Lord God Investigator

Chapter 159 - Glorious bullet

After sending away the president of the Shadow Thieves Guild, Reynold Bloodhead, Luo Feng sat on the sofa with a sullen face and pondered.

The Harpers League built a secret base in the port area where the Shadow Thief’s Lair is located. It may not be that this group of righteous partners are in trouble.

The shadow thief of Amn has been expanding faster and faster over the years, and it is in a critical period of transformation. If it goes further, it can break through the territory of Amn, extend its tentacles to the surrounding countries, and become the shadow thief of Faerun. The criminal organization transformed into a powerful force covering the mainland of Faerun.

Because of this, the shadow thieves in the expansion period have made countless enemies, and they have been attacked by the “Night Mask”.

The vampires hiding in the cemetery of the city of Ascatel are members of the “Night Mask” organization in West Gate City on the Dragon Coast. The shadow thief wants to expand their power and absorb the members of the “Night Mask” to join, offending this entrenched giant. With the benefit of the evil group in the Dragon Coast, the vampires marched into Amn, and the follow-up events of the guild war with Amn’s shadow thief were carried out day and night.

The expansion of the shadow thieves can lead to dark guild wars between evil organizations, and naturally also arouse the vigilance of the justice partners. The Harpers Alliance has set up a secret base in the port area, which clearly knows that it will cause the security entrenched here. Muying thief is alert, but still taking it calmly, they may not be holding the purpose of shock and surveillance, like a nail here to contain the Ambuying thief.

Now, the League of Harpers is smashed and framed and fled hastily. There may not be any means used by the Shadow Thief in Amn. The thief who stole the freight carriage and reselled it and died on the second floor of the Bronze Crown Hotel might be the Shadow Thief. Abandoned!

With such a stupid series of actions by the city hall, the citizens of Ammu are so easily incited, and there may be actions by the shadow thieves behind them!

The Harpers League escaped, and there is no righteous force in the port area to contain the shadow thief of Amn. The shadow thief is uncontrollable here, and they are the biggest beneficiaries.

Then, by coincidence, Luo Feng, who expelled the Harpers League from Amn, and occupied the harpist’s nest, didn’t he sit on the wax?

It turned out to have been around, it was me who had the guilt in my mind!

Thinking of this, Luo Feng regretted it for a while. This was Li Lingzhi faint. Why did he agree to Mayor Bairana to take advantage of this one that should not be taken?

Not only drove away the righteous partner who was holding the shadow thief, but also happily ran to the city where the shadow thief’s lair was located and set up a company. Isn’t this the same as building a manor under the eyes of King Mountain?

Of course, you still need to be **** yourself. If you are strong and the enemy comes and smashes to death, this behavior is called pretending to be forced.

But his own strength is not good, and he is carrying a group of oil bottles. The squad can’t even beat the robbers in the sewers. This kind of behavior is stupid!

Luo Feng finds that once he starts to swell proudly, he will always be hit by the ruthless reality. It’s like someone believes when he lies, and others don’t believe when he tells the truth. It has become a personal trait. Is it possible to be in Liberty City? Offended someone, was secretly placed a rule card?

The more Luo Feng thought about it, the more he became angry, and the team members were not considerate, and followed him.

Tang Xiaotian saw Luo Feng’s frowning face, and smirked: “Captain, didn’t you say that even if the gods of justice block your way, you will be stepped under your feet? The days of returning Amn to a dignified life are not far away, when are you going to do it?”

In one sentence, Luo Feng was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven!

“Tang Xiaotian, you are so stinky!”

Luo Feng said in a huff: “I offend the Shadow Thief Amn, I don’t care. With my insight, if there is a shadow thief within a kilometer, you can smell the stench on them. If you want to be disadvantageous to me, it is the protection of the shadow thief. I’m not afraid of the **** Akanis-Gas personally taking the shot.”

He pointed to Zhang Daniu and said: “The squad is also not afraid of shadow thieves. He is almost immune to piercing and slashing attacks after being ironized. Just be careful not to be hit by control magic.”

After talking about Zhang Daniu, Luo Feng pointed at Tang Xiaotian viciously and said, “As the weakest weak chicken in the team, you are the most dangerous one. The shadow thieves like to shoot at women who are unable to resist. If you are caught by them , Locked in the shadow thief dungeon, they will first XXX you, then XXX you, force you XXX, give your XX to XX, and finally you will be XXXX…”

The young girl who was not well involved in the world heard a series of taboo words that came out of Luo Feng’s mouth, her face turned pale, her gloating energy disappeared, she was so scared she was paralyzed on the sofa and could not move.

“Captain, don’t scare people so much, you think Xiaotian is almost fainted.”

Klein really couldn’t stand Luo Feng, who was full of foul language, and couldn’t help but persuade him.

“You too.”

Luo Feng’s spear turned to him: “Don’t think that you are a boy and it’s okay. Some of the movie thieves with unique tastes are the most beautiful young people who like you. As a mage with no power to bind chickens, you have not even learned accidental skills. After being attacked by a shadow thief, he had no resistance at all.”

“When they grab you into the dungeon, they will change your clothes first, then let you XXX, then give you XXX, forcing you to XXX, after you XX you may be distorted and become XXX, not only XXX, but also XX…”

“Stop talking!”

The poor young man covered his ears and wailed. The captain’s foul language caused 10,000 crits and cast a shadow on his pure heart.

Looking at the two players in despair, Luo Feng sneered and said: “Whether you can accept it or not, what I said is by no means alarmist, it may be a prediction of the future.”

“team leader!”

Tang Xiaotian reacted first, jumped up from the sofa, and threw himself down in front of Luo Feng: “I beg you to find a way, or you agree to the conditions of the Shadow Thieves Guild, anyway, we also make a lot of money.”


Luo Feng resolutely shook his head: “First of all, only someone else promises my terms, no one can force me to agree to his terms. Principles cannot be compromised! Secondly, when dealing with criminals, the more you retreat, the more they will be more effective this time. The conditions are agreed, next time you propose more excessive conditions, will you agree to it?”

“But…but…” Klein’s tears rolled in his eyes: “You are not afraid of Shadow Thief, what should we do, I don’t want to face that terrible fate.”

“Hey…” Luo Feng sighed and said: “This is the end of the matter, it cannot be avoided, but I still have a way that is not a solution.”

“any solution?”

“Say it!”

Klein and Tang Xiaotian said in a hurry.

“The failure of Yao En’s experiment to develop phantom storage crystals caused a big explosion. The DVD was not made, but a by-product was developed, that is, the super magic crystal bomb!”

Luo Feng took out two magic crystal spheres with pull-tabs from the dimension bag, and distributed the two super magic crystal bombs to Klein and Tang Xiaotian.

“This kind of magic crystal bomb has ten times the explosive power of ordinary magic bombs. Once it is detonated, everything within a range of more than ten meters will be dusty! You put these two bombs close to your body for any accident.”

“Captain, do you mean that when we encountered a sneak attack by the shadow thief, we used this powerful bomb to counterattack?”

Tang Xiaotian took the bomb and asked curiously: “But the shadow thief hides in the shadow and sneaks in stealth. We won’t have time to dig out the bomb and blow them up if we were caught off guard.”

“No, you think too much.” Luo Feng waved his hand and said, “These two are glorious bullets. If you are caught by the shadow thief, you should pull the ring to explode, so as not to be humiliated before you die.”

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