Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1661 - Air pursuit

Three f22 fighter jets followed, closely chasing the fighter Luo Feng stole into the air.

After the unmanned stolen fighter took off, it turned to the southwest, flew straight to the mainland, and soon reached the airspace of the air defense identification zone unilaterally delineated by Dongying.

While the stolen fighter was flying away from the mainland of Dongying, although the Air Force commander had deliberately ordered the shooting down, it was flying in a land country. Considering that an air fighter crash might crash into civilian facilities or residential buildings, it could only be forbeared. I watched it fly out of the airspace of the eastern land border on the radar.

It took a lot of time to get to the sea and solve the weapon identification system. It took a lot of time to remove this “defection” fighter from our target list. After the problem was solved, the chasing fighter was finally able to use missiles to target its own target. More than half, the other party has arrived at the central area of ​​the Dongying Aviation Identification Zone.

This area of ​​aviation identification is very large. It can be said that as long as the aircraft from the mainland enters the so-called “aviation identification area” of Dongying, they will be warned by the cruise fighters of Dongying.

China Xia does not recognize this so-called aviation identification zone. From time to time, it will send fighter jets into the aviation identification zone to warn each other with Dongying’s aircraft mutual illumination radar.

When the aircraft piloted by Luo Feng just entered the aviation identification zone, the China Air Defense Force had already found an abnormality on the radar, and the intelligence was immediately transmitted to the coastal air force combat command center.

A formation of HOPE F22 fighters made up of four fighter jets flew straight to the mainland. After crossing the center line of the air defense identification zone, they still did not change direction. This is completely different from the cruise route of the HOPE Air Force in Dongying. It seems to convey quite provocative. Signs of nature and hostility.

The Huaxia Air Force Command also responded immediately, sending two interception formations composed of Tieji Ji and Su Sanwu to take off immediately and fly to meet the f22 formation to perform the interception mission. The two sides will probably approach the mainland in the middle of the air defense identification zone. Encountered on one side in the direction and entered each other’s missile range.

“What do Hope Country and Dongying Country want to do?”

In the Huaxia Coastal Air Force Command Center, an air force commander stared at the radar and satellite transmissions with furrowed brows and murmured: “Is it because we are going to make a big move on the’door’, so we have a warning demonstration in advance. Action? Do these guys think it’s the 90s? We also have aircraft carriers, AWACS and Ribbon Ji. Do we have to use an aerial battle to wake them up? This sky is no longer the back garden of the countrymen!”

“The head of the report, an aircraft in the enemy fighter formation sent us an unencrypted audio communication requesting us to open the airspace. He said that he is his own, and he is being chased by three fighters from the rear, and is about to land at our airport. !”

At the moment when the commander was confused and sullen, the communications officer rushed to report the latest situation to him, but the content of the report surprised the commander.

“What? My own person? How do my own people start the f22 of the hope country and return home?”

The commander said in a puzzled way: “Recently, due to the’door opening incident’ of Dongying, the secret service did strengthen its intelligence work against Dongying, but they did not report that some special service personnel need our cooperation to evacuate from Dongying. Besides, special service personnel Even if you evacuate, you can’t steal someone’s plane and drive back!”

Faced with such a request, do you accept it or not?

For the air force commander on the scene, it is really a difficult issue to decide. The relationship between the response is too great. If it is not possible, it will really cause an air battle. If you don’t respond, if the other party is really forced to use important information. Stealing a fighter plane and returning home, if you watch your own person be shot down, not to mention the loss of intelligence, you will not feel comfortable even if you don’t save your comrades.

There is also the most critical question, which is whether this unencrypted voice communication is true or not. The secret service department has not issued a letter of assistance in combat operations, and it is impossible to determine that the pilot on the fighter plane is its own special agent. In the unlikely event that this is a conspiracy conducted by the Hope Country, if one’s own side accepts it instead, a series of disputes will be planted into China’s spy operations.

After weighing it for a long time, the Air Force commander shook his head slightly and said: “Before confirming the true identity of the other party, all requests made by the other party are ignored! The interception formation is required to be executed in accordance with the normal interception process.”

The normal interception process is to make a call in an unencrypted channel to warn the other party that they have entered China’s airspace and request the other party to immediately turn around and return.

If the opponent continues to approach, further warning methods such as radar irradiation and missile radar lock-on are used. If it is still invalid, a warning shot will be carried out. If the final warning is also invalid, the last step is to shoot down.

“Chief…Although this does not meet the rules for identifying friend or foe, I personally judge that the pilot of that fighter jet may really be our own.”

After receiving the order, the communications officer didn’t communicate it immediately, with a tangled expression.

“Naughty!” the commander snarled: “Now it’s a national issue, but when you think you can make accurate judgments, how do you know that the pilot of the plane is yours? You guessed it with your head? “

The communications official said: “Chief, I really didn’t guess. Although the unencrypted voice sent by the other party was not encrypted by computer technology, to a certain extent, it has also been encrypted. This kind of encryption is difficult for Hope and Dongying people to master…”

“Don’t be circumspect, just tell me what the **** is going on!”

“The unencrypted voice message sent by the other party was in the Bai dialect, or the local dialect of a very remote village. Even among the Bai people, that dialect is rarely used. I happen to be a Bai nationality. My hometown is only The village of more than a dozen families is not far away, so I can barely understand and translate it.”

There were also “wind whispers” in the Huaxia Kingdom. In order to avoid the eavesdropping of intelligence during the Anti-Japanese War, the soldiers of the Bai nationality were really allowed to serve as communications soldiers, passing the news in a lesser-known dialect.

“The pilot of the plane used the Huaxia dialect to speak, which actually counts as a form of identification. The intelligence personnel of Hope and Dongying will definitely not understand this local language that is very rare in China.”

“He may be worried that there is no Bai nationality among our correspondents. Later, I changed the old-time bandit slang and repeated it again. I can be sure that the other party, even if it is not our special agent, has a good understanding of the Chinese language and culture. People from Dongying and Hope are difficult to train such agents.”

The communications officer then added: “Because of the different electronic control systems used by the enemy and our fighters, he couldn’t use computer encryption to transmit information, so he used this native method to encrypt. That’s why I inferred that the pilot might be real. It is our agent. He used the method of stealing enemy fighters and forced a penetration to return. Perhaps because he had obtained vital intelligence, he was urgently hunted down by the other’s agents, and he had to return to the country by abnormal evacuation methods.

The ability to steal fighter jets from the heavily guarded Hope Nation Air Force Base shows that he is extraordinary. Maybe he is a hidden trump agent. We rashly cut off his way back to China, sacrificed such a trump card, and lost his protection. The loss of the important information obtained by the mission can be too great, so the chief should consider it carefully. “

After hearing these words, the air force commander’s first reaction was, “Does this kid spy war see too much movie?” But after thinking about it, I think it makes some sense. Now it is a very time, the whole world after the opening of Dongying. They have tightened their nerves. The confidential internal reference also stated the huge impact of the door opening incident on the entire world. Dealing with the changes in the international situation caused by the door opening is one of the priorities of the country’s next national defense work.

Since the unscientific things like Time and Space Gate have really happened in the world, in this special period of more and more fantasy, the thrilling sections that occur in the spy war blockbuster are not so incredible and unreasonable.

What’s more, reality is often more exaggerated than novels. In case what an overly imaginative communications officer says is true, if you are worried about causing international disputes and taking responsibility, you will shrink back, but that will be irresponsible to the country and the nation and will affect it. The country’s future plans for a century are no different from the sinners of the nation.

“Well… the big deal is to be pulled off this layer of skin to retire and go home to farm!”

The commander is also a **** and responsible soldier. He slapped the table and said: “Immediately report to the higher level, and at the same time order the frontline interception squadron to receive the fighter that is suspected of’defection’ from Dongying, regardless of the air defense identification zone created by the Dongying people themselves. , Resolutely intercept the Hope Nation fighter planes that invaded our country’s legal airspace! No matter what else, please bring people back first!”

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