Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1693 - Exile mage

Not far from the destroyed elven village, there is a human village called Koda Village. In the woods outside Koda Village, this small family is located.

Perhaps because it is far away from the settlement, this family has not been harassed by the Hope Country’s invading army, and even the Hope Country outpost stationed in Koda Village has never found anyone here.

A fourteen-five-year-old girl was struggling to move the bookcase onto the carriage. Even if light spirits were applied to the heavy bookcase, she still swayed and almost fell to the ground.

The carriage was already full of debris, and all valuable belongings in the house had been cleaned up and carried onto the carriage.

“Teacher, we can’t pile it up anymore. We don’t have time to delay. The children in the village reported that the soldiers at the outpost had asked the villagers if anyone who knew magic knowledge existed nearby and offered a reward. We If you don’t leave, they will be caught.”

Although what the girl said was urgent, her tone was calm, and her urging did not appear impatient.

“Leilly, can’t you think of a way?” An old man with a cane frowned: “There are a lot of monster specimens and illustrated books that have not been put in the carriage. It would be a shame to just throw it away.”

“Perhaps we can discard some herbs and rotten fruits.” The girl thought: “But then again, in this situation, the gods are blessed to escape safely, and can we take care of things outside the body? I suggest we should Set off immediately, take whatever you can, and forget it if you don’t.”

The old man said with great regret: “But…”

The girl sullenly said: “Teacher, I heard that the women who were captured by the invaders from the outside world have suffered extremely terrible and inhuman treatment. Is it because of those magical specimens that your lovely disciples are in danger? ?”

“Alright alright……”

The old man sighed helplessly, and muttered: “What kind of world is this? Although life used to be terrible, but it was not impossible to live, but now a group of demons from different worlds have been brought in. I have long told the chief mage of the Axdon Empire. After that, space magic can’t be used indiscriminately, now it’s fine…”

While grumbling, the old man got into the carriage obediently, and the girl leaped into the carriage lightly, drove the car skillfully, and drove onto a dirt road in the forest.

“This is the end of the matter, what good is it to say?”

While driving the carriage, the girl replies with the old man: “As you said, magic is a sacred thing. If it is used for personal gain and pleasure, it will definitely cause disaster. Now the invaders are hunting for magicians, probably They just want to covet the power of magic. Didn’t they learn a lesson from the Axe Dun Empire entice them? Are they afraid of the same abuse of magic and causing trouble to their world?”

“Who would learn a lesson when the disaster did not happen to him?”

The old man curled his lips and said: “In short, we must not cooperate with the invaders, so that they can gain a little magic knowledge to continue to harm the innocent people in our world.”

The little girl’s name is Leila-La-Leena, she is a talented magic apprentice. With her IQ and learning attitude, she is also a super-student-level genius girl in modern society.

In the original plot, she was also drawn to the side by Itami Yoji, and followed Itami to the advance camp of Toyo.

It is very unreasonable that Dongying people have long discovered that she is a magic user, but they have never thought of digging out the secrets of magic from her, and have not restricted her personal freedom. She can freely enter and leave the Dongying camp, as if it is fundamental Don’t take it seriously, come and go if you want.

In fact, if it is reasonable, if such a spellcaster is discovered, he will definitely be strictly controlled, and even severely tortured, because the secret of magic is so important that it can not only affect the course of war, but also Create huge commercial value.

It can be said that the value of this girl is invaluable. She walks in the downtown area with gold as a child, but does not attract wicked people to fight. Either the Dongying people are stupid and cute, or the Dongying people are extremely kind and don’t have any greed in their hearts.

Obviously, the Dongying people in reality have nothing to do with the two. It can only be said that the creators deliberately distorted the reality and forcibly made the Dongying people look pure in nature from top to bottom.

On the world line that Luo Feng has twisted, the impact of magic weapons used by elven snipers is too great. I hope that the Chinese military will have to pay attention to the power of magic weapons. To control the barbarian”, looking for talents with magic knowledge in another world. If they can be attracted, they will become strangers. If they can’t, they will be recruited by force, and they will find ways to force them to cooperate with the just hopeful country.

The raids of the Elf guerrillas did pose a great threat to the development process of the Other World Development Agreement, but the hope is that the country’s pants are all taken off, and the arrow is now on the line. Otherwise, the huge amount of funds invested in the early stage will be lost and costly. The development organization built with strength has also become a display, and its international image will plummet.

It’s the pursuit of wealth and danger. Even if there is a huge risk of chariot driving into the imperial cemetery, it is nothing compared with the temptation of the same huge profit. Hope that the country is also a king who has a heavy heart and is determined to do it anyway. To force the implementation of the different world development plan, we must not give up halfway.

In order to suppress the resistance of the indigenous people in another world, the Hope Country has adopted three strategies. One is to strengthen the martial law in the occupied areas. Each village has set up checkpoints and each road has roadblocks. Any suspects The indigenous people all adhere to the principle of firing first and then questioning, just like they did in Baghdad, using the strongest force to suppress them.

On the other hand, in view of the fact that the lush forests around the town and the elves are easy to hide, the Chinese military has used Agent Orange to throw a large amount of defoliant into the nearby mountains and forests. This medicine is highly carcinogenic. At the hearing, a report by a scientist who led the subsidy of the army was thrown out, saying that aliens are genetically different from earthlings, and Agent Orange has a very low carcinogenic effect on them. As a result, this action proposal was approved.

As for whether aliens will cause cancer due to Agent Orange, we will have to wait for the evil results to be revealed decades later. We hope that the Chinese military will urgently solve the urgent problems and take care of the health problems of aliens.

The last item is to seek the help of talents who know magic knowledge among the aliens, recruit magisters to study the magic weapons of the elves, and develop effective countermeasures.

The increased vigilance undoubtedly made life more difficult for the people in the occupied areas. Due to language barriers, many innocent people were treated as terrorists and were directly slammed by the sentry. Outsiders died in vain, and there was no way to talk to the soldiers of Hope.

The use of Agent Orange has also caused forests to wither and crops reduced. There is a desolate and desolate scene around towns. Outsiders who don’t know the truth thought that the Scourge had come, and passed the soldiers of Hope Nation into the devil’s minions, so wherever they went The land was barren.

The action of hunting down the caster made magicians such as Lei Li panic, and rushed to pack up their belongings to end their secluded life and fled to the distance.

In the original Axe Dun empire, spellcasters were often respected. Even kings and nobles did not dare to offend easily, not to mention forced conquests. As a result, they hoped that the soldiers of the country would hunt everywhere like thieves, and would not listen to orders. It may also be killed on the spot.

As a result, the contradiction between the aliens and the occupying forces of the Hope Country has further intensified, and the Hope Country has offended all the various strata in the occupied area within a short period of time.

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