Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1668 - Everyone in China will kill the dragon

The personnel and materials are ready, everything is ready, only Dongfeng, Luo Feng does not delay, take out the magic items and set up a magic circle on the designated platform for opening the time-space gate.

These magic props for setting up the teleportation array were all stolen by him when he passed the giant time-space gate in Dongying. He slightly stole part of the magical materials of the giant time-space gate and opened a small door, but it would not cause the large-scale time-space gate to close.

Luo Feng possesses divine wisdom. He has accumulated a lot of magic knowledge during his travels in the heavens, and he can roughly grasp the magic principles of the time-space gate after a little exploration. However, the scientists of Dongying have little knowledge of magic because of their first contact with magic knowledge. It is even more difficult to reverse engineer the space-time gate. After all, science and magic have different ways of thinking. The inherent rational thinking of scientists has become a huge obstacle when conducting research on magic problems.

As a result, when Luo Feng moved his hands and feet, Dongying scientists couldn’t find out why. They thought it was normal magic material consumption that caused the Great Space-Time Gate to shrink slightly.

Stealing the leftovers of the Great Space-Time Gate is already the limit that Luo Feng can do. He can use his power to directly move all the materials of Dongying Space-Time Gate to Huaxia, but doing so is to directly interfere with the plot line. , Will cause the main god’s alertness to burst immediately.

After the teleportation array was set up, Luo Feng cast a spell to light up this hour-space door. The space-time door he opened was a normal door size. People must line up to pass through, and could not transport large materials, and opened it. It will be closed for a period of time to save the consumption of magic materials.

The opening of the time-space gate can be regarded as a historic moment in China. Every staff in the base stared at the time-space vortex. This was the first time they had witnessed a supernatural phenomenon happening close at hand, even Xu Well-informed elders like the director can’t help being lost.

Leng Feng, the captain of the special forces team, was the first to come back to his senses and asked Director Xu loudly: “Let our special forces team go first to find out. After confirming the safety of the opposite side, the scientific researchers and administrators will follow up!”

Director Xu nodded and said: “Pay attention to safety. If you encounter an overwhelming danger, don’t do it arbitrarily and return immediately!”


Leng Feng delivered a military salute, took the gun and walked in the forefront, bravely assuming the important responsibility of the first person in China Crossing.

“and many more!”

Luo Feng hurriedly called to him: “I’ll come, I can’t help you fight, but the task of Lei Lei can be handed over to me. This is also the first time I rub the space door with my hands. I am not sure about the positioning, or I’ll go and take a look first, don’t risk our warrior’s life.”

Luo Feng took the initiative to stop Leng Feng, but his move greatly won the favor of the Huaxia staff present. Although this patriotic, mysterious and extraordinary man does not obey the orders of the country very much, he looks okay, even with extraordinary powers. , Can also consider ordinary soldiers.

Leng Feng pushed a step away, but Luo Feng waved his hand at him again, beckoning him to stay away. After Leng Feng walked more than ten meters away, Luo Feng stepped into the space-time gate.

As soon as his figure disappeared, a burst of flames spurted from the time-space gate. After a while, Luo Feng walked out with a depressed expression, and said: “This gate is open in the dragon’s cave. As soon as he goes out, Long Yan’s face is muddled. There are more than a dozen dragons blocking the door, so I can’t squeeze it out. Let’s open one after I close it.”

“Wait!” Director Xu hurriedly stopped Luo Feng and stopped him from closing the space door: “Dragons are good things. They are all treasures. It doesn’t matter if you open them in the dragon’s lair. Can we kill the dragon? The dragon corpse can just be dragged back for scientific research. If you can collect dragon eggs, you can try artificial breeding and breeding!”

Luo Feng frowned and said, “Director Xu, for some reason, I can’t help you slay dragons. The space-time gate opens in the deepest part of the dragon’s cave. The space inside is cramped, and there is a group of dragons at the door. When a person passes through, he will suffer a round of dragon flame spit as soon as he enters the door. If you rely on your own strength to slay the dragon, the price will not be small!”

Luo Feng was also out of good intentions. He walked through the Space-Time Gate many times, but rubbing the Space-Time Gate with his hands was the first time in his life. Without the investigator communicator’s super-optical brain assisted positioning, the deviation of the opening position was not small. The place to open the door is one of the most dangerous adventure places in the fantasy world, Longxue. If the space-time door is opened larger to allow armored vehicles and helicopters to pass through, it would be easy, but the current situation is only for soldiers to pass through. Modern in a small space Soldiers face a group of dragons, and it is not easy to kill them easily.

“Comrade Luo Feng, you don’t need to worry about it.” Director Xu seemed confident and confident: “Let us handle the trivial matter of slaying the dragon, Captain Leng Feng, start the 67th plan! “

Luo Feng shrugged. Anyway, the natives of the universe would not affect the vigilance of his main god. He should persuade and persuade him, so he didn’t say it anymore, took a few steps back and handed the time-space gate to Leng Feng.

Captain Leng received the order, but didn’t rush into the gate of time and space. Instead, he turned and walked towards the engineer of the special team, and took out a cylindrical sealing device from the engineer’s equipment backpack.

Holding the device in front of the gate of time and space, Leng Feng put the device down first, put on the polymer fire-proof and heat-insulating suit that was delivered by others, and after preparing for fire prevention, he picked up the device and took a deep breath and a stride. Entered the gate of time and space.

Not long after entering the time-space gate, a fiery flame spewed out from the time-space gate again, and the cold front was pushed back by the impact of that fiery flame. Thick smoke appeared on the fireproof clothing, which seemed to be extremely hot by the dragon flame. Gao, the device he was holding before was gone.

Immediately after Leng Feng jumped out of the space-time gate, a soldier pushed a heavy lead plate with rollers underneath it to block it in front of the space-time gate. Director Xu raised his wrist to look at the watch, calculated the time, and waved the soldiers away. After removing the lead, Leng Feng once again dashed into the space-time gate.

It didn’t take long for the cold front to return again, and his tone was calm and quiet: “Report to the chief, the dragons of the dragon are all wiped out.”

Luo Feng was also stunned. When he slayed the dragon, the natives of the alien world were almost frightened. It is said that slaying the dragon is one of the best heroic feats in another world, but it was put on the military action of China. A brood of dragons is as easy as killing a brood of pigs.

Luo Feng could probably guess that the thing that Leng Feng was holding and rushing into the time-space gate should be a kind of powerful bomb. All he did was rush in with Long Yan, drop the bomb and escape back.

The Huaxia staff and soldiers at the scene also looked calm. It is estimated that various plans have been made and various meetings have been held to discuss various solutions when encountering problems, and to use bombs to eliminate the alien world that blocks the gate of time and space. The monster’s tactics have long been understood.

But Juka the Elf couldn’t keep calm. She was the only crowd who didn’t know the truth. She was driven by curiosity to rush into the gate of time and space with the agile pace of the elves, despite Secretary Xiao’s obstruction. When she was in danger, she followed her through.

Entering the gate of time and space, arriving in the dragon’s den, the elf Qiuka knelt on the ground, her face was already pale with fright. In the vast dragon’s den rock hall in front of her, a dozen huge red heads were lying quietly. Scale fire dragons, these giant dragons looked unscathed and had no trace of battle, but they had already lost their breath and turned into a cold dragon corpse.

Seeing such a killing effect, Luo Feng immediately understood that what Leng Feng threw into the dragon’s cave before was a miniaturized neutron bomb. These giant dragons were killed by a stream of high-energy neutrons in an instant, even if the dragon scales Hard also killed immediately.

“God is above…” The elf had never seen such a wonder, and said in a trembled voice: “Do you all of you Chinese master the skill of slaying dragons? Killing more than a dozen dragons in an instant, a legend in ancient legends in a different world The brave can’t do it either!”

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