Lord God Investigator

Chapter 91 - Seek cooperation

Luo Feng still had to take care of Klein’s fragile little mind, and after hitting him hard, he tried to comfort him: “Even if you pretend to be Kleinya and go to the male noble’s house, you will sacrifice your hue and be eaten tofu. Never They will let you go to’pajamas’.”

He bit the word “pajamas” very hard, so the team members all immediately understood which word “sleep” he was talking about.

Klein lay on the table and started crying. Zhang Daniu, who was sitting next to him, patted his back sympathetically, comforting the poor young man.

“You guys, it’s really a bunch of flowers in a greenhouse!”

Luo Feng curled his lips and said disdainfully: “It’s really rare and weird. When I was a reincarnation of the Lord God, there was a teammate who looked as pure as Daniel in order to avoid the fate of annihilation and used the’color X technique’ to transform into The beauty went to’pajamas’ and got a powerful plot boss, and let the boss **** the team, so that our team won the team battle of a lifetime of nine deaths. This is where and where, I can’t bear it.”

None of the team members answered his words, and each bowed their heads in silence.

Luo Feng turned to the topic and explained the team’s next move: “Our investigation task is to explore the map and gain reputation. In the future, we will perform in the city of Ascatla as the’Bradero Theater’. First, you can earn some gold coins, and second, to complete our experimental tasks. Try to see if your reputation will increase after debuting as an’artist’.”

When Luo Feng said this, his face sank and his tone became serious: “However, the positive reputation is only part of the experimental task, and it is a very simple part. Our experimental task, the difficulty lies in the stage of negative reputation, let us imagine Now, to become the number one demon of Faerun Continent, how many righteous heroes will kill us to make their heroic epic? Even the gods will drop oracles to let the believers get rid of us!”

The players listened coldly behind their backs, and the joy of being praised by the captain for the first time diminished a lot.

Luo Feng waved his hand and said: “Don’t be too pressured. We are relatively safe at the stage of gaining positive reputation. At this stage, we try to be fully prepared and accumulate capital for evil. Now let’s talk about the stage play.”

Tang Xiaotian raised his hand and asked: “Captain, we haven’t solved the problem of the performance venue yet. The whole Ascatel is just such a small theater. We only borrow it for one day. Even if we want to perform, we won’t find it next time. Is the venue?”

“Well, this is indeed a problem.” Luo Feng stroked his chin and nodded thoughtfully: “It’s rare that Xiaotian can also put forward a decent opinion. It’s a little progress.”

Zhang Daniu also raised his hand and said: “We can try the open-air performance, build a simple stage in an open place.”

Tang Xiaotian shook his head and said, “No way. After all, our stage plays need to be assisted by illusions. If you secretly engage in masked mage indoors, you can’t find it. If you cast a spell outdoors, the masked wizards will be able to sense it.”

“Not bad, not bad!” Luo Feng nodded to Tang Xiaotian and said: “It is true, and from the perspective of performance, the Wujiuhu Hotel Theater is very suitable as our’magic stage play’ performance venue, whether it is light and shadow effects or sound playback effects. They are all very good. At the beginning of the design of this theater, the best viewing angle of the audience and the basic acoustic principles of sound transmission on the stage were taken into consideration. The architectural structure design is very scientific.”

He thought for a while and continued: “If we can cooperate with the Mark City Theatre Company, the problem will be solved. They authorize us to continue to use the theater, and the actors will participate in our stage play. It happens that we also need to recruit more actors. , Try to use phantom characters on stage as little as possible. If “Titanic” is to be played against the residents of Ascatraz in the future, at least the heroine Rose must be played by a real person.”

Tang Xiaotian asked curiously: “We didn’t use a real person to play Rose this time, and the effect is also very good? Why do we have to switch to a real actor during the performance?”

“This time the audience group we selected are all women, and they are noble women. They don’t need a real person to play Rose. Even if they are phantom characters, it doesn’t affect anything. They can use their imagination and substitute themselves for Rose. “

Luo Feng explained: “But if facing the public performance, the audience is not only female. Even if the male audience is in Io, they will not want to fall in love with an obscure phantom. They must have specific YY. Object, so you need a real person to play Rose. The actress’s acting skills and appearance must be outstanding, so as to ensure the success of the performance of “Titanic”.”

In the real world, the movie Titanic is not just a popular one. Kate Lewinster, who plays Rose, also became famous overnight and became popular all over the world, becoming the most beautiful angel in the hearts of countless men. , The best lover.

Since it is a public performance, the audience is not just female aristocrats. There are countless young men in Amn who think they are talented with dreams and dreams. They are also eager to have a romantic encounter. Meeting Rose is so pure and beautiful and full of charm. The aristocratic girl is on a vigorous love journey.

Several team members nodded frequently, thinking that the captain made a lot of sense.

“I will talk to Ms. Riris-Shay, the head of the Imprint City Theater Company, about cooperation, and I will give them some box office share. I believe that the embarrassed Imprint City Theater Company will not refuse such an offer.” Luo Feng Said: “Their actresses are of good quality, and their supporting actors are also very good. They can play Rose and Carl.”

Tang Xiaotian curled her lips. In fact, she had some thoughts about the role of Rose, and originally planned to volunteer her to play Rose. In this way, on the one hand, not only can you contribute to the team and avoid being expelled from the team after the mission is over, on the other hand, you can also play against the captain. There should not be too many passionate shots in it, in case two people wipe out during the show. Spark would be perfect.

Tang Xiaotian hesitated only when he thought that there were limited-level shots in the play. She gave her first kiss on the screen because the object was Luo Feng. She didn’t feel at a loss, but **** in front of so many audiences was beyond her scale. After hesitating, the captain has already proposed a new plan.

She couldn’t hold back the thoughts in her heart, and tentatively asked: “Captain, if the Sigil City Theatre Company does not agree to cooperate, can I try to play Rose?”

Luo Feng laughed loudly, clutching his stomach and laughing “quack” for a long time, so that Tang Xiaotian didn’t know why.

“Just you?” Luo Feng wiped the tears from his laughter, and pointed to her and said, “We played “Titanic” and not “Country Love”. You are not suitable for playing Rose at all.”

Tang Xiaotian rose in anger, and the lewdness that was taken by the captain did not dare to happen. He pursed his mouth without speaking, and muttered bitterly in his heart: “I look like Xiaocui, right? Luo Feng, I remember this time. Humiliated! You wait, today you are ignorant of me, and tomorrow my old lady will make you too high!”

After explaining the team’s next action plan, Luo Feng smiled: “Next, let’s make money. We can go to the Woking Mall for a big purchase. Do you have the energy to go shopping with me?”

“Of course I have energy, I won’t be tired after a day of shopping!”

Tang Xiaotian jumped up happily when he heard of shopping, and forgot the mental crit he had just received in a blink of an eye.

The other team members were also excited and eager to try. Even Klein, who had just been hit hard, raised his head buried deep in his arms.

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