghosts. He trembled every day. He always felt gloomy. He didn’t dare to stay alone in the room. He even had to be accompanied when he went to the toilet.

Klein is not afraid of the undead. He is a native of a certain magical story world, and there are also undeads in that world. You can destroy them by smashing them with magic.

However, this young man is a little obsessed with cleanliness. He knew that dozens of people had died in this house, and when he was found out, he had been rotten to the ground. He didn’t hate it, and he felt all kinds of uncomfortable staying in the house.

Zhang Daniu is not afraid of the dead or dirty, but he is the one who adapts to the new environment the fastest.

As for the native players of Faerun, Cara and Yao En, they don’t care at all. They are relatively sturdy dwarf mage, and they can just throw fireballs when encountering the undead. There is no reason to be afraid.

Moreover, the personal hygiene habits of these two people are not very good, and the odor on their bodies suppresses the smell of the corpse.

Luo Feng can’t manage that much. In case the incident of his bombing of the theater is revealed, the angry Amn official won’t tie him to the stake and grill him with the dark elf priest Viconia. The living environment here is poor. It’s a bit, but it’s very good for running.

It didn’t take long for Luo Feng’s team to be prepared to flee Amn at any time because of the key clues discovered by the Bradero Theater bombing team, and the case is just around the corner!

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