Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1,069 Power Is Overwhelming

Queen Hill also noticed the embarrassment of those nobles. She said lightly: "Their power and status were based on the hegemony of the Holy Spirit Empire. Now that the empire collapses, they will naturally lose their support."

At this time, the leaders of the four Great Emperor countries gathered together and began to discuss how to divide the territory of the Holy Spirit Empire.

They discussed happily, as if new territory and greater power were within reach.

"Guys, we have to proceed with caution."

Rennes turned to the leaders of other empires, "Carving up territories is not a simple division. We need to consider how to stabilize these new territories to ensure that they do not trigger greater turmoil."

One of the imperial leaders laughed and said: "Rennes, you are too cautious.

Now that the Holy Spirit Empire has been defeated, it is a good time for us to expand our power. "

Queen Hill said: "Expanding power is important, but stabilizing and governing new territories is even more critical.

We cannot only see immediate benefits and ignore long-term stability and development. "

At this time, an older Holy Spirit Empire noble shouted angrily: "You shameless people! Our Holy Spirit Empire used to treat you badly, but now you treat us like this


Another empire leader snorted: "Don't forget, you also invaded our land. This is just the retribution you deserve."

Queen Hill responded calmly: "The war brings only pain and loss, both to us and to you.

But now, we need to face reality together and find a solution that benefits everyone. "

Rennes nodded in agreement: "Queen Hill is right, we should seek peace and cooperation instead of continuing to fight."

With the initial conclusion of the partition agreement, the four Great Emperor countries began to discuss specific territorial handover and management issues.

And those nobles who originally belonged to the Holy Spirit Empire gradually accepted this irreversible reality.

After the meeting to carve up the Holy Spirit Empire ended, the leaders of the four Great Emperor countries each returned to their own territories.

Unlike the other three Great Emperor kingdoms, Rennes's kingdom was not greatly affected by this turmoil. On the contrary, because of Rennes' bravery and wisdom, the kingdom's reputation and status have been unprecedentedly improved.

With the collapse of the Holy Spirit Empire, the nobles who were originally attached to it fell into panic.

They knew very well that in this world where the jungle prevailed, without a strong backer, their family and territory might become prey in the eyes of other empires at any time.

In order to protect their families and interests, these nobles began to seek new backers.

And Rennes, the new hero, naturally became their favorite.

"Lord Rennes, I am willing to betroth my best daughter to you and offer our family's heirloom. I only ask that you protect our family."

An old nobleman knelt before Rennes and pleaded.

Rennes looked at the once arrogant nobleman in front of him, but now he was kneeling so humbly in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel deeply in his heart.

He knew that the world was like this, the strong was king, and the weak could only rely on the strong.

"Your daughter, is she willing?" Rennes asked in a deep voice. Although marriage is normal in this world, he does not want to force it on anyone.


The old noble hesitated a little, but finally said this firmly.

He knew that this was the only way out for his family.

Rennes took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, I accept your marriage."

As Rennes' fame spread far and wide, more and more nobles came to propose marriage with their daughters and treasures.

Every nobleman hopes that his daughter can become Rennes's wife and thus gain his protection.

"Lord Rennes, this is the jewel of my family, and I would like to dedicate it to you."

"Your Highness Rennes, please accept my family's heirloom treasure and marry my daughter."

The nobles offered the best women in their families and precious treasures in the hope of marrying Rennes.

In the process, Rennes gradually fell in love with ten famous ladies.

However, as Rennes had more and more wives, some discordant voices also appeared in the kingdom.

"Lord Rennes is too greedy. He already has so many wives, why would he marry so many noble women?"

"These aristocratic women all married Rennes for the benefit of the family. Do they really have feelings for each other?"

Faced with the discordant voices in the kingdom, Rennes did not rush to refute, but chose to respond with practical actions.

……………………Please give me flowers……

He knows that only through sincere communication and interaction can real trust and harmony be established.

Therefore, after marrying ten noble ladies, Rennes began to actively communicate with them to understand their ideas and needs.

this day.

He is going to have a meeting.

Jiang and the other women shouted together.

Rennes was sitting in the spacious hall, with ten newlyweds on both sides, and the atmosphere seemed a bit tense.

He looked around and found that everyone had a little uneasiness and expectation on their faces.

He knows that this family meeting is very important to everyone, because it will determine the future direction of family relationships.

"Ahem," Rennes coughed twice and broke the silence, "I know this period is not easy for everyone.


We have just experienced a big war, and now we are facing a new family structure.

I hope that we can be honest with each other and face the challenges of the future together. "

As soon as she finished speaking, a timid wife spoke carefully: "Rennes, we are all grateful for everything you have done for us.

However, we are also worried that with so many wives, can you even handle a bowl of water?"

Rennes nodded, expressing understanding: "Your worries are normal.

But please believe me, I will do my best to help every household and care for everyone.

In order to give everyone a more comfortable living environment, I decided to allocate an independent courtyard to each wife.

Upon hearing the news, the wives all showed surprised expressions.

Rennes continued: 'Each courtyard will be decorated to your liking and will be staffed with servants and guards to ensure your safety and comfort.'

As soon as he finished speaking, the wives whispered to each other and talked about it.

Some expressed gratitude, while others showed expectant eyes.

Rennes knew that this decision was the right one.

It can not only relieve the tension between wives, but also make them feel loved and respected.

“Also,” Rennes continued, “I also hope that we can have more communication and interaction.

I will organize family gatherings regularly so that we can share our lives and experiences with each other.

At the same time, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please feel free to tell me. ",

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