Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1674 - Free

Obviously, the civil servants of Dongying have lived in their own country for so many years after World War II, and they have almost forgotten how to invade other countries.

The Hope Nation, as the world’s most aggressive wars after World War II, has been the number one militant country that has stopped fighting for only a few years in modern history. The routines of public security wars are handy.

From North Korea to Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq, the soldiers of the Hope Nation have never been merciful to the people of the country they invaded. Even in the modern war of invasion of Iraq, the soldiers summoned air strikes to blow up civilian villages when their intelligence was wrong. Baidi, treating the wedding of civilians as a gathering of terrorists and killing blood, no soldiers will stand up and take responsibility.

If you bombed by mistake, you bombed by mistake, and if you killed it by mistake, you did not deliberately slaughter the village like it was in Vietnam. It is hoped that the quality of the soldiers of the country will be greatly improved.

Under the principle of the supremacy of the country of hope, killing and arson, as long as it is beneficial to the country of hope, everything done by the soldiers of the country of hope is justice from heaven.

The surplus of Notre Dame Europe may still take into account international public opinion, but hope that the country can be shameless at any time, saying that it refuses refugees and passing bills decisively and not accepting them, saying that building the wall will force Mexicans to pay. International public opinion affects something, as long as the fists are big. , Everything is not a problem.

For the people on the other side of the space-time gate, as long as they are not the white-skinned citizens of the hope, the soldiers of the hope are not soft-hearted. The international community has not yet concluded whether the people of other worlds have human rights. The soldiers of the hope may not treat them as human beings. How can you care about the humane and inhumane ways to treat them.

Apart from anything else, after the command of the special forces captain, the special forces of the Hope Country began to kick the door from house to house, arrest all the elf villagers, and **** them to the small square in the middle of the village. The food and supplies that Itami had given to the village chief were also taken back, piled up in a corner of the square, and displayed to all the elven villagers.

Itami Yoji was forcibly pulled in front of the villagers, and Captain Daniel viciously ordered him: “I just got the Elvish dictionary and I don’t speak fluently. You can translate it for me!”

Itami wanted to refuse, but he stopped talking. The officer unceremoniously rounded his arm and slapped him severely. He said angrily, “In the words of your Dongying people, you bastard! Believe me or not. Kill you, go back and report that it was attacked by indigenous people, and see if your country dared to avenge you! Don’t forget, our garrison soldiers casually played with the little girls of your country and caused local residents to gather to protest. Don’t dare to try criminal soldiers!”

Itami Yoji is bitter, thinking about it, it seems to be exactly the same as this arrogant and domineering officer of Hope Nation said. If this group of Hope Nation really digs a pit and buries the reconnaissance team in a corner with no one, it is presumed that they have been suffered. The Dongying government really may not have the guts to investigate the attacks of alien monsters or indigenous people, and death will be in vain.

Weak countries have no diplomacy. What’s more, it is the daughter country of the hopeful country like Dongying. To be a dog must have the consciousness of being a dog, otherwise it will inevitably be turned into a dog meat hot pot.

Dongying and Hope Nation are not on the same level of power at all. They can maintain their superficial self-esteem, which has already made the officials of Dongying exhausted. The prime minister’s appearance when facing the commander of Dongying, the appearance of slaves and knees has been captured by reporters. What else is the dream of equality and friendship between Dongying and Hope Country is either really stupid or self-deception.

Secretly sighed, Itami Yoji could only be soft, nodded aggrievedly, and acted as an interpreter for the Guihu of Hope Country.

“Tell them that as long as you report to us the information of the so-called dragon slayer, you can take our relief food from here on the spot. The benefits are great. I hope that the country will never treat the obedient people who yearn for freedom and sensitivity! Wait for them in the future With the help of the Hope Country, a new government can be established, even if everything is lost, there will be sweet air of freedom!”

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel’s neck was bloodshot and red with excitement, and he shook Fang Qiu’s posture and talked: “But if they conceal something and refuse to cooperate, then we have reason to suspect that they are in collusion with terrorists, and our country is standing. The law allows anyone who we suspect to be a terrorist to be arrested without any evidence and sent to prison for rigorous interrogation, without the need for legal trials and investigations.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Daniel, that dragon slayer is not a terrorist…” Itami retorted in a low voice, “Your country’s anti-terrorism bill does not apply to him.”

“Huh, didn’t the guy threaten to say that if we don’t leave this world, he will be rude to us?”

Daniel said with certainty: “This is the terrorist declaration. Back then, pulling the lights was also such a threat. Soon after the threat, several terrorist attacks were planned, which caused us huge losses!”

“But we came to another world not to invade, but to help the people here…”

“We hope that the country will enter those countries where terrorists frequently come out to help them, and to bring them sweet air of freedom.”

Daniel curled his lips and said: “Those guys don’t appreciate it. Instead, they issued terrorist declarations to drive us away and plan terrorist attacks to attack us! I think the so-called dragon slayer is suspected to be the leader of a terrorist organization, trying to prevent us from giving in this way. Freedom from the world is no different from pulling a lamp!”

Yoji Itami was stubbornly refuted by Lieutenant Colonel Daniel’s rogue logic. He guessed that the officer was probably just transferred from the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq. He had anti-terrorism thinking in his mind, and he was completely confused about exploring another world. It is not the same thing as fighting against terrorism in an invading country.

But he changed his mind. This way of thinking is really typical of the logic of the Hope Country. It is also the Hope Country’s hegemonic habit and has not suffered. The general also behaved like an iron man in public. He has always been a reckless man. The image shows others, how can you be as cautious as Dongying people and dare not cause trouble?

After a closer analysis, Yoji Itami is even more horrified, guessing that the Hope Country may not believe in the report of the Eastern Kingdom Report on the discovery of the alien superhuman, and only regards this as a strategic deception of the Eastern Kingdom to delay the hope of the country to seize An excuse for the time and space gate to take control.

Now that the time and space gate is occupied by the Dongying army, Hope Guo Zhengshou has no excuse to send troops to occupy it. This group of special forces is obviously on a special mission, just like the soldiers who disappeared in Dongying, they came to the other world to do things to start the battle.

Even if there are superhuman beings in other worlds, they will simply use the opportunity of sending special forces to trigger a confrontation between superhuman beings. Anyway, the first to bear the brunt is the Dongying Self-Defense Forces and the Dongying Kingdom. By then, the weakened Dongying Kingdom cannot cope with it. , Can only ask for help from the hopeful country, and the hopeful country can send more troops into the other world to “help in the war”, and it will naturally take control of the time and space gate.

As for the fact that the superhuman beings are very strong, the hope country’s conventional army can’t beat it, what should I do?

Hope that the generals want to come to blindly believe in the power of nuclear bombs. They probably think that when things can’t be cleaned up, one nuclear bomb can’t be solved, then two…

At that time, the superhuman beings will be resolved by nuclear peace. Hopeland’s army will also take root at the time-space gate to stay away. Eastern China can only swallow the bitter fruit of the time-space gate’s change of ownership, and finally have to say “thank you” to Hopeland. “.

After thinking about the routines of the allies of Hope Keng Keng, Yoji Itami was in a cold sweat, but at this time he had to send his arrows. Although he did not want to be the devil translator for European and American ghosts and animals, for the sake of his wealth, he could only help him.

Biting the bullet, Lieutenant Itami shouted to the elven villagers under pressure: “Fellow folks, don’t be afraid. I hope the soldiers of the country are the incarnation of justice. If you are obedient, nothing will happen. As long as you tell the whereabouts of the dragon slayer, You can take away the food piled over there.”

Worried about the conflict between the elven villagers and the Special Forces of the Hope Country and the loss, Itami Yoji can only persuade him euphemistically: “Please believe me, Hope Country has helped many countries get rid of the corrupt and dark dictatorship, allowing many people to breathe freely. Air, they are doing this for your good, don’t be enemies with them…”

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