Lord God Investigator

Chapter 61 - The suppression of world rules

As soon as he opened his eyes, Luo Feng felt dizzy and immediately noticed a major problem with his body. However, he did not rush to check in detail, but scanned the surroundings to check his surroundings.

He was standing in the center of a huge building, which looked a bit like an open-air arena, surrounded by oval high platforms, with gate towers in the south, east, north and west.

The gate towers are square, with arched gates open, and each gate tower is covered with a round golden spire.

Take a closer look, this huge building is not an arena, because its scale is several times larger than that of the arena. It looks like a trading town is enclosed in the competition area in the center of the arena.

There are many shops on every floor of Zhougao Terrace. The center of the oval building is bustling with people like a bazaar. There are many vendors selling this product, and there is even a huge circus tent located here.

There are several caravans outside the circus tent, some of which are equipped with animal cages, which contain brown bears, tigers, black panthers, and pythons.

“Come and listen! Everyone listen!”

Not far away, a halfling messenger shouted: “Attention, everyone, the latest news, 16 ships set sail, only eleven arrived, and more than a thousand people were buried on the bottom of the sea! Tragedy! Heavy damage! Terrible!”

In the market, the vendors yelled: “Ore! Gold mine, silver mine, mithril mine! Come buy it!”

“All kinds of liquor are sold in bulk! The latest Cescan Rye, Moonshine, Ximen Ruby, and Sands are available at affordable prices, and bulk purchases can be negotiated.”

“Tropical fruits from Huolongya Bay, sweet and delicious, exotic, please come and buy…”

The language proficiency made Luo Feng understand these words effortlessly. He had a general judgment in his mind, opened the communicator task bar, and the task description was displayed:

“Investigator Team: Luo Feng Team (Luo Feng, Tang Xiaotian, Io, Klein, Zhang Daniu)

The investigator’s story world type: magic side “Faerun Continental World”

Story world power level: extremely high

The progress of the plot line of the story world: 0%

Disturbance degree of the story world world line: 0%

Main **** alertness: 0%

Research mission objectives: Primary objective: Explore missions, try to explore all regions of the Toril world (including: the surface of the main material plane, the dark region, the outer world, the kingdom of the gods, the inner world, the elemental plane, and the bottomless abyss , Star Boundary, the Imprint City of the City of Ten Thousand Gates in the center of the world). Additional research and experimental tasks: design an experimental research Faerun world reputation system, try to make the team’s reputation reach the highest (sage), reduce the reputation to the lowest (demon). Secondary objective: to maximize the disturbance of the world line.

Task description: The wider the exploration area of ​​the primary objective, the more research points rewards will be obtained. There is no lower limit or upper limit, and the investigator team can grasp it according to the actual situation. Research and experiment tasks are not compulsory for completion, and rewards are evaluated based on the degree of prestige fluctuations, and the same goes for secondary goals. “

This is Ascatla, the capital of Ammu, known as the “Merchant Territory”. This city has a temple of Woking almost the same size as a small town.

Luo Feng and his team descended in the center of Woking Temple Market.

This is one of the most important trade centers on the mainland of Faerun. It has the same status as “Sambia” and “Deep Water City” in trade. Almost every merchant’s business is directly or indirectly related to Amn. They want Don’t deal directly with Amn, or I will go through Amn several times a year to do business with other places.

This is also the place where the plot of “Baldor’s Gate 2 Amn Suspect” took place. If Luo Feng expected it, the main storyline of this plot world is the legend of the protagonist Chanem in order to save his sister Imoon and covet their brother and sister Barr’s power There was a battle between the mage “Joan Irenicus”.

“It turns out to be Faerun Continent, which happens to be the source world of my druid abilities!”

The team members’ comments came from behind, and Luo Feng heard that Zhang Daniu was talking.

Klein asked nervously, “What’s wrong with you Io? I haven’t moved since I entered this world.”

Tang Xiaotian also interjected: “It’s not because of the suppression of the tech-side props by the magical world. Speaking of which, Io’s entire body is from the tech-side props.”

Luo Feng turned around and saw Io poking in place, like a sculpture.

“Didi, turn on the backup system, and the language module is loaded!”

There was a sound of electronic sound, but Io still did not move, but a dull and dull voice from inside the body: “My energy system has collapsed, the reactor has completely failed, and the optical brain control system has also failed. I don’t know how much damage has been done. The whole body cannot move.”

“What can I do?” Klein quickly looked at Luo Feng: “Captain, help Io quickly.”

Luo Feng stepped forward, checked Io, and said, “Your machine body is definitely unusable. The conflict in world rules is too serious. Can you eject the core of the sealed soul out of your body?”

“Didi, turn on the emergency escape mode!” Io made an electronic sound again, his head split in half, and a metal ball was floating on the place where the brain should have been.

Luo Feng reached out and took down the metal ball, and threw it to Klein. Klein hurriedly caught the ball and almost dropped Io’s soul core to the ground.

Klein was so scared that he screamed: “Team…Captain, don’t throw players like this next time, it’s too dangerous!”

“Don’t worry, the soul core sphere is constructed with super-strength materials, so everyone can kick me as a ball.” Io comforted him with a calm electronic sound: “Just don’t lose me.”

Klein only breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to keep Io in the storage space, but he was taken aback and asked in surprise, “Why can’t the storage space be opened?”

Luo Feng said with a serious expression: “Players, this time we are in big trouble. You can check yourselves. Our strength has been severely suppressed by this world. Now let’s report on our attributes after being suppressed.”

Tang Xiaotian said: “How did I become a 6th-level bard? The sect is a bard, and the Chakra ability has disappeared, and he cannot use medical ninjutsu.”

Luo Feng thought for a while and explained: “Ninjas in the Naruto world, after the rules are twisted, the profession should become a shadow dancer of the thieves sect, or a part-time thief of the mage. It is estimated that your ninjutsu is really bad, even as a hobby of singing ability. They have surpassed the ninjutsu ability, so they were changed into the bard sect of bards by Faerun’s world rules.”

Klein said: “I became an 8th-level conjurer, but I can’t perceive magic particles, and there are no spells in the spell bar, so I can’t use magic at all!”

“Don’t worry.” Luo Feng thought: “Since you are a conjurer profession, you should be able to use magic net spells, but because you have never learned the magic of Faerun mainland, no magic is copied in the spell book. Scroll, so the spell bar will be empty.”

Zhang Daniu said: “The 12th-level druid, my X gene ability has been reversed to the druid sect, called the’steel shapeshifter’, and the ability is not weakened.”

Io used the electronic voice of the urn to say: “After self-inspection, I found that I am now an equipment. The name of the equipment is:’Io’s Soul Sealing Magic Ball’. My equipment attribute is to make the wearer immune to’charm’ and’confusion’. Increases 3 points of intelligence, reduces 1 point of Charisma, and can use the’Appraisal Technique’ ten times a day.”

Tang Xiaotian said in surprise: “Our ability is distorted by the rules of the world. How come Io can’t even be a human being and turned into equipment?”

“This is not surprising. In the world rules of Faerun Continent, if the soul is sealed in a certain item, it will exist in the form of equipment, such as the talking two-handed sword’Lila Cole’. Io The attached’Immunity to Charm’ and’Immunity to Confusion’ attributes are also possessed by’Lila Cole’.”

Luo Feng went on to explain: “The world of Faerun Continent belongs to the extremely dangerous world of high magic. It can be said that dragons are flying in the sky, and there are many witches like dogs. There are hundreds of gods in the world, and every **** has ten stars. The strength of the reincarnation. This world also has the **** Ao and the powerful **** Lord of the dawn and Ms. Pain who are close to the strength of the **** god. Creatures outside the crystal wall system enter this world, and they will be severely suppressed by the rules of the world.”

He swept the players around and sighed: “I am now a 17th-level monk. Except for Zhang Daniu and myself, the combat power of everyone else in our team has been weakened to a negligible level, and our storage space is also negligible. Being closed and unable to take out any props, it seems that the task this time is not easy to complete.”

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