Lord God Investigator

Chapter 6 - Lip and tongue

The man in Jinyi didn’t rush to do it. He pointed to the two discus **** on the table and said, “Boy, you’re lucky today. The old man has a rule when he walks the rivers and lakes, saying, “Be a man, stay on the sidelines, and see each other later.” It’s a pity to die in vain, leave you a way out, and get out of the happy forest if you know, or your head will be flatter than these two cakes in a while.”

Luo Feng raised his head to look at him and said with a smile: “You black servant is also interesting. This rule fits Grandpa’s heart. Grandpa I will also leave you a way out. If you get out of the Happy Forest now, you can take your head away. Otherwise, you will have to give it to Boss Gao as a thank you gift together with the beads all over the floor.”

The man in Jinyi turned black immediately, and he held back his anger and said, “Let’s keep you alive for a while. The old man will first ask you a word. Just now I heard you call yourself a’little man’ to Boss Gao. I will dare to call myself if I change it.’ grandfather’?”

Luo Feng arched his hand towards Boss Gao and said, “Boss Gao has saved my son’s life. My son is like the eldest sister. I naturally call her as my son, and you…”

He chuckled: “The short-lived black servant who came out of nowhere would be regarded as my son’s unfilial piety for me as a grandson. He actually made you such a pickle that is an eye-catcher. I didn’t shoot you on the wall in the first place!”

“Hey… the kid is looking for death!”

The man in Jinyi has ever heard such vulgar words, and how has anyone dared to scold him in person, when a pair of iron palms were rounded, he patted Luo Feng on the head.


The palm was slapped empty, and there was a muffled noise when the palms were folded together.

Also empty at the same time were the poisonous needle pierced from the back of the Grand Master’s chair, the two swords pierced from the ground, the fishing net covered on the head, and Meng Xinghun kicked it out.

At the same time as the man in Jinyi shot, Boss Gao also issued a killing order, and the assassins lying in ambush simultaneously launched attacks.

Meng Xinghun also mixed his kick. If he could kill the young man on the spot, he wouldn’t have to worry about the safety of Boss Gao. This kick was extremely vicious, aiming at the young man’s crotch. go with.

But the young man was gone. There were a dozen people in this room, all of them staring at the young man closely when they did it. As a result, no one saw how he disappeared.

The young man reappeared very quickly. With only a flash, his figure appeared beside the Jinyi man. He carried his hands on his back, leaned back slightly, and then slammed his head towards the Jinyi man, looking like he was about to smash him. Knock over.

Everyone thought that the young man was doing “iron head power”, but the young man’s head stopped when he was about to hit the man in Jinyi, his tongue suddenly popped out, and the tip of his tongue hit the temple of the man in Jinyi. on.

With a “pouch” sound, it was as if the water sac was punctured, and the man in Jinyi’s head was also broken. Two holes were pierced. The young man used his tongue to penetrate his temples, and a stream of air jets out from the temples on the other side. White brains and skull fragments splashed out and spilled all over the floor.

Luo Feng clicked his tongue to death the Patriarch Peng, keeping the posture behind his hands, standing erect next to Patriarch Peng’s corpse, with a smile on his mouth.

The high rollers in the gambling house seemed to have been tapped, and they were still motionless. The two assassins who jumped out from the ground stood up with their swords and used a combined attack. The two swords combined Xiang Luo. The front stabbed.

Luo Feng spit out two sputums.

Two mouthfuls of blood sputum.

The two mouthfuls of **** phlegm flew away, hitting the foreheads of the two swordsmen who rushed up right and left, and the two heads exploded.

These two mouthfuls of phlegm are more powerful than the explosion of the Thunderbolt in Pilitang!

Luo Feng regretted choosing the best killer in the world of Dragon Ball to kill in vain. This method was sufficient for deterrence, but now there is a **** smell in his mouth. The **** smell is also mixed with an unspeakable salty smell. , It is probably the taste of brain pulp.

It’s disgusting! This is also the first time Luo Feng tasted human brains, and the owner of the brains was still an ugly rough man. Even after spitting out two mouthfuls of sputum, Luo Feng didn’t spit out the taste cleanly. Luo Feng only felt stomach acid surge and almost spit out the overnight meal.

But in order to kill the chickens and curse the monkeys, he had to endure it, with his hands behind his back in a posture of a peerless killing.

Boss Gao felt a chill. She is a casino dealer, so she has seen all kinds of gambling skills. She is also a kiln-operated bustard, so she also knows all kinds of tricks in the house and has unlocked almost all poses. She is also the leader of a killer organization, so she has seen many ways to kill.

She has seen people who have been hit to death with a finger, people who have been poked to death with toothpicks, and even people who have been slapped to death with tofu. She has seen killing people with swords, killing people with darts, killing people with strange weapons, killing people with fire, killing people with water, and even seen a box, a box for killing, one of the seven weapons in the world.

But she has never seen a person killed by a tongue, nor a person killed by a mouthful of phlegm. She always thought that “lip, spear, tongue, sword” was just a sharp and kind idiom.

The young man in front of him has the ability to “snap, shoot, and speak”. When his lips are pursed, his sputum can smash a person’s head like a lead bullet fired by a fire gun. When he stretches his tongue, the tip of the tongue can stab a person to death like a sword!

Meng Xinghun was the closest person to Luo Feng in the audience. As long as he raised his hand, he ran into Luo Feng who seemed to be defenseless with his hands on his back, but he didn’t dare to act rashly.

Earlier, I heard Luo Feng tell him the story of “Batman” and talked about how martial arts, “the **** of the world,” martial arts in the martial arts mythology, is actually not true. He doesn’t believe that a person can practice martial arts to that degree. To the point, I think that the storyteller is just making up stories, just as the storyteller said that Li Yuanba in the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties can pick up a five-thousand-jin gold hammer.

Now that he sees the martial arts performed by the storyteller with his own eyes, he actually believes a little bit. Since someone in this world can use his tongue to kill a well-known horizontal training master, then this person said that someone can fly into the sky and cultivate into a land immortal. There is also so much credibility.

Luo Feng was in a daze at Gao Lao Dadao: “Sister Gao, if you accept the villain’s counter-offer, the villain will help you clean up the jealous pigs and dogs in this gambling house, leaving their heads and beads. You, Master Meng, go with the villain.”

He walked to the table, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of “Bone Chewing and Tendon San” tea, and rinsed his mouth with the tea:

“The matter here is over, the villain doesn’t care about those little moves.”

“If not, Happy Forest will become a Jedi today, and the villain promises that even the roots of grass will not grow in this land for ten years!”

Boss Gao felt instinctively that the young man was not intimidating, and he seemed to be able to keep this land from growing grass for ten years.

Boss Gao’s instinct has always been very accurate. If she was inaccurate once or twice, she would have died a long time ago, and she didn’t know which stinking ditch she would die in naked.

Boss Gao gritted his teeth and said: “Deal!”

After half a cup of tea, Luo Feng walked out of the gate of the gambling house, leaving behind a spot of glazed orbs and a few headless corpses holding one or two orbs in their hands.

Meng Xinghun didn’t immediately follow him, he stood at the door for a while, and looked at each other for a long time before he sighed and followed Luo Feng’s footsteps.

As he walked, Luo Feng opened the task briefing screen, which displayed:

“The progress of the storyline of the story world: 10%

Disturbance degree of the story world world line: 10%

Vigilance of the main god: 26% (10% of killing two reincarnations, 1% of a D-class plot character, 10% of direct influence on the main character of the plot, 5% of influence on the main supporting role of the plot)”

Seeing such data, Luo Feng frowned. It seemed that Meng Xinghun hadn’t completely escaped from Boss Gao’s control, I was afraid there would be some connection between the two.

Otherwise, the disturbance degree of the world line will not only increase so little.

Meng Xinghun was supposed to be tempted by Boss Gao in the cabin, but at the last moment he pushed him away and ran out, but in the end he was forced to kill Sun Yubo by Boss Gao.

This line is the main line of the world plot. Now Luo Feng is forcing Boss Gao to collect money and let go of Meng Xinghun. Then the world line should be greatly disrupted, but the mission briefing shows that the disturbance rate is only 10%. Said that the plot is likely to return to the main line.

This is the difficulty for investigators to do investigation tasks. It is not easy to grasp the minds of the core plot characters. Whether it is tricking or intimidation, it is almost impossible to reverse the main plot characters’ thoughts, or to turn the plot characters into obedient brothers. .

If Meng Xinghun left the boss so easily and willingly went with Luo Feng to be the second-generation Batman, Luo Feng himself would not believe it.

The current Meng Xinghun’s loyalty to Boss Gao is unparalleled. Boss Gao just asked him to die, and he wiped his neck without hesitation.

The reason why Luo Feng didn’t take Meng Xinghun directly from the cabin was because he was afraid that Meng Xinghun would be disconnected from the old man Gao, or because of threats and eagerness, Meng Xinghun simply committed suicide.

Forcing the plot characters to do things is more likely to kill the plot characters.

If the main characters in the plot such as Meng Xinghun and Gao Jiping die, the main god’s vigilance immediately soars. Although this world is a low martial arts world, even in the low martial world, the main **** turns on the universal enemy mode, Luo Feng can’t hold it. .

Luo Feng has a colleague who relied on his full abilities of “One Punch Superman” to investigate in a low-martial plot world that was more realistic, and he acted too unscrupulously and was listed as the enemy of the world by the main god.

That colleague stepped on the aircraft carrier, resisted the nuclear bomb, crushed the modern army into iron dross, and smashed the modern army into iron dross. He was so happy that he easily killed all the global humans in that world, but he finally died.

Mosquitoes from all over the world gathered around him with the goal of stinging him.

One Punch Man Saitama has two settings, one is “can’t hit a mosquito 100% unless the mosquito is as big as a human.”, and the other is “can be bitten by mosquitoes.”.

As a result, Luo Feng’s colleagues were surrounded by mosquitoes all over the world, biting them into dried meat.

The main **** is very angry, and the consequences are serious. The investigators must pay attention to the “main **** alertness” project, and must not dare to act recklessly because of their strength beyond the plot world of the investigation.

Since Meng Xingshun was still secretly controlled by Boss Gao, but he still followed, it means that there is a ghost in his heart.

False and unreliable? Play Infernal Affairs? Are you going to figure out my details before killing me?

Well, it seems that there is still a long way to train the protagonist, let’s wait and see.

Luo Feng secretly looked fiercely in his heart and cast a cold glance at Meng Xinghun.

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