Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1,043: Relentless

The nobles began to whisper and discuss among themselves.

Some expressed doubts, while others looked thoughtful.

"Lord of the Abyss? That's just an excuse you made up!" The nobleman still refused to give up.

Rennes frowned, knowing that a simple explanation would not be able to eliminate the nobleman's doubts.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to accept any form of investigation." Rennes's voice echoed in the hall, "If we are indeed at fault, we are willing to bear all responsibilities."

The emperor was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke: "I believe Rennes.

They bought us time to escape, this is an indisputable fact.

As for the Lord of the Abyss, I will send someone to investigate in depth.

Although the nobleman's face was still full of displeasure, he had to shut his mouth after the emperor's statement.

After the meeting, Rennes and the representatives of the Holy Law Kingdom walked out of the hall side by side.

Their faces were heavy and tired, but their eyes shone with determination.

"We will find out the truth." The representative of the Holy Law Kingdom whispered.

Rennes nodded, his eyes firm: "No matter what the outcome, we must be responsible for those warriors who sacrificed their lives. 637"

The nobleman was still unwilling to give in.

"You said you encountered the Lord of the Abyss? Who can testify?" he asked.

"I can testify." A weak voice suddenly sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see a seriously injured soldier being carried up.

He is one of the warriors who fought alongside Rennes and others in the abyss.

"We did encounter the Abyss Lord." The warrior gasped, "It was Archmage Rennes who saved us... He faced the Abyss Lord alone and bought us time to escape..."

The warrior's words gradually calmed down the discussion in the venue.

People began to take a new look at Rennes and the army of the Holy Law Kingdom.

They found that although these soldiers were exhausted, their eyes revealed determination and bravery.

However, at this moment, the emperor of the Holy Spirit Empire suddenly spoke: "Even so, Rennes and the Kingdom of Holy Law cannot escape responsibility.

As members of the coalition, they have an obligation to share our responsibilities. "

The emperor's words made the atmosphere in the venue tense again.

Rennes and the representatives of the Kingdom of Holy Law looked at each other, and they knew that this turmoil was far from over.

(bjdi) “We are willing to take responsibility.” Rennes said solemnly, “However, we also need to be clear: we are not evading any responsibility.

In the abyss, we fight with all our strength to protect everyone.

If we don't do well enough, we are willing to make corrections and accept punishment. "

Rennes' words made people in the venue begin to calm down.

They began to think about the real reasons and responsibility for this expedition.

However, at this moment, the noble who had previously accused Rennes and the Holy Law Kingdom stood up again.

"That's nice!" the noble sneered, "but you must pay the price for this failure! I propose to punish Lord Lei and Master Xin! The tax burden they need to pay in the next fifty years will be increased five times!"

This proposal immediately caused an uproar at the venue.

People began to talk about it, some supported it and some opposed it.

Rennes and the representatives of the Holy Law Kingdom looked at each other. They did not expect that this nobleman would be so vicious.

Rennes took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

He knew that the excitement and anger at this moment could not solve the problem.

He turned to the noble who proposed the punishment, his eyes firm and candid.

"Dear Noble, I understand your anger and disappointment at the failure.

But is it fair to put all the responsibility on us and propose such a severe punishment?" Rennes said slowly, "Our common goal is to fight against the threat of the Abyss, not to blame each other here."

The noble snorted and said disdainfully: "Justice? You have caused such huge losses, shouldn't you be punished? Increasing the tax burden is already the lightest punishment for you!"

Rennes shook his head: "We did encounter powerful enemies in the abyss, but we did not avoid the battle.

On the contrary, we resisted vigorously, even facing the abyss lord without fear.

Should such courage and determination be punished?"

There was silence in the venue as everyone thought about Rennes' words.

The emperor of the Holy Spirit Empire also frowned, obviously weighing the pros and cons.

“And,” Rennes continued, “increasing taxes will only make our country weaker and less able to effectively fight future threats.

We should unite and face difficulties together instead of tearing each other down. "

At this time, the representative of the Holy Law Kingdom also stood up and supported Rennes's point of view: "Rennes is right.

We should share the responsibility rather than putting all the blame on one party.

Not only is this punishment unfair, it is also not good for our alliance. "

The discussion at the meeting gradually died down, and people began to seriously consider the words of Rennes and the representatives of the Holy Law Kingdom.

Although the nobleman was still displeased, he could no longer put forward a strong rebuttal.

Finally, the emperor waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

He pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "What Rennes and the representatives of the Holy Law Kingdom said makes sense.

We cannot blame and punish each other for a single failure.

"But it's hard to convince the public without punishment this time! Just do what he said, you guys, raise taxes!"

When Rennes heard the emperor's decision, he felt a strong dissatisfaction in his heart.

He stared at the emperor with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see into his heart.

However, the emperor's face was calm and emotionless, making it difficult to understand his true thoughts.

"Your Majesty, is this decision really wise?" Rennes tried to remain calm, but his tone revealed disappointment and anger that could not be concealed, "In order to defend this country, we fought bloody battles with the devil, but in the end we were treated like this.

How does this chill the soldiers?"

The emperor frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then slowly said: "Rennes, I understand your dissatisfaction.

But sometimes, for the sake of overall stability, we must make some compromises.

This increase in tax burden is also a helpless move.

Hope you can understand. "

Rennes clenched his fists, and he could feel the cold looks and ridicule from all around him.

He knew that he could not change the emperor's decision at this moment, so he could only swallow this breath for the time being.

However, this does not mean that he will give up.

"Very well, Your Majesty.

I see. " Rennes took a deep breath and tried to calm down his excitement, "But please remember that "today's decision may make future soldiers lose confidence."

When the country needs them again, maybe they will choose to escape. "

After saying that, Rennes turned and left the venue, leaving an uproar.

He knew that his words had caused an uproar, but he didn't care.

He wants everyone to know that their decision is wrong and they need to pay a price.

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