Lord God Investigator

Chapter 73 - See through the illusion

The moment Tang Xiaotian jumped off the bridge, Luo Feng moved suddenly and flew around. He stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed her arm, and with a strong lift, he pulled her back to the bridge.

There was a big horror between life and death, and Tang Xiaotian, who was almost alive, trembled and limp on the ground.

She sucked in big mouths, her heart beating fast, the moment she jumped down, her mind went blank, and her life experience flashed across her eyes like a revolving lantern, as if she had really died once.

“This… is this a test?” She raised her head pale and asked in a trembling voice.

Luo Feng nodded.

“Then did I pass the test?”

Luo Feng did not answer her, turned and walked towards the gate of the hemispherical giant tower at the other end of the bridge.

Tang Xiaotian quickly got up, never wanting to stay on this bridge flying across the void, and followed Luo Feng’s footsteps closely, and walked into the gate with him.

She was puzzled. She didn’t understand why the captain wanted to do this, she didn’t understand whether she had passed the test by jumping off the bridge, and she didn’t understand why the captain had to pull her up at the critical moment.

Judging from Luo Feng’s reaction, she seemed to have done something wrong.

But if you didn’t jump down, didn’t you violate the captain’s order? She has repeatedly confronted the captain, so she was treated like this. It would definitely be wrong if she didn’t jump.

How to do it right? The more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

As soon as you enter the giant tower, you see a hall. There is a fountain in the center of the hall. The three-story decorative fountain is sprayed with crystal water. The water splashes in the hall with the wind. The water vapor refreshes the heart and refreshes the spirit. A hint of refreshing coolness.

Below the hall is a flood of spring water, and a cross-shaped landscape bridge is erected on the spring water, connecting the corridor outside the hall. In the spring water, there are four elephants standing in four directions with the image of neighing elephants.

In the center of the landscape bridge, near the fountain stood a tall and sturdy ogre. The bridge head of the cross landscape bridge near the cloister guarded a sword spider. At the end of the cloister, two civilians stood face to face, silent.

At the exit of the hall behind the ogre, there was a coquettish woman wearing a tulle skirt with a large figure.

When the ogre saw Luo Feng and Tang Xiaotian, he said with a pleasant female voice: “Who are you? Oh, no matter who you are, please leave here! He…he killed almost everyone who came here. , Oh, please, run!”

Tang Xiaotian knew that this ogre was Alley, and her real face was as pure as her sweet voice.

Luo Feng walked forward with a smile and made a gentleman bowing to the lady in front of the ogre. He said in a cordial tone: “Beautiful fairy princess, your pretty face can make Xinghui look dark, I’m here to save Your knight, please don’t worry, I will be able to rescue you from the cave soon.”

The ogre was stunned, the blood basin on his ugly face opened slightly, and his expression was unsightly.

Tang Xiaotian couldn’t understand, even if he knew that the ogre’s body was a beautiful woman, facing that terrible face, Luo Feng could actually tease his sister without changing his face.

He even took advantage of the ogre’s horror, took the ogre’s big paw, and kissed his mouth to complete the kiss. When he wanted to take the opportunity to complete the kiss of the ogre’s cheek, The ogre was “shyly” pushed away by the recovered ogre.

This weird scene made Tang Xiaotian only feel nauseous.

“Are you an adventurer?”

The ogre was surprised: “You are not a master of spells. I can’t feel the magical power in you, but why can you see through the illusion? In the eyes of ordinary people, my image should be an ugly monster, and you seem to be able to See my true face.”

“Illusion and reality are two sides of the same body. The two are entangled and difficult to distinguish, but to me they are very distinct.”

Luo Feng smiled smartly and said: “You can call me’Bradrow’. I am a monk. Long-term spiritual practice and meditation have given me the insight to see through the reality. The illusion is only one that covers the reality. A layer of dust can be seen through as long as the’heart is like a mirror, wipe it often’. Besides, I have reached the realm of’there is nothing, why wipe it’. I can only wait to see through the illusion.”

“Wise Mr. Bradlow.” The ogre said in an admiring tone: “Your words of wisdom are really refreshing. My name is Alley… My uncle Querry and I work in the circus… “

She seemed to be shy, the more she talked, the lower her voice, and she didn’t dare to look at Luo Feng directly, looking dodgy. No wonder she was shy, and Luo Feng’s provocative gaze kept turning around her, stabbing the introverted and simple elf girl uncomfortable.

“Mr. Bradrow, since you can see through the illusion, you won’t be hurt by the illusion. Then please stop Carla and not let him continue to use evil illusion magic to harm people.”

She plucked up the courage to face Luo Feng’s harassment and pleaded: “If you can find the key to unlock my shackles, I can also help you fight Cara together.”

Tang Xiaotian realized that the world in her eyes was completely different from the world in Luo Feng’s eyes.

She didn’t see through the illusion, so she could only see an ugly ogre, and in Luo Feng’s eyes, it was not an ogre at all, but a beautiful elf girl, no wonder he went up coldly to take advantage.

She also recalled, on the bridge before, why Luo Feng forced her to jump down as a test, the bottomless abyss cliff in Tang Xiaotian’s eyes may be just a step in Luo Feng’s eyes.

Luo Feng pulled her out and held her because she couldn’t see through the illusion at the last moment, and regarded the steps as a cliff.

In this illusion world, if she believes in the illusion, she will be hurt by the illusion, which means that as long as she believes that she is jumping into the bottomless abyss, even if she jumps a step in reality, she will fall to death!

No wonder she didn’t pass that test. The content of the test is not just blindly obeying the captain’s order, but thinking, understanding the hidden meaning behind the order, and understanding why such an order should be executed!

The captain has clearly reminded her: “It’s just a mere illusion…”

As long as she can see through the illusion and jump down the bottomless abyss, it will be like jumping on the spot, there is no danger at all.

Tang Xiaotian lowered his head in shame, she knew Luo Feng must be disappointed in her.

“Your wish is the mission of the knight.”

Luo Feng bowed again to salute the ogre, walked straight to the two civilians at the end of the corridor, and punched the male civilian.

This punch hit the civilian’s head, knocked the civilian to the ground with one punch, and turned into a half-orc corpse on the spot, and a sword fell from the corpse.

Luo Feng picked it up and got the sword. He Shi Shiran walked back to the ogre and handed the sword to the ogre. After the ogre got the sword, the magic light flashed on his body and turned into an elf beauty. Teenage girl.

Tang Xiaotian then understood why Luo Feng took the opportunity to take advantage of her. She was indeed an unbelievably beautiful girl. She is a fool if she has the advantage. She has a unique temperament, kind, kind, sincere, pure, and likable.

Even as a girl, she wants to be close and close when they meet, and make friends with her, because it is a blessing in life to make such friends.

The characters in the lawful and kind-hearted camp are the best friends on the Falun mainland, but they can’t be too close to them. If you marry him or marry her, your married life must be as boring as a Puritan.

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