Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1677 - Natural disasters can be avoided, man-made disasters cannot escape

In the absence of modern weapons, the special forces of Hope and the elven villagers fought hand-to-hand. The strength of the two sides is really 50-50. When it comes to actual combat experience, the special forces really don’t have much experience in hand-to-hand combat. They usually perform tasks with spears. It is rare to rush into a pile of terrorists with bare hands.

As for the elven villagers, they live in a different world full of monsters and bandits. On weekdays, they can run into monsters such as magic wolves, violent bears, and goblins when they go up the mountain to collect herbs. They can also encounter monsters on the way to the city to buy something. Many bands of robbery, if they can’t fight a little, they can’t live at all.

The special forces are indeed strong and have practiced modern military fighting skills, but the elves are very agile and have inherited racial martial arts. The elves are a nation with a long history. There are many elven martial arts passed down in ancient times. Although the villagers did not learn well, Not refined, but they have also accepted the guidance of their elders.

There were only about 30 special forces, and there were hundreds of elven villagers. Suddenly, there was a violent resistance. The special forces of Hope Nation who relied on the elves to be too close and underestimated the enemy paid a great price.

In terms of body size, the elves are very thin, while the Hope Country Special Forces are muscular sticks and fierce men. Captain Daniel takes it for granted. Inertial thinking thinks that these elves are weak chickens like the Dongying people.

Instead, he was in the real world. When he gathered villagers in enemy-occupied areas to ask for information, he would set up snipers to set up machine gun positions in the distance. When he reached another world, he ignored this step, mainly because he believed that the other world had no guns. This kind of powerful weapon, unarmed civilians in other worlds simply do not have the ability to resist the gunmen, and poses little threat to the special forces.

The imagination of the soldiers of Hope Nation is not as rich as those of the Eastern Nation. They only learn from actual combat experience and abide by the regulations of various tactical manuals. They will not diverge thinking and rely on a few comics and novels to guide their own rules of action. It’s a pity. In another world, the actual combat experience of these real worlds has become a drag.

The members of the Dongying Self-Defense Force have not participated in actual combat in the real world. As a result, this has become an advantage in the process of exploring different worlds. They can adapt to the rules of the new world faster and better, and the ability to accept new things and new concepts. Far better than the battle-tested special forces of Hope Nation.

The elven villagers were besieged by the violent siege, and hope soldiers were negligent. About a dozen people were knocked to the ground on the spot and their guns were taken away, but the elven villagers didn’t shoot, they only used guns as sticks. He rounded and hit the soldier’s head with the butt.

When the riots broke out, there were also hopeful soldiers who raised their guns on the periphery, but suddenly the villagers were mixed with the special forces who were downed by them. Even if they had the opportunity to shoot, they did not dare to shoot rashly, for fear of accidentally injuring friendly forces.

These experienced soldiers quickly retreated, ruthlessly abandoning the teammates surrounded by the elven villagers, and first retreated to a safe distance to establish a defensive position, so as not to be surrounded by the elves.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel was furious, took out his pistol and fired his gun to the sky, shouting: “You ignorant aliens! I order you to hold your head and squat down immediately, otherwise I will order the shooting. This is not a mere threat, I I really do it!”

The gunfire did not scare the elven villagers. If they were a group of ancient people in the real world, they might be frightened by this thunderous noise. However, there are magical magic in another world, which is better than the sound and light effect of shooting. More terrifying magic abounds, and elves are also considered higher races. They are long and well-informed, but they are not as timid as the ordinary villagers.

Several young male villagers had long seen Daniel not pleasing to the eye, and also understood the principle of catching the thieves first in the battle, and seeing him shooting forward instead of retreating, they rushed towards him together.

“Fak, it’s you who are looking for death by yourself!”

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel’s eyes were red, and he shot with a vicious face. He specialized in rapid-fire pistol training, and his marksmanship was very accurate. He sent three chest shots to the young elves who rushed towards him. Those elves The young man fell at the gun and died on the spot.

“Did you see it! Stupid strangers, it is easier for us to kill you than to kill a chicken. You will die if you move your fingers.”

After knocking down the elf villagers who rushed towards him, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel waved his pistol and shouted loudly: “If you don’t want to die, just hold my head and kneel down, otherwise we will be shot by us like them!”

Itami Yoji, who was previously held on the ground by special forces to water the water, got out of trouble after the elven villagers rioted. The two soldiers who held him before were knocked to the ground by the elven villagers. He was unlucky as he was tortured with the village chief. The egg was not besieged.

Perhaps the elf villagers felt that this poor man was sick with them, and had tried hard to speak for them, but they didn’t fist him too hard.

Itami Youji struggled to get up, and as soon as he lifted his head up, he saw the **** scene of Lieutenant Colonel Daniel shooting and killing the elf youth, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Even if there is a conflict between the two parties, as long as no lives are lost, there is still room for redemption. However, if the special forces of the Hope Country shoot and kill civilians in other worlds, the situation becomes complicated if the two sides forge a blood feud.

If it was replaced by Itami Yoji as the commander, he would definitely order the soldiers not to resist. Even if they were beaten and subdued by the elves, it was a hundred times better than shooting.

Based on his knowledge of the elves, even if the elven villagers rioted very angry, they would not kill people easily. After all, the elves are a beautiful, graceful, peace-loving and kind-hearted race.

Moreover, knowing that the army of another world has established a base around the time-space gate, and the army may arrive later, even if the villagers are angry, it is impossible for a small elf village to have the courage to kill the scouts of the army of the other world. At most, they will be driven away, and the soldiers will never worry about their lives.

However, the soldiers of Hopeland shot and killed people. It is even more difficult to restore the trust of the elven villagers. If this matter is spread, everyone in the surrounding villages will be at risk, and the elves in other places will automatically Put the organization that killed their compatriots on the hatred list.

However, none of this can be controlled by Itami Yoji. After Lieutenant Colonel Daniel took the lead in firing the shots, the Special Forces of the Hope Country would do their best, and they also pulled the trigger when the situation was pressing and the elf villagers approached him!

For a while, gunshots rang through the Elf Village, as if the plot correction power had played a role. The deviated plot line was turned back to normal, and the Elf villagers who should have died when the fire dragon attacked escaped the dragon disaster. , But ushered in a new human disaster in the village!

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