Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1681 - escape

Yoji Itami wanted to defend his camp and put himself on the side of the “righteous partner,” but he couldn’t say anything when he thought of the cruel way the soldiers of the country had treated him.

A middle- and lower-level officer like him might still have a good heart, thinking that he was helping a stranger, but he really didn’t dare to think about what the high-level calculations were.

The decision made by the senior leaders of Dongying to send troops into another world is really purely out of good intentions, wanting to send civilization and development to the backward foreign world?

Ten thousand steps back, even if the top leaders of Dongying are good people, then the master of Dongying high-level hopes for the country, as they publicized, has carried out countless military operations in the Middle East, just to bring down the dictator, eliminate terrorists, and eliminate mass destruction. Is the threat of **** weapons?

It’s not clear whether the citizens of those countries that have been forcibly helped by the Hope Country are happier. Itami Yoji is not clear, but he knows that the weapon companies and oil companies in the Hope Country are making more and more money, and the oil prices in the Hope Country are also increasing. The cheaper it is.

Nowadays, the diplomatic spokesman of Hope Nation rarely pretends to say “send the glory of freedom and democracy”. Instead, he emphasizes more that it “infringes the interests of Hope Nation in XX and so and so.” I was too lazy to conceal it, and simply preached the argument of “hope for the country first”.

“Okay…” Yoji Itami lowered his head and said dejectedly: “Perhaps I am really in a disgraceful camp. If you want to blame me, I have nothing to say.”

The elven villagers who surrounded the Dongying self-defense officers cast an angry stare at them. The self-defense officers also felt that they were absolutely unlucky this time, and they would be executed on the spot by the villagers as targets of revenge, and they would do evil for them. The special forces of the Hope Nation who are going to have a scapegoat.

“Can Nian…”

“I knew I would not be a soldier… I thought it was a glorious thing to join the army, but now I think we are not a normal army at all…”

“I don’t want to die in another world. If my relatives want to worship, they can’t find my grave!”

“I’m still young, I just had a girlfriend, and my life has just begun. I don’t want to die, don’t kill me, please, be merciful! Uuu…”

The self-defense team members gradually collapsed. Even the younger team members were anxious and afraid of crying, crying.

“Don’t howl!” Elf Juka said in disgust: “We are not the same as you. We won’t kill you.”

The village head of the elves was supported by several young elves. He walked over and heard what Juka said. He couldn’t help saying, “Juka, if you don’t kill them, we have no place to detain them. There is not much food in the village. Can’t afford to be captured.”

“Let them go!”

Juka replied: “Firstly, these guys are just coerced offenders. Secondly, they didn’t take the initiative to do evil deeds that hurt us. Even if they are at fault, they can’t die. Since we can’t afford the captives, we simply let them go. We should learn from the real masters of the other world, not to abuse prisoners, not to wrong a good person, nor to let a bad person go!”

The elves belong to the kind-hearted race. The morality and the bottom line are inherently high. The angry villagers did not struggle for too long after listening to Juka’s words. They also witnessed the scene of Itami Yoji being held on the ground in water torture. But he didn’t want to vent his anger with these Dongying people casually and violently.

Yoji Itami’s mood was like riding a roller coaster, and his tense nerves relaxed. The other self-defense team members were also amnesty, and they hurriedly bowed to the elves and thanked them for not killing.

The Special Forces of Hope Country ran away, but because of the small number of people, they escaped in a hurry, but they left a few high-mobility vehicles too late to drive away. Itami planned to drive away with the Toei investigators. As they approached the vehicle, a bow and arrow flew over and shot at their feet.

“Who allowed you to leave by car?”

Elf Juka said coldly: “Let you go, doesn’t mean we forgive you! Do you people in Dongying think that as long as you bow and apologize, all faults and guilt can be written off? As punishment, you are not allowed to bring weapons and walk back to you. To the camp!”

“The camp is more than a hundred kilometers away from here…If we don’t take a car or carry weapons, how can we go back…” a self-defense team member said with tears.

The wizard Juka said sternly: “The people of Dongying who are accustomed to irresponsibility, I just want you to learn a lesson and understand a truth-you shouldn’t have come, since you have come, you must bear all the evil consequences. Find a way out by yourself!”

The self-defense team wanted to beg for a few more words. Yoji Itami raised his hand to stop him, and said in a low voice: “It’s not bad to get your life back. We have lost enough face today, so we just have a little bit of backbone for ourselves. Face it, it’s during World War II, and the soldiers who have been defeated will have to apologize. Our generation is incomparable to men, but don’t be too disappointed.”

The self-defense team members had no choice but to accept the reality, and helped each other on the way out of the village, step by step towards the time and space gate camp, which was a hundred kilometers away.

These self-defense officers are very heavy. Although they were not executed on the spot, the road to return is not easy. The other world is full of crises, and they didn’t even bring a gun or rations, let alone the road. If you encounter monsters or bandits and lose their lives, even if they are hungry, they can be starved to death.

Yoji Itami’s mood is lower than that of others, and he thinks more besides worrying about the hardships of the return journey.

Hope that the special forces of the country must drive away before they return to the camp. How will those guys report the incident to their superiors?

Yoji Itami can confidently infer that the despicable white-skinned ghost animal will definitely throw the pot clean, claiming the ferocity and brutality of the outsiders, while cursing how the Toyos dragged down their teammates and angered the natives and caused conflicts.

When my team walked back to the camp, it was hard to say whether the superiors could listen to their own explanations or succumb to the prostitution of Hope Country’s father and forced to accept them.

Even if the superior believes in his own explanation, before he rushes back to the camp, will the soldiers of Hope Nation who have suffered a big loss have instigated bombing and retaliation against the elven village, knowing the distance of more than 100 kilometers, the air strike fighter will fly back and forth. It takes less than an hour!

After driving away the Dongying Self-Defense Team, Qiuka the Elf immediately said to the villagers: “Everyone quickly evacuate the village. We killed their soldiers. They will definitely come to retaliate! Before they come, we must pack things as soon as possible. , And fled into the forest to hide with food! Time is running out, we have at most half an hour!”

“You don’t have to be in such a hurry?” The village chief pointed to the chaotic village after the war: “We must at least bury the unfortunate compatriots first, even if the group of alien soldiers escaped to the camp and then returned with troops to retaliate. It takes a day.”

“No, you don’t understand that aliens can create iron birds that fly at high speed in the air!”

Juka eagerly said: “I have watched relevant video materials, especially the hope that the army-that is, the white and black soldiers who were killed by us. Their infantry suffered a loss. If they call for air support, it will be soon. There will be iron birds coming and throwing bombs.”

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