Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1666 - progress

Luo Feng’s proposal is just to say it and listen to it. He didn’t expect the country to follow his suggestion. After all, this is not the magical realism world where extraordinary powers are common in the Marvel Universe and DC Universe.

In a very weird universe that seems to be in a modern but modern society, the government’s decision-making is like a joke. Everything in the universe revolves around superheroes. The government has issued many laws against superheroes that are very mentally retarded. The politicians are not as low-quality as they are.

Leaning to the real world, the government also tends to be conservative and cautious in its thinking, but it will not make major decisions that are too whimsical.

After Director Xu reported the report, the senior executives were not eager to make a decision. They just took a wait-and-see attitude and first decided to form an alien investigation team consisting of diplomats, scientific researchers and special scouts. Feng sent to another world to explore again.

The Huaxia people pay attention to crossing the river by touching the stones, and they speak and do everything realistically. Before they can figure out the society, race, customs, geography, climate, resource reserves, etc. of the different world, of course they can’t listen to Luo Feng’s words and make a statement about the country. A major decision for future destiny.

Director Xu conveyed the instructions of his superiors to Luo Feng. Luo Feng expressed his understanding very much. He only asked when the investigation team could gather and when he could send them to another world.

Director Xu immediately said: “The investigation team has assembled, but the starting point is at the Jiuquan launch base. All preparations have been made. They can set off at any time, just waiting for you to arrive.”

The efficiency of the country’s affairs is very high, and Luo Feng, accompanied by Director Xu, took a special plane and flew from the coastal air base to the inland areas of central and western China.

Also on the same plane with Luo Feng was the elf Qiuka who was sent out by him before. The elf girl had a good complexion and seemed to be in a good mood. She seemed very close with Secretary Xiao, as if the two had developed a relationship between girlfriends. .

In the list of this alien expedition, the Elf Juka is also on the list. If a local native can act as a lead party, the expedition can better deal with the natives. Instead of keeping the elf as a laboratory animal in captivity, It is better to release her back to another world.

Anyway, Luo Feng also said that there are so many different world elves. There is no need to carry a sheep wool. When the expedition enters the other world, Luo Feng can send back more alien races to study slowly.

Qiuka also changed her dress, took off the green elves and traditional coarse cloth, put on jeans and casual T-shirts from the real world, and looked more like a girl from the real world.

The child is also very quick to adapt to the real world, drinking drinks and snacks on the plane, and fiddling with a mobile phone in his hand, just like a female college student going to travel.

Seeing Luo Feng, Qiuka looked very excited, ran over to sit next to him, and talked about what he had seen in the real world.

“Mr. Luo Feng, you are right, Huaxia Kingdom is really too civilized and too prosperous!”

Juka said: “Sister Xiao took me shopping on the street. I have never seen so many kinds of goods. The Chinese people are also very kind and enthusiastic. There is no discrimination against me because I am an elf, and the law and order is also very good. We rarely see drunks and hooligans, much less like our world where there are many bandits in the wild.”

Luo Feng nodded noncommitantly and said: “Compared to the other world in the feudal medieval period, the time-space gate is definitely much better here, and there is no need to make a fuss. Although it is good here, it is not your hometown after all. I hope that one day your hometown will also be. Can become as prosperous and civilized as the Chinese nation.”

Speaking of this topic, Qiuka’s expression suddenly became serious, and he nodded earnestly: “Sister Xiao also showed me the documentary of the old society of China before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I discovered how the situation of China in the old age and the current situation of my hometown are. The points are similar.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng found that the little elf seemed to have suddenly become more enlightened. He immediately became interested and asked, “What are the similarities?”

“My hometown was originally a decadent feudal country. The emperor and aristocratic lords have everything. In order to maintain their feudal rule, they desperately oppress the working people. This is like the dynasty of the old China called the Qing.”

The little elf said honestly: “If there is no external interference, the human kingdom in our world will continue to be ruled by feudalism for a long time, but it is as if the Qing Dynasty was invaded by colonists, and our world opened the door to time and space. Outsider.”

“Um… so it sounds a bit similar.” Luo Feng nodded.

“The colonists may have just started with the idea of ​​commerce and wanted to dump goods to the Qing Dynasty for profit. At first they disguised themselves as kind, but gradually discovered that the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and weak, so they turned to covet our land and land. All the wealth carried on it wants to delimit the sphere of influence, that is, the’concession.

Secretary Xiao’s history education is well done, and the elf has really learned it, and has a good understanding of the modern history of China in the old era.

“Isn’t the behavior of the aliens in Dongying just the same as those of the colonists? First, they put on a hypocritical face, condescendingly think that they are a high-level civilization, and we are a barbaric and backward nation, using friendly trade as an excuse to attract refugees to form The refugee camps also send out relief food to invite people to buy people’s hearts. When the time is right, they will open up their spheres of influence, support the puppet government, and then use the puppets to squeeze the poor for them and help them gather the resources of our world.”

The elf said indignantly: “At that time, our world will be reduced from a feudal society to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Originally, only the feudal masters oppressed the poor, but in the future, there will be more foreign colonists and colonists. The colonists’ lackeys, comprador, one big mountain has become three big mountains, can we civilians have a way to survive?”

Having said this, the elf waved his fist and said: “This time I go back, I must tell my compatriots these principles, so that they can also wake up. Don’t be fooled by the Dongying people’s sugar-coated cannonballs. You can’t eat Dongying people even if you starve to death. Don’t go to the refugee camps of Dongying people if they are burned to death by dragons! Only by overthrowing three mountains can we achieve the independence and liberation of foreign nations!”

Luo Feng was stunned for a moment, and took a peek at Secretary Xiao. The other party put on an expression of “I have received strict training and will never laugh unless I can’t help it.” He pouted his mouth and said nothing.

“Chuck! Chuck!” Luo Feng hurriedly clapped his hands and exclaimed, “This is really what you saw with admiration for three days, Comrade Juka, you will make progress without seeing you in a few days. Welcome to join our big red family! “

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