Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1698 - Soldier pressure

It has been several months since the opening of the gate of time and space, and a series of turmoil caused by this has been constantly fermenting within the empire.

The imperial territory around the Chrono-Space Gate has changed hands for a long time, but the invaders seem to be caught in their march by some circumstances. The invading army, driving in armored carts and riding iron birds, stopped advancing after capturing the two border provinces. .

The nobles in the capital of the imperial capital and the elders of the Senate were all packed and ready to escape from the imperial capital. However, the enemy army had not marched towards the imperial capital for a long time, and these people remained in the imperial capital with a wait-and-see attitude and did not rush away.

If you escape at this time, if something changes in the future, for example, a hero suddenly emerges from the empire to lead an army to defeat an invading army from another world, then when the victory is liquidated, these first fugitives will suffer.

News keeps spreading from the occupied provinces to the imperial capital. The chaotic information is mixed and bizarre, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the false. Even if the high-level elites of the Axdon Empire are all scheming old foxes, it is difficult to analyze the reason.

For example, there were first rumors that the invading army from another world was very cruel and desolate, and humiliated women in the occupied territories, which caused popular resentment.

This kind of rumors are not surprising to the nobles. Many people are convinced that this should be true. The other world is already backward in civilization. When a country invades another country, even many generals will publicly order it to boost morale. Soldiers are allowed to looting places and wantonly vent.

But the following rumors made the nobles feel incredible. The rumors said that the elves in the occupied areas were unbearable to insult and rise up. They organized the jungle guerrillas to launch harassment operations against the invaders, wounding and killing many important figures in the invading army. The aggressors were furious. Not only did they impose a stricter security management system, they also sent many search teams to hunt suspicious elements on a large scale.

Many of the nobles were defeated generals who had escaped from the defeat of the imperial army. They had witnessed how terrifying the invading army killed from the other side of the time-space gate was, and the sense of fear had been carved into their souls. Every time I think of the iron dragon hovering in the air and spewing death metal torrential rain, these people will scare their pants when dreaming at night.

In the impression of these noble generals, the elves are not at the same level of combat effectiveness as the invading army on the time-space gate. They may be very good archers, but nothing more. In the past, there have been riots in the Elven Village in the empire. The local lord only sent heavy cavalry in heavy armor to cooperate with the magic group to easily suppress it.

Rumors say that the elves have discovered an ancient elves ruins and obtained magic crossbows made by the ancient elves. They used this magical weapon to repeatedly succeed in small-scale battles with the invading army.

This series of news about the Elf Resistance Army, although it is difficult to convince the imperial nobles, it also gave them a glimmer of hope. Many nobles began to consider whether they should find ways to recruit those elven warriors active in the occupied areas and hire them. Whether they serve as private soldiers or enlist them to join the imperial guards, the imperial army will not be without a fight against the invading army.

It’s a pity that the invading army from the other end of the time and space gate blocked the occupied land very tightly, and imposed strict martial law in order to search for the elves. The nobles wanted to send emissaries to mix into the occupied area to contact the elves rebels and they were repeatedly defeated.

The empire suffered two defeats in a row. The defense in the imperial capital was empty, and the invading army had already been suppressed by a large number of troops. The nobles were panicked. The days were spent in anxiety. The nobles of the Axe Dun Empire seemed to be waiting for trial. Prisoners, I don’t know when the sharp axe hanging over their heads will fall.

After waiting for a long time in anxiety, the sluggish invading army suddenly got a new move. From the occupied area, a transport convoy under the cover of armored vehicles drove straight to the capital of the Axe Dun Empire. The helicopter formation escorted the transportation convoy.

The scout cavalry of the Axe Dun empire saw this scene at the border of the occupied area and hurried back to the capital to report the news. However, the horses could not run on wheels after all. When the scout cavalry rushed into the gate of the capital with exhausted horses that were only foaming. At the time, the convoy had arrived at the main entrance of the Royal Capital almost at the same time.

The enemy has already approached the city, but because of the arrival too fast, all the defense facilities of the city have not been completed. The soldiers hurriedly closed the city gate and lowered the Qianjin gate, and hurriedly wound the giant crossbow for the city defense, which burned on the wall. Pan.

In the medieval giant crossbow, due to the material, the crossbow string usually needs to be removed for maintenance. Otherwise, the string will be kept in the hanging state, and the elasticity will be lost and the strength of the arrow will be insufficient.

Winding the giant crossbow arrows is not easy. The soldiers who defended the city had been busy for a long time before installing only a few crossbow machines. Even if the crossbow machines were installed, the soldiers were very suspicious when they saw the armored vehicles lined up under the city. Can the crossbow shoot through the iron plate of the armored car?

As for setting up a cauldron to boil the pitch, it was even more time-consuming. The guard soldiers finally raised the fire, but the pitch condensed in the pot hadn’t melted yet, and I don’t know how long it would take to boil.

The city was in chaos. How the generals and the knights shouted and scolded and ordered, the futile city defense deployment operation still has no progress, and the king of the empire is about to face the attack of the invading army’s armored convoy in an undefended state.

A red-haired girl in a knight armor rushed to the top of the city, frowned and scanned the chaos on the top of the city, and shook her head slightly.

“Don’t panic everyone!”

The girl said loudly: “The enemy’s chariot can’t drive up the city wall. In the end, their soldiers will have to get out of the car to fight. We still have time!”

The soldiers who were in chaos heard the command and saw the female knight who gave the command. The morale that was about to collapse was relieved, and finally recovered from the panic, and began to calm down and operate the city defense equipment in an orderly manner.

“His Royal Highness Pingna!”

“His Royal Highness Ping Na is standing with us in the most dangerous city in spite of the ten thousand golden body. We can’t shame ourselves.”

“With His Highness Pingna, maybe we can hold on…”

The red-haired female knight seemed to be very popular. The soldiers were greatly encouraged by her appearance, but this courageous female knight was limited by her shallow knowledge, and the battlefield judgments she made were actually completely Wrong, standing on the front line of the city wall is also very stupid to die.

She regards armored vehicles as siege equipment used to hit the city gates, such as rush vehicles, but she doesn’t know that if soldiers from Hope Nation really want to attack the city, they don’t need to get out of the vehicle at all, as long as they summon a bomber to drop a heavy bomb on the wall. It can easily blast a gap for the convoy to pass through, and at the same time blast all the defenders on the wall, including the female knight, into slag.

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