Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1602 - Anti-life equation

The Apocalypse reaches deep into the hall of a refuge under the mantle. Darkside spread his legs and sat on a throne made of low-temperature ice with a grumpy expression. He has been a bit angry recently, but It’s only a little bit more comfortable to sit on the Ice Throne and chill.

Below the throne, the members of the Dark Elite Club gathered together, and all the wild female warriors of the Vengeance Special Forces were all here, but the female warriors were slightly open, afraid to look directly at the Darkside on the throne.

This is not because of the strong aura of Darkside or the rules established, but because the burning firebird has become the only bright spot on his gray body. It is really like a firefly in the dark hall in the dark hall. Is it so dazzling? , As long as you look in the past, you can’t help being deeply attracted.

Although the wild female warriors of the Nemesis team say that one by one is nothing to kill and eat people without spitting out bones, they are also good girls who still retain a girlish heart and shame. They can only turn their eyes away and keep their eyes silent.

Darkside didn’t want to show others in such a frustrated image, but in order to avoid the dark fire, he could only take off his pants. The unsightly appearance is better than burning the whole lower body, right?

“Dissaad! Hasn’t the method to eliminate this curse been researched yet? As the chief scientist of the Apocalypse, you can’t extinguish a mere fire!”

Darkside was in a bad mood. When he opened his mouth, he roared violently, and shouted at a shriveled weird man in a hooded mage robe standing below: “Whatever method is used, please put out the fire for me. I can’t bear it anymore. Go down!”

Dessard said with a bitter face: “My lord, during this time I have carefully studied the cursed fire among you. The burning mechanism of this kind of flame is very strange. Whenever it is contaminated with substances, it can be formed without oxides or reaching the ignition temperature. The fire mass directly converts the material into heat energy slowly, realizing the conversion of mass-energy at room temperature, until all the contaminated material is burned out. If it weren’t for the slower flame burning rate and the slower mass-energy conversion speed, low-temperature nuclear fusion would not be achieved. Question, it has the potential to become a clean and eternal energy…”

The nature of the scientist is troubled. When Dessard talked about it in a long way, Daxede was extremely impatient and shouted again: “Let you study how to put out fires, what eternal clean energy do you study, do you plan to let me use fire? Birds can’t use hot water to generate electricity! Let’s stop talking nonsense and tell me that you haven’t worked out a way to extinguish fires!”

Amaterasu Black Fire actually has the potential of eternal clean energy. As long as it is combined with magnetic levitation technology to suspend the fuel in the air and continuously add fuel, this never extinguished flame is used to burn hot water for power generation. The energy conversion rate is equivalent. High, and it will not produce smoke pollution.

Had it not been for Naruto World to have a higher level of technology that directly converts Chakra’s Thunder Dune into electricity, Sasuke would be able to become a wealthy power tycoon with this hand.

If the ninjas of Naruto World want to use ninjutsu to develop their productivity, the advancement in science and technology will be amazing. However, the guys in the original plot know that they will fight, kill, kill, and rob the pitiful natural resources. They have a narrow vision. Terrible.

However, all this changed after Luo Feng came to Naruto World to train Naruto. Today, the Naruto World Starfleet has launched an interstellar war with the Otsuki clan, liberating and colonizing the sacred tree that was once planted by Otsuki. Countless planets have established cosmic federations, living in the ranks of advanced interstellar civilizations. This is the real upper limit of the Naruto World.

“My lord, it’s not that I don’t seem to help you relieve your pain, but the Weichen can’t do it!”

De Sade said with trepidation: “This black flame is neither science nor magic. It is completely the product of another power system. We live in a magical world with extremely high compatibility. Various power systems are intricate, such as the lamp ring. There are nearly ten different colors formed by different power systems. Finding out this non-magical and technological flame burning principle is really harder than finding a needle in a haystack!”

Darkside heard that even his best masters of magic and scientists could not deal with the black fire. He was shocked and gritted his teeth and said: “Could it be that it really can’t be extinguished? I can only hang the firebird without wearing my pants for the rest of my life. Life? What kind of style is this, what is this feeling! As a new protoss, my life span is close to eternity, and I will demonstrate this virtue for countless years from now on. Over time, all beings in the universe will not forget my God of darkness. Name, I’m called the Black Bird Weird instead!”


Darkside was not telling a joke, but what he said matched his frustrated image to the extreme. On the contrary, he was full of laughter. In the dark experience of the audience, the heartless member couldn’t help but laugh.

The sneer sounded very harsh in the quiet refuge hall. Darkside heard it really and couldn’t help but madly said: “Smelly shameless and still laughing! If that’s the case, don’t expect your trash If you look at this king’s jokes from the sidelines, come over to me. I want to spread the black fire to you. From now on, you will change your name to the Blackbird Elite Group. Everyone should be the same!”

The members of the Dark Elite Society who were still smirking in the audience suddenly fell silent, all of them turned green in fright, and shrank back with their legs in between.

“Master, don’t be impulsive, this kind of flame burn pain will greatly weaken the combat effectiveness of the dark elite society. Now that the human army is under pressure, we are still burning ourselves to weaken the combat effectiveness, which is really unwise.”

Dessard was eager to become wise, and quickly persuaded: “Since this black fire was created by Batman, as long as Batman is killed, the black flame will lose its creator, and it will naturally go out!”

“Kill Batman?” Darkside said angrily: “You think I don’t want to kill him! This guy is not so easy to kill now. He probably used Superman’s serum to create a potion to strengthen his power to match Superman. Similar, besides that, it seems that I have received the blessing of the **** of life that I have never heard of. Omega rays have no effect on him. I can’t take advantage of him in close hand-to-hand combat. I would like to ask you. , How to kill him?”

De Sade quickly said: “Lord, don’t forget, there are anti-life equations in the world. This is the ultimate killer that restrains all organic life! As long as you can get the anti-life equations, no matter it is used by the people on the earth to warships. Once the Holy Water of Life is opened, or Batman curses you with the Fire of Life, you can easily counter it!”

Speaking of the anti-life equation, Darkside sighed deeply and said helplessly: “But…it’s not easy to get the anti-life equation. The anti-life equation I have is not complete. I want to get the completed anti-life equation. It’s about reaching the center of the antimatter universe, or knowing it from anti-monitors. The use of incomplete anti-life equations rashly will have unpredictable effects on the universe…”

“Lord, now the Apocalypse is on the verge of extinction, we have no choice at all!” De Saad said: “Even if the incomplete anti-life equation is used, there are endless troubles, it is better than we are going to die right now. ?”

Darkside thought for a long time. He twisted his itchy cold ass, his sullen face suppressed his voice and roared: “Well, it was Bruce who forced me, then use the anti-life equation, and all the consequences will be the whole The life of the universe will bear it together!”

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