Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1702 - Routine

The veteran capital interest group represented by Sir Humphrey has a hundred ways to deal with feudal dynasties like the Axe Dun Empire.

Even if the Alien Development Pact has an absolute military advantage, it can destroy the Axe Empire at any time, but it is obviously not thankful to do so.

The destruction of the Axe Dun Empire and the takeover of the Axe Dun Empire’s territory may be a long and complicated process with the support of the citizens of the original Axe Dun Empire. It is unknown how many rebellions of the local people have to be suppressed to maintain law and order to the point where production can barely be restored.

Afghanistan in reality is a living example. The bear country once airborne special forces to kill Afghan President Amin’s family cleanly, and dispatched troops to complete the occupation of Afghanistan within a week. As a result, Afghanistan became the Soviet Union. The wounds were bleeding day and night, until the Soviet Union was dragged down and collapsed.

And now that we have entered the 21st century, the number of the Virgin and the Virgin in the real world is increasing day by day. If we hope that the Chinese army will brutally suppress the people of the Axe Dun Empire, once a video is leaked to the media and exposed, the senior leaders of all countries will have to bear it. The great pressure of public opinion must be regarded as a weakness by the opponents in the election campaign.

Keep the Axdon Empire and use more subtle and secret methods to control the royal family and nobles of the Axdon Empire. Then you can enslave the people of the Axdon Empire without any infamy, even if the people of the Axdon Empire are drained in the sweatshop The news of the bone marrow is exposed, and it can also be pushed to the Axe Dun imperial family, stating that it “does not interfere in internal affairs” and is reasonably and legally indifferent.

It’s like in the real world that many Allies of Hope Nation are still implementing the feudal hereditary chieftain system, and the status of domestic women is not as good as that of dogs. However, officials who have always supported Women’s Boxing Hope Nation have never criticized the human rights issues of these allies. Target those countries where the real people are in control.

The cheap labor of the Axe Dun empire is also an important resource needed by the foreign development agreement. From the real world to hire workers to another world, it must be high wages to have workers willing to come, and labor costs will greatly reduce profits. Employing local natives is enough to provide them with some food to feed them. The wages of an earth worker is enough to feed a hundred slaves in another world. The capitalists will know what to do with this account. .

Because of this, trying to seduce the royal family and nobles of the empire is the best choice for the alien development agreement, and there are too many benefits.

Sir Humphrey and the bureaucrats of the alien organization had long been prepared to arrange a clear package of economic control routines for the Axdon Empire. The first was to dump a large amount of cheap food to the Axdon Empire. This move was designed to destroy the Axdon Empire’s backwardness. And the fragile agricultural production capacity is choking the food supply chain of the Axe Dun Empire.

As a result, the taxation of farming in the land of the lords will drop significantly, and the farming will become unprofitable and make ends meet. If they want to maintain the luxurious life of the nobles, they must change the mode of managing the land and send the farmers tied to the land. Enter factories and mines.

Then, the alien organization provided low-cost or even free medical assistance to the Axe Dun Empire to increase the birth rate and reduce the death rate, making the country still at the medieval medical level, and the average life expectancy of the country was 30 years old. , The infant mortality rate has been drastically reduced.

This will invite people to buy people’s hearts. The people of the Axe Dun empire will certainly be grateful to the alien organization after receiving the treatment. The public opinion on the real side will also think this is a charity act. At that time, take a picture of hope that the Chinese military doctor will treat children from other worlds. When the video is played, people in the real world will feel that the army discharged by the hopeful country is a just division and a kind person who truly sends warmth to these backward countries.

However, the problem came. The fragile and dependent food production capacity of the Axe Dun empire could not meet the needs of the rapidly increasing population. Then the new population wanted to have a bite to eat and survive, so they had to obediently give it to the alien organization. Factories sell their blood and sweat for cheap jobs.

Once the routine reaches this stage, the Axe Dun empire will completely fall into the bag of the alien organization. At that time, even if the Axe Dun empire tries to resist, the alien organization does not need to send a soldier to suppress it, just cut off the food. Supply, you can sit back and watch the Axe Dun Empire plunge into civil strife due to the Great Famine.

During the famine, in order to eat a bite of food, people simply did not care about courtesy, justice and shame. In order to fight for limited food, the citizens of the Axe Dun Empire had no intention of fighting against the alien organization. They only knew that they would kill their compatriots who were robbing them of food. Eat what you eat so that you can live till tomorrow.

When the time comes, the alien treaty organization only needs to watch the changes and watch the gangsters of the Axe Dun empire almost starve to death, leaving some cowardly people who are afraid of starvation, and they can return like a savior with the king of food and be tamed. Distributed relief food to the aliens of the alien organization.

After so many times of population replacement by means of famine, under the effect of bad money driving out good money, there will be fewer and fewer good people with a heart of resistance and a bottom line, and more and more obedient dog-licking slaves. At that time, even if the alienation organization voluntarily withdrew from another world and gave these slaves freedom, they would all kneel down and cry and beg the alienation organization not to leave.

With such a set of methods, you don’t need to pay much military expenditure, and you won’t be infamy, and you can be trained to make foreigners obedient. This is better than the original plot of the Middle East Self-Defense Force. And the efficiency is much higher.

This set of political and economic methods will not be used for decades. The countries of the different treaties do not need to continue to invest in the different world. The different world will form a system of its own, sit up and move on its own, cutting off the meat and holding it. When you send it to the nations of the different treaty organizations, you have to bring your own dog food.

Moreover, this plan is actually beneficial to the ruling class of the Axe Dun Empire. The wealth that the nobles can obtain, even if it is just picking up the leftovers squeezed by the alien organizations, is much higher than the agricultural tax they collected in the territory before. They can obtain novel luxury goods from the real world through import channels, and their enjoyment of life will be upgraded by more than one level.

Aristocrats and capitalists win-win situation. In the end, only the ordinary people of the Axe Dun Empire are the only ones who are unlucky. But who of the nobles will take care of the lives of the people?

Even due to the medical assistance provided on the real side, the population of the different world will increase, and the nobles will think that the people’s life is better, otherwise they will not be able to live and live longer.

This routine has been put into practice in the process of developing Africa by the great powers, and now it is copied to another world, and it is estimated that it will also be effective.

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