Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1073 Honor

His eyes wandered over the princesses, trying to find a suitable candidate.

"Rennes, what do you think of Lina?" Angelola asked, pointing to a blond, blue-eyed, elegant princess.

Rennes looked at Princess Lena and saw her smiling slightly and saluting him gracefully.

He nodded and said: "Princess Lina is indeed outstanding, but I hope to find a partner who can fight alongside me.

"Then you can consider Emily." Angelola pointed to another princess. She was wearing a leather armor and holding a long sword. She had a heroic appearance. "She is a swordsman in our royal family and may be able to complement you." .

Rennes looked at Princess Emily and found a determined light shining in her eyes.

He nodded and said: "Princess Emily looks really brave, I will consider it.

At this moment, a princess with a slender figure and a delicate face walked out. She was wearing a simple white dress and looked pure and refined.

"Father, I am willing to follow Lord Rennes." The princess's voice was clear and sweet, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Rennes looked at the princess and found a determined light shining in her eyes.

He had no idea who the princess was, but she made a deep impression on him.

"Oh? Who are you?" Angelola was also a little surprised.

"Father, I am Catherine." the princess replied, "I have always admired Lord Rennes and hope to serve him.

Angelola looked at Princess Catherine, with a trace of complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.

But in the end she nodded and said: "If you are willing, then follow Rennes."

Rennes looked at Princess Catherine and felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in his heart.

He walked forward and said with a smile: "Princess Catherine, you are welcome to join us."

Princess Catherine looked at Rennes, her eyes shining with gratitude.

She nodded and said nothing, but her eyes were enough to express her determination.

"Rennes has one more important thing."

At this time, Angelola smiled and said to Rennes: "This is a great reward ceremony. Everyone from the entire imperial capital will come. It will definitely exceed your imagination. The whole scene will definitely satisfy you!"

The Sear Empire united with three other empires to eliminate the Holy Spirit Empire.

The greatest credit among them naturally belongs to Rennes. After all, Rennes destroyed the king of the Holy Spirit Empire at a critical moment, thus laying the foundation for their (bjaa) victory.

So on this basis, they will start to share and give certain rewards to every general who participated in this war.

Angelola naturally serves as the rewarder.

"Your Majesty Angelola, the victory of this war is inseparable from the joint efforts of all of you." Rennes stood in the center of the hall, looking humble and sincere, "I believe that every soldier participating in this battle deserves what he deserves. Award."

Angelola smiled and nodded, her eyes scanning every general and king present: "Rennes is right, the victory of this war is our joint efforts.

Today, I want to reward you. "

There was silence in the hall, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Angelola first walked up to a general from the human kingdom: "General Geraint, you are brave and fearless on the battlefield, and you have repeatedly performed extraordinary feats.

Today, I give you a fertile land on the western frontier. May your family prosper.

General Geraint was so excited that he knelt down on one knee: "Thank you, Your Majesty Angelola, for the gift!"

Angelola walked up to another king: "King Arthur, your country has made huge sacrifices in this war.

In recognition of your loyalty and courage, I transfer a piece of southern territory to your country. "

King Arthur's eyes shone with gratitude: "Your Majesty Angelola, I am deeply honored by your generosity.

I will always be loyal to the Hill Empire!"

As Angelola moved forward step by step, every general and king received the rewards they deserved.

Their faces were filled with joy and pride, and the atmosphere in the hall became more and more lively.

Finally, Angelola walked up to Rennes.

She took a deep look at Rennes, and then spoke slowly: "Rennes, there is no need to elaborate on your achievements.

Without you, we might still be struggling in the quagmire of war.

In recognition of your outstanding contributions, I have decided to transfer one-tenth of the territory of the Holy Spirit Empire to you.

Rennes was stunned. He didn't expect Angelola to give such a generous reward.

He took a deep breath and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty Angelola, I am flattered by your generosity.

But I hope that this territory can be managed by my wives and me. "

Angelola smiled slightly: "As you wish, Rennes.

This territory will be your family's common territory. "

As Angelola finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted in the hall.

Rennes's exploits and Angelola's generosity were celebrated.

As Angelola's voice slowly fell, the entire hall seemed to be ignited by blazing flames in an instant.

The applause sounded like thunder, converging into a shocking sound wave, surging and reverberating in every inch of space.

This is not only a compliment to Rennes, but also a warm recognition of his contribution.

Rennes stood in the center of the hall, his body as straight as a javelin.

He felt an unprecedented glory and brilliance, like a bright star standing out among the stars.

He looked around and saw everyone's faces filled with joy and admiration.

Their eyes were focused on him, as if he was the hero who could lead everyone to a better future.

This kind of trust and expectation makes Rennes feel an unprecedented responsibility and mission.

Amidst the cheers, the soldiers and nobles came forward one after another to express their congratulations to the newly promoted hero.

They shook hands warmly or gave warm hugs, and everyone's face was full of sincerity and respect.

Their eyes showed respect and admiration for Rennes, as if they saw in him the hope and strength of the future of the empire.

Among them, an old general with white hair excitedly patted Rennes on the shoulder. His voice was loud and trembling: "Young man, you are really the pride of our empire! We admire your energy and wisdom."

May your territory be prosperous and filled with descendants.

We believe that under your leadership, your territory will become even better. "

Angelola also walked over with a smile surrounded by everyone.

With a mother-like warm smile on her face, she personally placed a shining purple-gold medal on Rennes's hand - the Bauhinia Medal, which is the highest honor of the Hill Empire.

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