Lord God Investigator

Chapter 164 - Responding to kidnapping

Luo Feng, whose chest was tight with anger by a certain player, can be regarded as relieved.

He stopped paying attention to the cancerous tumor of the faceless squad that had been taught, and said to the other players: “We are in the city of Ascatraz, which is the most convenient place for land and sea transportation on the mainland of Faerun. I ask you, this city Who has the most people among them?”

“Shadow Thief?”

“Tang Xiaotian, you shut up.”

“It was originally a shadow thief…”

Klein thought: “The most merchants?”

Luo Feng nodded and continued to ask: “Think about it again. A caravan has only one businessman employer. He wants to travel through the sea and land through monsters. What else is needed besides a freight wagon and a cargo ship?”

“Hire a lot of bodyguards!” Zhang Daniu suddenly said.

“Yes, this city is prosperous in commerce and caravans are in an endless stream. The Faerun Continent is full of monsters and robbers regardless of sea or land. It is very dangerous.” Luo Feng explained with a smile: “The merchants want to ensure the safe passage of caravans. You need to hire a large number of adventurers to act as caravan bodyguards.”

Tang Xiaotian also woke up: “Captain, you mean we spend money to hire bodyguards?”

“Yeah, since we have become big stars, when we go out there is no group of bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses. What a shame.”

Luo Feng nodded and said: “Moreover, we will hire only elites. Ascatla City is a business center. Countless caravans gather here. A large number of adventurers hired by merchants also stay here, as long as we can afford high salaries. , Even if you choose one of ten thousand braves, it is not impossible to choose.”

Klein smiled and said: “Yes, we made a lot of money from the performance of “Titanic”. I thought we would invest all of it to build a new theater. I didn’t expect the city hall to help us solve the theater problem. Now the money can be used. Hire bodyguards.”

“In the original plot, Chanem was offered a news fee of 20,000 gold coins by the Shadow Thieves Guild. In order to earn 20,000 gold coins, he ran around and walked almost all over Amn. The dragons slaughtered a few heads before he had enough money. “

Luo Feng continued: “We just want to guard against the Shadow Thieves Guild. We have hundreds of thousands of gold coins in our hands. This world is not the only adventure group of the Chanem team. We hire several powerful teams and equip each member of the theater. A security group does not have to worry about the kidnapping threat of the shadow thief.”

“In the original plot, the Chanem squad can help the vampires destroy the Shadow Thieves Guild in order to save five thousand gold coins. Or we can drop fifty thousand gold coins and hire someone to eradicate the shadow thieves. Wouldn’t it be better to completely eliminate the troubles?”

Tang Xiaotian thought of this suddenly and eagerly proposed.

Luo Feng shook his head and said: “The so-called Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff. The Chanem team just engaged in a beheading operation and assassinated the shadow lord Ellen Linville. It is not easy to kill the Shadow Thief Guild. The few shadow thieves that were killed are only a small part of the thousands of shadow thieves. If we hire someone to kill the shadow lord, what awaits us will be the full revenge of the shadow thieves guild under the fury.”

The Shadow Thieves Guild is not a small gang that kills a few heads and disappears in smoke. In addition to Renault Bloodhead, Aron Linville, and Akanis Gass, there are also many leaders of the Shadow Council hiding behind the scenes and killing With these three people with names and surnames, there will be more high-level shadow thieves to take their place, and in the name of revenge for the previous movie owners, they will lead thousands of shadow thieves to launch unending revenge against the Bradlow Theater.

After the Chanem team finished the ticket, they ran away in the vampire boat. The movie thieves wanted revenge but couldn’t find the target. Luo Feng team still had to perform in Ascatraz, but couldn’t play with the movie thieves. Such a behemoth fought a full-scale war.

Even if you have to vote to kill a group of high-level shadow thieves, you have to wait for the investigation task to be completed, and after the passage is opened, you can run away.

But at that time it was meaningless to kill the high-level shadow thief.

Luo Feng’s explanation persuaded Tang Xiaotian and the other team members that at present, it seems that they can only guard against death and strengthen security forces to fight against the kidnapping actions of the movie thieves.

After the countermeasures were discussed, Luo Feng immediately drafted the recruitment announcement, and asked Zhang Daniu to personally **** it to the city hall and post it on the bulletin board of the city hall.

The recruitment announcement stated that due to the bombing, the troupe members generally felt that their personal safety was not guaranteed and had to spend a lot of money to hire strong bodyguards for personal protection.

As soon as the news of the public recruitment of bodyguards by the Bradero Theater was released, it caused a huge wave in the city of Ascatla.

There are many unemployed adventurers in this city, and there are also many adventure teams who are employed by caravans and stay here because their employers do business.

The price offered by the Bradlow Theatre Company is a commission of 20,000 gold coins for a six-person full-length adventure team per month.

Twenty thousand gold coins!

This is a huge sum of money, so much so that when the protagonist Chanem heard the price offered by the movie thief, he exclaimed: Are you crazy?

And it’s 20,000 gold coins per month. The average caravan can’t make so much money at one time. The adventure group that follows the caravan on a dangerous journey earns even less. If it’s more, it’s only 5,000 gold coins. .

As long as you accompany the members of the troupe and walk around the city, you will get 20,000 gold coins in your account every month. This is a relaxed, decent, and well-paid job.

The high salary also means that the recruitment standards are high. The Bradrow Theatre Company requires that the average level of the adventurer squad be above 16 and the team must have specialized anti-thief professionals.

And because Amn is a country where magic is forbidden, the wizards in the team cannot cast magic in public, and their strength is greatly weakened. It is required that the proportion of wizards in the adventure team should not be too high. If there are senior wizards in the team, they must have the spellcasting issued by the masked wizard. license.

Even so, the team of adventurers swarming in is still like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Many adventure troupes coveted the high salaries offered by the Breedlow troupe, tore up their contracts with their original employers, and left their angry employer caravans aside, and ran to the troupe’s premises to try their luck.

The city of Ascatraz is located in a traffic rush. The caravans from all over the place brought many unique adventurers. Luo Feng and his team members opened their eyes during the recruitment interview.

For example, the southern jungle shaman rarely seen in Am, the brutal warrior from the north, the sorcerer from Neverwinter, the arcane knight in armor, the swordman with the sword, the swordsman from the Candle Hold Arcane polymaths, invisible divine envoys, long-sleeping inducers whose mission is to destroy the undead, and even the doomsday guards from Sigil City and the organ warlocks from Silver City…

There are a total of six members of the Bradlow troupe who need bodyguard protection: singer Tang Xiaotian, host and diplomatic commissioner Klein, dramatist Zhang Daniu, chief special effects artist Cameron, chief technology officer Yao En, and actress Monroe.

For a monthly fee of 120,000 gold coins, the troupe hired six full-length adventure troupes, a total of thirty-six strong adventurer bodyguards above level 16.

These six cooperate with tacit understanding, the profession is complete, the powerful adventure group with its own sophisticated magic equipment can pull out a few dragon lairs without a problem. It can fight the dragon and scurry around. Beware of the kidnapping of a movie thieves guild with a very single professional configuration. .

There was also an episode in the recruitment process:

Chanem, who was eager to raise funds to save his sister, saw the recruitment notice and thought it was a good way to get money. He also applied for the job with a team that was hard to get together.

Chanem’s squad members are the Druid part-time warrior Jahira, the mad mage Nina, the ranger Minsk who walks the world with hamsters, the suspected thief Yoshimo, and the warrior part-time priest Arnomen.

Not to mention, this squad is quite powerful, and the occupational configuration is quite reasonable. Luo Feng also wondered if he would simply hire him and let the protagonist do a month’s work for him.

However, Yao En had an old grievance with Chanem. When he saw him during the interview, he yelled at him. Yao En’s mouth broke and angered Chanem team on the spot and wanted to deal with him. Yao En is equipped with a powerful bodyguard team. The protagonist team is not yet the opponent of this bodyguard team. Yao En is about to become Chanem’s ghost.

As a result, the protagonist team was beaten by the bodyguards hired by Luo Feng and left the house with a bruised nose and swollen face. If it was not a critical juncture, Luo Feng opened his mouth to prevent the bodyguards from attacking. The district priest is resurrected.

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