Lord God Investigator

v2 Chapter 3 - Disclaimer

Logan was beaten to death by Luo Feng’s palm. He lay motionless on the ground. There were still a few hours before his resurrection. Scott was full of resentment towards the secret government department. Although he was not as irritable as Logan, he was also a stubborn person.

Ororo and Qin both planned to compromise, only he insisted that the two government agents came with bad intentions, suspected that they would be disadvantageous to the professor, and refused to let them into the school.

He was arguing with the two women, and suddenly he was taken aback, sighed and put his hand on the goggles down, and bitterly put away his hostility.

Luo Feng guessed that this was probably because Professor X communicated with him through spiritual communication.

The three X-Men were no longer eager. They led or “escorted” Luo Feng and Coleson into the Xavier Genius Youth School.

A group of mutant children on the lawn stood quietly. The smile on their faces had long since disappeared, replaced by fear and anxiety. The younger children shrank into the arms of their older brothers and sisters, sobbing softly.

Luo Feng tried to show a kind smile, stretched out his hand and swayed, and said hello to the children. As a result, a little girl burst into tears with a “wow” cry. The big sister next to her quickly covered her mouth and whispered. Said to her: “Don’t cry, don’t be afraid, don’t attract his attention…”

Luo Feng touched his nose awkwardly, turned his head in a sorrowful way, no longer frightened the child, and quickened his pace.

Professor Charles Xavier sat behind the desk and smiled kindly at the two uninvited guests. He gave a cordial and peaceful look. When Luo Feng walked in, he took the initiative to reach out and took the lead in conveying kindness.

Luo Feng sat on the guest chair opposite the professor’s desk and took a sip of black tea.

“Good afternoon, Professor Xavier, I am Luo Feng, Director of SHIELD.”

Professor X nodded in salute, thinking slowly: “I remember that the director of SHIELD is Nick Fury, that is a gloomy gentleman, he has always respected mutants, but this is something that both of us can accept. attitude.”

“So he was fired.”

Luo Feng said: “As globalization and diversification have become a major trend, and the earth’s security situation is so urgent today, a black person has racial prejudice and cannot unite all forces that can unite to guard the world. The Security Council believes that his ability is insufficient Serve as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.”

Pointing to his nose, Luo Feng continued: “And I am different. I think the contradiction between mutants and humans is the internal contradiction of the people of the earth. In my home country, there is no racial problem, let alone segregation and segregation. Persecution, I don’t understand why Americans are so unwise, their arrogance and prejudice blinded their eyes.”

“Are you from Huaxia?”

Professor Xavier frowned and asked incredulously: “How can a Chinese person be appointed as the head of SHIELD?”

“It’s a long story for many reasons. I will slowly explain to you when I have time in the future.” Luo Feng smiled and said, “In order to avoid misunderstandings, I will explain my intentions straightforwardly.”

Professor Xavier nodded and waited for him to speak.

Luo Feng first took out an injection from his pocket and placed it in front of Professor X. After finishing this, he said: “I have an idea to gather a group of extraordinary people to see what we can do. When they need our Time, let’s fight…”

“Wait…” Professor X interrupted him with a wry smile: “You want to recruit mutants to join SHIELD?”

Professor Xavier shook his head and said: “Your idea may be good, but there are not many mutants willing to join the government secret service. We have been deceived and injured too many times. God knows if this will be the next X weapon project. What? You know Colonel Stryker? And Dr. Bolivar…”

“Professor, your concern is not unreasonable.”

Luo Feng did not refute him and nodded: “I also think it is difficult to recruit mutants to join SHIELD. You don’t trust me, no, you don’t even trust humans, and trust is the basis of cooperation.”

He pointed to the injection on the table and said: “So, I have to show my sincerity first.”

Professor Xavier’s gaze fell on the injection following Luo Feng’s point. He said: “This will not be the so-called’healing potion’ to eliminate the mutant X gene? Your’sincerity’ is more like a threat. .”

“No, no, no!” Luo Feng quickly waved his hand: “This is a healing potion, but it won’t eliminate the X gene.”

He held up the injection and introduced: “LM super sero soldier type, the super soldier serum developed by my motherland, China, is a pure Chinese herbal preparation containing a mysterious power from the East.”

“This serum can give a person the pinnacle of human physical quality, and unlike Western medicine, it does not have any toxic side effects.”

Luo Feng is like a drug sales representative who sells his own products to doctors: “In addition, it has the effects of’instant cure’,’extension of life’,’restoration of youth’, and’freeze age’.”

Professor Xavier frowned. He didn’t believe what the young man was saying. How could there be such a magical super soldier serum in the world?

Similar to the super soldier serum developed during World War II in the United States, but without any side effects, can it prolong life and maintain youth forever? Where is this super serum, this is the elixir of Eastern legend!

“Think about it, Mr. Xavier, your body is old and weak. It seems to be able to maintain it now, but the illness is like a mountain and God knows when it will collapse.”

Luo Feng pointed to Xavier’s wheelchair and said: “Your life is coming to an end. Forgive me, you can imagine you being weakened by senile diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and heart disease. , Can you still lead and guard the mutant race? After you die, who can be your successor?”

Raising the medicine in his hand, Luo Feng made a presentation and said: “With just one shot, you can heal your disability, restore your youth, and even gain a strong body at the peak of humanity!”

Professor Xavier was a little surprised, and rarely put away his indifferent expression. If the young man in front of him was telling the truth, it would be considered full of sincerity.

Professor X’s powerful abilities made the government jealous. His presence deterred the military from blatantly arresting and persecuting mutants. Both the government and the military would wait for him to die soon.

If the “super serum” is as effective as he said, then professors who extend their lifespan and restore youth and health can definitely continue to protect the mutant population and maintain the fragile peace between mutants and humans for decades or even hundreds of years.

But how can you be sure that he is not deceiving yourself?

If the so-called healing potion is just a shot of cyanide, or a control potion developed by Stryker using his son’s blood, then the end of mutants will come immediately.

Such an important choice has to be carefully considered and verified in every possible way.

Professor X broke his usual principle of not spying on other people’s thoughts and quietly used mind reading techniques to probe, but the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He was carrying some kind of equipment that shielded psychic powers and could not read his mind.

The face-to-face agent who came with him could read the mind, but knew nothing about serum.

Luo Feng saw the skepticism shown by Professor Xavier, and he also sensed the concentration of spiritual power around him. He smiled and said, “I know you don’t believe me and cannot read my thoughts. In order to obtain you Trust, I specially found a volunteer in front of your interview medicine. He is a poor man who is plagued by cancer. This medicine can cure his chronic illness.”

Having said that, Luo Feng looked at his watch and muttered, “The agreed time has already passed. Doesn’t that guy want to make a million dollars?”

As soon as the voice fell, the office door was pushed open, and a guy in a red tights broke in.

“Aha, I didn’t expect it to be true, there is a fool who would give me a million dollars for an injection!”

The visitors walked in without anyone else, came to Luo Feng, bent down and stared at him with interest.

“Are you that fool? Where is the money? Give me an injection. I can’t wait to find Betty and Shanna to play with me when I have made money. I have a tight hand recently and haven’t touched a girl for a long time.”

The professor knows this guy. This gentleman’s name is Wade Wilson. He is friends with the Steel Lux in the school. He and Logan don’t see each other. Sometimes he sneaks into the school to make trouble or even tease some mutant girls who are entering puberty. student.

To Xavier School of Genius, this guy is like a little hooligan around the school, but he is much more destructive than the little hooligan, and he can’t drive him away.

Gang Lux still wanted to pull him into the X-Men, but the professor didn’t say anything, but in his heart he disagrees very much.

Luo Feng clicked his name on the mercenary website and released the mission. The mission was awarded with a bonus of one million. The content of the mission was to test medicine for a mouse. Mr. Wade had an undead healing factor. He felt that no matter what medicine it was, the medicine would not kill him. If you don’t make money, you don’t make money. If it can cure cancer and restore his appearance like in the introduction of the medicine, wouldn’t it make a lot of money?

The agreed location of the mission was also the Xavier Genius School he knew well, and he hurried to make quick money without thinking it was a trap.

“Mr. Wade, please sign this disclaimer before the injection. We are a formal government agency and everything must be done in accordance with the procedures.”

Luo Feng was not in a hurry. He took out a document and handed it to the dead servant who was anxious for an injection. He winked at Coleson, who put a suitcase on the table and opened the box to reveal a brand new one inside. Stacks of dollar bills.

There was a document on the dollar bill. Luo Feng patted Deadpool’s paw to the bill, took the document and handed it to him.

“This document states that we can guarantee that the drug will achieve the stated effect, that is, cure your cancer, but it will also produce some unpredictable changes. After all, this is an experimental drug. If something dissatisfies you You cannot hold us accountable for side effects.”

“Ha, don’t worry about that, I am a trustworthy person, even if there are side effects, it will not poison me.”

Deadpool snatched the documents anxiously, and while signing the name, he said, “But the most likely thing is that this shot is a waste of money, and if I make your money, it is also a waste of money, oh haha.”

“By the way, take off your mask, we need to visually observe whether the medicine can work.”

Deadpool was a little reluctant, but for the sake of a million dollars, he took off his hood, revealing that ugly and lumpy disfigured face.

After he finished signing the statement, Luo Feng put away the documents and handed him the injection.

Without a word, Deadpool rolled up his sleeves and took an injection by himself. After the injection, he showed a comfortable expression, as if the injection was some indescribable medicine.

The medicine took effect extremely quickly, the lumps on his face disappeared visibly, and the rotting and crusted skin slowly returned to smoothness.

“Oh my God!”

Deadpool exclaimed: “I can feel the changes in my body. It’s a miracle. My luck is so good! My face! My skin! My God, I love this medicine!”

His skin gradually turned into an ordinary person, and he returned to his pre-disfigured appearance. Deadpool could not wait to take a mirror from Professor Xavier’s desk, and put his face in the mirror.

“Oh, my handsome face, long time no see, are you okay? What!”

He kissed the mirror and looked so happy.

However, after his appearance and health were restored, the changes continued!

His skin became whiter and smoother, and his face began to change to a softer appearance. His bald hair began to grow rapidly, his figure gradually shrank, and his chest swelled…

“Wait…Stop!” Deadpool cried out in a panic, “God, what a ghost, what’s going on!”

In front of Professor Xavier, an ugly and disgusting scarface slowly turned into a blonde, with red lips and white teeth, with a convex and concave figure, a beautiful 16-year-old girl in the mood for love, still very spicy. .

The girly version of Deadpool glared at Luo Feng, the instigator, and scolded softly: “You big liar!”

Luo Feng shrugged and shook the signed disclaimer: “I said, there are some unforeseen side effects. You didn’t seem to have any doubts about it when you signed the name.”

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