Lord God Investigator

Chapter 153 - Siege

Mayor Barana received the report from the chief prosecutor who had fled and returned, and he was furious!

“It turns out that there are places in Ascatraz that the city hall can’t manage!”

The female mayor gritted her teeth and shouted angrily: “Dare to stop the Amn Guards from arresting people and attack the Amn Guards brazenly. Is this a rebellion?”

Suppose the demon in the Dimensional Magic Sphere, the vampire queen Bazaar hiding in the cemetery, the demigod Lich Kangus in the basement of a room in the dock area, the beholder in the sewer cave, the boss behind the Shadow Thieves Guild, the red-robed mage The shop owner of the meeting, the slave trader in the slave ship prison, would certainly smile disdainfully when he heard the mayor’s roar.

In the city of Ascatla, there are many places beyond the control of the city hall, and it is not bad for a secret base of the Harp League.

“Since the town guards can’t get in, then mobilize elite regular troops!” The female mayor slapped the table and shouted, “Apply to the six-member council to deploy two hundred regular troops and surround the Gerlos Mansion!”

Melonia and Lucit today are regarded as “people sitting at home, and disaster comes from heaven.”

Since the two of them were released, they are very safe and guarded, and gradually dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to trouble Bradro.

On the one hand, they were imprisoned for the crime of false accusation, and their reputation in the alliance was very affected. The superiors had dismissed the position of the head of Meloniya, Lucit was also punished, and the two were guilty. , The command cannot move any harpist in the base.

Without the help of allied partners, with the two of them, they are not Bradero’s opponents together.

On the other hand, “Titanic” is so good-looking, the two have even brushed it many times, spending all the money they have accumulated for a long time in order to buy tickets. Lucid, the glamorous female assassin, accidentally became a fan of Io, the character in the play, and quietly posted a portrait of Io from the movie bar in her room.

Due to the empathy effect, she overlaps the Io in the play with her former lover, and in a trance, she entrusts the long-term feelings to the fictional character Io. She refused to admit that she was a fan of Bradro, but she fell in love with Io. This is very contradictory, but it is also reasonable. The actors and the roles they perform should not be confused.

Although Bradero is not Io, Io would be lost without Bradro, so the female assassin refused to plan actions against Bradro anymore.

Melonia lost her last helper and was powerless to deal with Bradero.

So she could only sigh, thinking that if you are lucky, she will let you go.

However, the female harpist does not understand a truth, that is, “only the victor has the power to end the war.”

They wanted to let go of Bradro, but Bradro didn’t want to let them go!

Why the deformation monster turned into Lucite’s image to buy the magic crystal, and why the carriage that transported the magic crystal had to drive into the back alley of the Gerlos mansion, this is a long story.

At first, Luo Feng didn’t want to kill the Harpers League. After all, his backstage was very hard, and it would not end well if he was offended.

When he took the shapeshifter Matilda to buy the magic crystal, he ordered the shapeshifter to become a “stranger that must not be related to the theater.”

The deformation monster made a difficult choice when choosing a deformed image.

It can’t become an Amman. If it becomes an Amman, once a caring person traces it and finds that the person has never bought a magic crystal, just a little association can think of the transformation of the monster.

It can’t become a person from another country, not that it doesn’t have the image of a person from another country in its memory.

When it played the role of a passerby in “Titanic”, it had changed all the non-Amman images it could remember.

This is to avoid showing up when someone is performing in the theater while doing other things in another place in Amn. The secret of the theater using the shapeshifter as an actor is therefore exposed.

Therefore, the images of Transfiguration on the stage are all non-Am, the human image they have seen before they settled in Am.

The Amites cannot be changed, and the non-Amites have all appeared on the stage. The Shapeshifter really does not know what to become.

The shapeshifter Matilda had an idea, and said that she should not bother the two masters. She suggested that she could simply become the image of the female assassin it had framed before. As a framed criminal who had been in prison, her words were extremely credible. Low, even if you come forward to clarify, others will not believe it.

When Luo Feng heard this, he praised the idea a lot. Based on the principle of “make a complete set for the show”, he also designed the follow-up carriage to drive into the back alley of the Gerlos mansion and quietly unload the goods and throw them into the sewer of the back alley. The act of transporting the magic crystal away from the sewer.

The carriage that unloaded the cargo was directly discarded in the back alley. Soon after, it was stolen and sold by a port thief who thought he had picked up the bargain in the dead of night. The thief took the money to sell the carriage to have fun. Involved in a happy fight, a woman died in a violent fight. There is no evidence of this death.

In order to cover the criminal behavior of transporting and smuggling magic crystals to engage in illegal magic experiments, the Luo Feng criminal group dug a hole for the Harpers League, diverted the attention of the bombing task force, and triggered conflicts between the Harpers and Amn soldiers.

After the regular army of Amn assembled, they marched towards the port area and surrounded the Gerlos mansion. The harpists retreated to the mansion and used defensive magic on the door of the mansion. The soldiers of Amn couldn’t open the door and stood in a stalemate for a while.

The citizens were very puzzled about the actions of the regular army, and they all sought news.

The sieve-like secrecy system of the City Hall led to the rumors that “Geros was the real culprit in the bombing, and the bandits hiding in the mansion resisted arrest and defeated the town guards, so they were transferred to the regular army.”

As soon as the rumors spread, the brave urbanites of Ascatraz, the loyal supporters of the Bredro troupe, and the fans of the troupe actors organized spontaneously and took up arms and rushed to the streets.

They want to take revenge for the Bradlow Theater Company!

Nearly 10,000 people gathered in the port area, and another encirclement net was set up outside the encirclement net of the Amn regular army.

A senior harpist hiding on the second floor of the Gerlos Mansion looked out of the window and couldn’t help but breathe a breath. In addition to the two hundred soldiers of Amn who were waiting in battle, there were tens of thousands of heavily armed militias.

Seeing such a big battle, even this master harpist who had experienced many major alliance actions was quite surprised.

He vaguely remembered that the last time he was besieged by such a large-scale legion was when he faced the evil army of the Iron Throne many years ago when he fought against the Iron Throne, the warlord power of Baldur’s Gate.

In the end what happened?

Why did the Amn official gather an army to crush the secret base of the Harpers League?

Could it be said that the six-member council of Amn has been completely controlled by evil forces?

Countless thoughts circled in the head of the master harpist.

“Listen to the people inside!”

Attorney General Bucharest returned to the Gerlos Mansion, stood in front of the army, and shouted to the inside: “You are already surrounded, I ask you to immediately put down your weapons, stop resisting, open the gate closed by magic, and walk out of the house with your head and surrender. .”

The secret member of the Harpers League, the great merchant Gerlos walked up to the roof and shouted to him: “Your prosecutor, why are you besieging my house? Who gave you the power to persecute a businessman who made a major contribution to the prosperity of Amn ?”

“The six-member council has authorized the arrest of you and all employees of your chamber of commerce! I suspect that you are connected with the bombing of the Bradlow Theater!”

The prosecutor in no particular list shouted righteously: “And… the people of Amn also gave me the sacred power to eradicate evil!”

After all, he pointed to the tens of thousands of armed people gathered behind, and the crowd shouted in unison, and the shouts shook the sky.

“Avenge for the Bradlow Theater Company!”

“Down with the terrorists who tried to destroy Amn!”

“There is only a dead end in negative corner resistance!”

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