Lord God Investigator

Chapter 51 - Pinnacle showdown

Under the witness of the people of the rivers and lakes, the peak duel of the world’s number one master officially began.

As soon as the two of them made their move, they made everyone present to take a breath, and it was almost impossible to tell whether this was a battle of martial arts or a battle of immortality!

The black-clothed and black-armored Batman leaped up and punched out, and the sky under the night was bright! Even the moonlight of the full moon is covered by stars, and you can only see countless meteors falling like rain on the top of the Forbidden City!

No one in the martial arts wanted to stand under that cluster of meteor showers. They felt that Catwoman would be smashed into meat sauce by this shocking blow.

The glazed tiles of the Hall of Supreme Harmony continued to explode, the ceiling of the main hall was pierced with numerous large holes, the scattered meteors fell to the ground, and the blue bricks on the floor of the palace’s inner courtyard were shattered, leaving small craters. .

However, surrounded by countless meteors, the dancing claw shadow of Catwoman is like a big umbrella opened in a rainstorm. The meteor hits the claw shadow and turns into stardust glow, and after shining, it turns into nothingness.

This punch Catwoman actually came next.

She also unfolded her body, so fast that people could only see a group of black shadows. The black shadows jumped in front of Batman in a few vertical jumps, and the cat’s claws swung out. A dusty fog rose from Batman’s body. The beams and pillars were affected and turned into shavings and sawdust in an instant.

This is the catwoman who is invincible, everything is not broken, cat shadow claw!

Everyone in the martial arts knows that Batman has an invulnerable bat armor, but Catwoman is only a blow, and this armor can’t stand it, cracking countless holes.

At the first meeting of the two, Batman’s armor was broken, and countless bloodstains were caught on his body, but Catwoman easily took Batman’s meteor fist without injury.

According to the general cognition of people in the rivers and lakes, it is feared that the victory or defeat is already divided, and the life and death judgments between the masters and the tricks are determined. Out of the game.

However, Catwoman and Batman have already broken the inherent concept of being in the rivers and lakes.

When Batman looked the most miserable, it was when he was the strongest.

Catwoman’s cat shadow claws are invincible, everything is unbreakable, but when confronting people, they often catch people miserably without hurting their lives, and at most make the person faint in pain.

There was the old river and lake already telling the young river and lakers beside him: “It seems that Catwoman is not Batman’s opponent in this duel.”

The young man asked, “Why? You see Catwoman has the upper hand.”

The old Jianghu said: “Batman has always been hit more and more fierce as the Meteor Fist, and Catwoman’s cat shadow claw only hurts people but not kills. Tell me, doesn’t Batman get stronger with this fight?”

The young man said: “It may not be necessary. What if Catwoman changes her habit and kills her? Even if her cat shadow claws only hurt but not kill, she still has a peerless skill. If you can’t beat Batman, you can also bring the Jade Seal. Run away. She was here to steal something. If she stole it, she won. I think Catwoman will win this duel.”

The old Jianghu was speechless when he heard him say it.

In Ruyi Gambling House, the largest gambling house in the capital, this matchup was open, and the old rivers and lakes could have put a lot of money on Batman. Hearing this, the young man felt a little nervous.

Sure enough, Batman shook his fist again, this time the meteor rush was more intense, and the shooting star’s energy was twice as high as the previous punch, and the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony was enveloped by a meteor shower.

Under the impact of countless meteors, the main hall trembled slightly, then slowly tilted, and finally collapsed. The dust rose up in the rumbling sound of the collapse and scattered everywhere, and the people in the rivers and lakes could not see the situation in the field.

“over there!”

As a sharp-eyed quack yelled, everyone saw that Catwoman and Batman had jumped out of the ruins of the collapsed Hall of Supreme Harmony and landed on the gate of Meridian Gate. The two fought once again. Fists and claws, shooting stars randomly.

In just a few moments, the Meridian Gate Tower was like being hit by a huge boulder shot by countless trebuchets, turning into fragments in the sky, flying up a hundred meters away, falling down cracklingly, and hitting the crowds on the square outside Meridian Gate. On the rivers and lakes.

Regardless of being smashed out of the head by a stone, this group of people from the rivers and lakes pointed to the two people who were fighting upstairs at the Meridian Gate and talked.

“Hey… I always hear from the elders in my family that the martial arts generation is inferior to the first generation. There are no such masters as Li Xunhuan, Xiao Shiyilang, Shen Lang, Fu Hongxue, Yan Shisan, Ximen Chuuxue. Today, when I saw the best two of the world fight at the top of the Forbidden City, I will tell my elders when I go home that there are martial arts myths in our generation that are far more powerful than the masters of the elders!”

“The momentum is amazing, the spiritual realm, the will of martial arts may not be comparable to the seniors.”

“There is no one among the senior masters who can shoot hundreds of meteors out of real energy, right?”

“That’s not it.”

“Isn’t he a master at turning the gate tower into shavings and gravel without a single blow?”

“It doesn’t seem to be either.”

“According to the old saying, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and our generation of rivers and lakes is truly unprecedented.”

“Hehe, the junior will really put gold on his face, except for the two who are fighting against him, who else can reach this martial art state, even if they surpass the ancients, are you still a waste?”

“Oh yeah, old immortal thing, come and have a fight with me, see how many teeth your old dog has left!”

Meng Xinghun and Catwoman formed a confrontation again. He found that his meteor fist really couldn’t help her temporarily, and couldn’t penetrate her claw shadow at all. If a meteor can’t penetrate her, then increase the number of meteors shot in an instant. It is meaningless, even if 10,000 shooting stars are shot, they will still be broken by claw shadows.

However, Meng Xinghun knew that as long as he continued to fight, he must win in the end.

Because the Pegasus Meteor Fist fully urges the power of the small universe, people will not fall down due to fatigue, the small universe is burning, people can fight, and the small universe can never burn up, and people can fight forever.

After this fight, Catwoman is already a little out of breath, her physical strength is far less than Meng Xinghun, as long as she fights, she will eventually be unable to dance the sky due to fatigue.

Meng Xinghun said: “You are already tired. You can’t win if you continue to fight. Put down the Jade Seal, I can let you go!”

Catwoman wiped away the sweat that ran down her cheeks, and said: “I have heard people from the rivers and lakes say that Batman is very strong and that Meteor Fist is the number one punch in the world. I fight today. I admit that the rumors are true.

She took off the package from her back and threw it at Meng Xinghun. Meng Xinghun was about to reach out to pick it up, but she saw her claws flashing, and the package and the jade seal inside were shattered into powder under the claws. .

Catwoman hugged her chest and sneered, looking at him and said: “But what about you? What I want to do, even if the world comes first, I can’t stop it! From the day I became Catwoman, I vowed to To be truly free, no one can control my thoughts, no one can restrain my hands and feet, and want me to be obedient, unless I kill me, burn me to ashes, and wipe me from this world forever!”

Meng Xinghun looked at the shattered jade seal of the ancient country, as if seeing the world’s beacon smoke rising, countless people of Li people wailing in the fire.

He said coldly: “You will pay for it!”

Catwoman sneered: “Then it depends on your light function and can’t catch up with me!”

After that, she wanted to turn into a group of shadows to start a peerless flee.

The anger broke through Meng Xinghun’s reason, he raised his fist again, but this time he did not leave his hand, and he swiped it at Catwoman with all his strength. The meteors condensed together and formed a huge comet.

He knew that his light work could not catch up with Catwoman, and he would never let her get away with it, vowing to use the strongest blow to keep her.

Comet Pegasus fist hit Catwoman with an aura of destruction. He moved to kill. He hates this kind of person who treats the world as nothing for his own sake, and hates this kind of person who despises the precious lives of the world’s people while talking and laughing. .

The world that is desperately guarding Meng Xingsun is in trouble, and I don’t know how many people are going to die. The reason is actually an obsession. This is the real unreasonable, reckless, and extremely vicious!

To kill this kind of person, Batman’s oath of not to kill is nothing!

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