Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1670 - Good teacher

Huaxia people have always worked very efficiently. Soon more than a dozen fire dragons in the dragon’s den were disassembled into parts and sent into the space-time gate. After the dragon’s corpse was processed, Director Xu also transferred the biochemical decontamination unit to carry out the dragon’s den. After thorough cleaning, the dragon dung and the carrion residues of the dragon’s leftover prey have been cleaned up.

This cave was originally full of fishy smells, with dragon dung and various animal and even human bones piled all over. After this cleaning, the original appearance of the natural cave was restored.

After the cleaning, the more Director Xu looked at the Dragon Cavern, the better he felt, and he simply reported to his superiors that he planned to set up Huaxia Kingdom’s advance camp in another world in the Dragon Cave.

Dragons like to build caves on the steep cliffs halfway up the mountain. The places they choose are natural caves that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The space in the caves is often very large because of the huge body of the dragon, and it has a secret base. Should condition.

The engineering team used the conveyor belt to transport cement from the other side of the space-time gate. However, due to the fact that the space-time gate opened by Luo Feng was too small, the transportation progress of other building materials such as bricks and steel bars was greatly slowed down. It will take a long time to transform a large natural cave into a fully functional fortress base.

During the construction of the base, the work of the investigation team should not be delayed. The scientific expedition team was scattered under the protection of special forces, and the soldiers were divided into several routes down the mountain to collect various plant and mineral specimens. The diplomatic team also began to work, their first stop. It is the hometown of Elf Juka, who wants to win the support of Elf Village.

With Qiuka, the aboriginal people leading the way, the special forces escorted her home and took the team members responsible for diplomacy by the way. Through Qiuka’s introduction, he got in touch with the village chief of the elves, and was slowly doing united front work to win over the elves.

Before Luo Feng turned Qiuka to Huaxia on the other side of the time-space gate, he promised to send her home.

In the original plot, the elf village was destroyed and her relatives and friends were lost, and she became a poor elf orphan, and was abducted by Itami Yoji to the refugee camp established by the Dongying people. She stayed in the refugee camp and never considered going back home because she had already There is no home to go back to.

In the changed story world, although Juka lost his father and his girlfriends who grew up with him, the village was not destroyed by the fire dragon, and many fellow elves survived.

Luo Feng’s time and space was too small to accommodate the passage of all-terrain vehicles, but Director Xu was well prepared and equipped the investigation team with mountain motorcycles. The mountain motorcycles and trailers can be converted into three-wheeled motorcycles. The kind commonly seen in World War II movies.

The trailer and motorcycle are first disassembled, sent into the time-space gate, and then transported to another world for assembly. This solves the problem of the investigation team’s vehicles. This three-wheeled motorcycle also has a certain carrying capacity. The driving is relatively stable under the bad road conditions in the world.

The convoy that escorted Qiuka home was quickly ready. Qiuka got into the trailer, Luo Feng rode a motorcycle, and Leng Feng carried Secretary Xiao. The special forces also used a soldier’s posture motorcycle to carry a civil and diplomatic team. Non-combatant form.

However, it didn’t take long for the convoy to leave the Dragon Cave on the mountainside, and had to stop when it encountered problems. The mountain wall was too steep to continue driving, and no one built a road leading to the Dragon Cave. Even mountain bikes are hard to blame. Drive safely to the foot of the mountain on a rocky **** with an inclination angle of nearly sixty degrees.

The scientific expedition team used to walk down the mountain. They were afraid of missing research-worthy targets on the road and were not in a hurry. They only wandered around to collect specimens without the need for motor vehicles.

But it’s a long way to **** the elf home. The dragon’s den is not too far from the elf village, but it is also a day’s drive away. If it takes more than a day or two to walk there, it’s a modern one. The non-combatants are also relatively weak, and when they reach the elven village, they are almost exhausted, so they are equipped with vehicles.

However, when we set off, we ignored the road conditions in the different world, especially the base was on the top of the inaccessible Longxue Mountain, and there was no way down the mountain.

Captain Leng Feng had planned to give up the **** mission temporarily and return to the spot, and waited for the engineering team to build a sidewalk down the mountain, but Luo Feng didn’t want to delay time, so he volunteered and said that he would simply rub his hands on a road for the investigation team to use.

Rubbing the mountain road by hand is also very easy for Luo Feng. He only needs to stand at a high place on the mountainside and cast a “Earth Escape-Earth Flow Big River” downwards, call the remaining chakras in his body, and the ground seems to be alive. The mud formed an impact debris flow like liquefaction, rushing all the way from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, forming a relatively gentle debris flow alluvial slope, just for mountain motorcycles to drive down.

Although Captain Leng Feng had long known from the leader that the mysterious young man he escorted had supernatural powers, when he saw Luo Feng using the “magic” of manipulating soil and rocks, he couldn’t help but secretly startled and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, it is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. It is speculated that Luo Feng is probably the legendary “cultivator”, but a capable person and stranger who has accomplished cultivation.

The road problem was solved, and the team went on the road again. Leng Feng couldn’t help but peek at Luo Feng along the way, wanting to see the difference between a comprehensionist and ordinary people.

Luo Feng’s five senses were keen, but he noticed Leng Feng’s peeping, he turned his head and laughed and joked: “Captain Leng Feng, you have seen the wrong person. You always stare at me to see what you are doing. The sitting elf girl.”

Leng Feng smiled awkwardly, and said, “Luo… real person, I’m just curious. People say that those who have achieved great accomplishments in cultivation are all impervious bodies. I want to see what the so-called impervious body is like. It’s not that the pores are gone after the exercises, and the skin is as flawless as white jade.”

Luo Feng smiled and said: “Let’s call me Comrade Luo. We revolutionary fighters don’t engage in feudal superstition. There are no cultivators in this world.”

Leng Feng rolled his eyes, and said to his heart that you had just used a magic hand to rub a downhill drive, and you wouldn’t admit it when you turned your head. You are obviously a walking feudal superstition.

I thought that Luo Feng was unwilling to reveal the secrets of his cultivation, so Leng Feng could only shut up wittily, but Luo Feng’s next words made Leng Feng very happy.

“As far as I know, your world is not compatible with the power of the high martial arts side, and there is no cultivator, but since the time-space gate is linked to the low magic fantasy side world, it should be compatible with some of the power of the low martial arts side.”

Luo Feng pondered and said: “Even if I know the cultivation technique of the cultivation side, you probably won’t learn it. But I can teach you some martial arts on the lower side, such as Taijiquan and Xiao Li Feida. Your bones are amazing, and you look like a martial arts wizard. Although you are a little older and missed the best period of martial arts training, if you are willing to practice hard, you may be able to become a master of Tai Chi.”

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