Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1623 - Recruiting talents does not avoid relatives

“Immediately release the superheroes I recruited from the parallel universe!”

As soon as he saw reaching Mian, the beautiful girl Bruce roared in anger: “I really underestimated your shamelessness, how can you do this? When the war is over, they will return to their respective parallel universes and spread the matter out, other parallels. The universe thought that the family business of the Wayne family in our parallel universe was to open an entertainment city for superheroes!”

“That’s a good idea!”

Damian seemed to have been reminded and said cheerfully: “Dr. Ting Rui mentioned that once there was a parallel universe, he opened a parallel universe’Truto’, but the parallel universe Dr. Rui, who came up with that idea, made a lot of money. After the war is over, our father and son will jointly open a Parallel Universe Entertainment City. I will be responsible for the operation and you will be responsible for the purchase. We will definitely become the richest people in this universe!”

“Damn, I’m not here to give you ideas, you really want to open this kind of business!” Bruce said with tears: “How can I have a son like you, they are superheroes, to defeat the threatening universe Surviving powerful enemies have come to our universe, you can’t treat them like this!”

Damian curled his lips and said, “Then what do you think I should do with them? Their abilities are different. One is fighting, and the other is entertaining the public. You have seen the results of the fight, and they are not good at all. Don’t you just leave the two talents of entertaining and inspiring people to play this role?”

By the way, Damian also turned out the tablet and showed the data displayed on the computer to Batman, saying: “Not to mention, after they engaged in the work of motivating soldiers, the effect was really good. Here are the soldiers. The questionnaire for this service can be said to be unanimously praised! Some soldiers commented that after receiving this service, they felt that although they were not superheroes, they felt that they were better than superheroes. They felt great, especially confident, against the nightmare knights. There is no psychological pressure anymore, and an inexplicable sense of superiority arises spontaneously.”

“But… this is in exchange for trampling on the dignity of superheroes!” Bruce said bitterly: “This is unfair to superheroes…”

“What’s unfair?”

Damian said coldly: “The dignity of a superhero is not given by the people. Where can there be any glamorous superhero without the people? Just be a superhero if you want to stand. Right? When the situation is stronger than that of people, you must admit it if you make a mistake and stand firm when you are beaten!”

Speaking of this, Damian settled for a while, and then said earnestly: “In the final analysis, what I have done is not to defeat Barbatos in the extreme and save the entire universe. You think I have nothing to achieve this goal. Forced to open business? Some parts of the wooden avatars that I gave to my father’s avenger girls are worn out with sawdust! How do you think you think Daxed was beaten to a harmless baby? It’s not because of me. Fucked by his daughter, he was actually defeated by my panties!

Being forced to operate is shameful, but it works! You want face, but don’t want to suffer. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Really think that God is your own father, and the universe was opened by your family? In this critical period when the universe is about to be destroyed, how about being wronged? Besides, all the soldiers I trained are handsome men and beauties, and I can’t decide who takes advantage and who loses! “

Damian was really one set after another when he talked about fallacies, and Bruce was speechless, suffocating but unable to vent.

“Oh, right!”

Damian slapped his head, as if thinking of something, and said to Bruce, a **** beautiful girl: “In the past few years since you left, the human situation has improved, and the antidote for gene reversal medicine has been created. Do you want to change it back? “

The news is good news. Bruce has suffered from this beautiful girl for several years. I won’t mention the inconvenient days every month. Occasionally, hormones are sprouted on some men due to the endocrine and hormone effects of the body. She has to rely on her tenacious will to carry it through, and then she makes a big mistake.

Knowing the son Moruo father, Damian’s character Bruce knows best. It is estimated that even if he fights his own life, the parallel universe superheroes who have been pushed into the fire pit may not be saved, and Bruce will no longer do useless work, pay attention The force shifted to the antidote mentioned by Damian.

“It can be regarded as waiting for the cure!” Beautiful girl Bruce trembled excitedly: “Give me the cure, I want to restore it immediately!”

Damian showed a meaningful smile, dragging a long tone and saying slowly: “Well… the antidote can be given to you, but there are conditions.”

“What conditions?” An ominous premonition rose in the heart of the beautiful girl Bruce.

“When you change back to the original, you have to open the door to me for business like those Batman in the parallel universe, and become a soldier motivation officer!”

The beautiful girl Bruce stared her eyes wide, and said in astonishment: “You didn’t arrange me to be a motivation officer at the beginning. I thought you were thinking that I was your father. I didn’t expect you to even let your biological father go. ?”

“In the beginning, you were not arranged because you have a female appearance. The soldiers did not recognize you as Batman. If you want to be an incentive officer, you have to be a famous superhero.”

Damian said with a face that the six relatives did not recognize: “Now that the national disaster is at the head, all humans in the multiverse should have money to contribute, and to be able to contribute. Those who have no money and power should be born. Even if you and I are intimate, there is no exception. What’s more, I have dedicated myself, and your external conditions are so suitable, why don’t you commit yourself?

This is called Juxian not avoiding relatives! At the time of the national disaster, all mankind became soldiers on the front line, but you shrank behind as a waste, that is, a thief or a deserter. I can’t recognize the thief as a father, let alone lead you to injustice, and force you to be a man who contributes to the universe. Good father, this is great filial piety! “

The beautiful girl Bruce was about to be fainted by one of his false theories, but she also understood what Damian meant. Except for those who did not, if she wanted to restore her boyhood, she must dedicate herself generously to the cause of the liberation of the universe. Otherwise, you can only continue to hold this beautiful girl’s body as a vase.

Bruce is caught in a major decision in life, but he can’t make a decision for a while. It’s like choosing curry-flavored **** or shit-flavored curry. No matter how you choose, it seems to be a big loss.

“Father! I really didn’t want to cheat you when I was a son. You have seen that superheroes are very effective in motivating officers, but the number of motivating officers is too small. Soldiers are waiting to be fed!”

Seeing her tangled expression, Damian persuaded with all his heart: “It won’t be long before the army of the dark multiverse will invade. Seven billion soldiers around the world will have to enjoy the service at least once and add a buff per person? And the destruction of the universe? Compared with the evil results, this job is just a little bit harder. It is nothing more than individual hard work, and there is no need to be afraid that the body will be overwhelmed. I have a secret method that can keep you energetic and stamina 24 hours a day. For the sake of the universe, you will Sacrifice sacrifice!”

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