Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1077 Heart Of Elements

He said in a tone that seemed to have anticipated everything: "Your Majesty Rennes, our Church of Light hopes to spread the faith of light in your country so that more people can bathe in the light of God.

This is not only the will of the Pope, but also the will of God.

We hope you will strongly support our work. "

Upon hearing this, Rennes glanced at the cardinal with a burning gaze, his eyes revealing an unquestionable firmness.

He responded calmly: "Our country has its own beliefs, which are our spiritual pillar and the foundation of our culture.

We don't bother your teachers.

Please come back. "

When the cardinal heard Rennes' answer, his expression changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure.

He seemed unwilling to give up and continued in a threatening tone: "Your Majesty Rennes, you must think carefully.

The influence of our Church of Light spreads throughout the Isaac Continent, and our believers are spread all over the place.

If you do not support us, I am afraid it will have some adverse effects on your country. "

When Rennes heard this, a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

He never liked being threatened, especially the attitude that he thought he could manipulate others at will.

He took a deep breath, and then slowly uttered two words: "Get out!"

The cardinal and his entourage looked at Rennes in astonishment, as if they could not believe their ears.

They never expected that Rennes would reject them so decisively and forcefully, even using such rude words.

The cardinal's face instantly turned gloomy. He was about to have an attack, but suddenly, a powerful and majestic aura fell from the sky, as if the entire palace was enveloped by this aura.

This oppressive aura comes from the Word of Order in Rennes.

Rennes's eyes were shining brightly, and an invisible force emanated from him, as if an indestructible aura was formed around him.

Under the pressure of this aura, the cardinal and his entourage felt as if they were being suppressed by an invisible mountain, and could hardly move.

"I say it again, get out of the Holy Law Empire"[!" Rennes's voice sounded like thunder in the Cardinal's ears, and every word struck their hearts like a heavy hammer.

The cardinal and his party were completely shocked by Rennes's majesty at this moment, and their original arrogance disappeared without a trace.

Under this strong pressure, they had to leave the Holy Law Empire Palace obediently, without even daring to look back.

Looking at the back of the cardinal and his entourage leaving, Rennes's eyes flashed with a cold light.

He knew that these guys would not let it go, but he would never let them succeed easily.

The faith and culture of the Holy Law Empire are the foundation and soul of their country, and he will never allow anyone to destroy them.

And Angelola stood beside Rennes, with a firm light shining in her eyes.

She knows Rennes's decision is the right one, and she will do her best to protect their country and their faith.

After some time, the Holy Law Palace was filled with laughter and new life.

With the birth of another batch of children one after another, the palace was filled with new vitality and joy.

These children are not only the fruit of Rennes and Angelola's love, but also the source of hope and happiness for their future.

"Rennes, look how cute our child is!" Angelola gently shook the baby in her arms. Her face was filled with the tenderness of maternal love, and her eyes revealed endless tenderness.

The baby was lying quietly in his mother's arms, and his pink face looked particularly cute.

Rennes walked gently to Angelola and looked down at this new life.

He reached out his hand and gently stroked the child's cheek, and an indescribable feeling surged into his heart.

This little life is their family’s future hope and source of happiness.

"Yes, they are our hope for the future and the future of our Holy Law Empire." Rennes said affectionately, his eyes shining with the brilliance of fatherly love.

He imagined how beautiful it would be for the children to grow up and run and play in the gardens of the palace.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded in Rennes's mind, like the sound of nature, and like an ancient echo: "Congratulations to the host, because your family has grown again.

You will be rewarded by the system of many children and many blessings.

Your cultivation level will be upgraded to Rank One again, and you will receive a Transcendent Level spell "Judgment of the Holy Heaven." 17

Rennes was stunned. He didn't expect that this mysterious system would bring him such a huge surprise again.

He felt a powerful force surging within his body, which was the change brought about by his improved cultivation.

At the same time, detailed information about the "theological ruling" gradually emerged in his mind.

"Angelola, look!" Rennes stretched out his palm, and a blazing flame suddenly appeared in his palm.

The flames were jumping and tumbling, as if they were alive.

It emits a fiery light that illuminates the entire room.

Angelola looked at the flame in Rennes' hand in surprise, her face filled with disbelief: "This is... a new power?"

"Yes, this is the Transcendent Level forbidden spell I just obtained - the Judgment of the Holy Heaven." Rennes' tone revealed unconcealable excitement and pride, "It can summon endless fire from heaven to attack the enemy. Attack, it is said that even demigods will be burned to ashes in it.

After hearing this, Angelola couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is so powerful! Rennes, you are really the guardian of our Holy Law Empire!" Her eyes shone with admiration and admiration, as if she saw their family and the entire A bright future for the Empire.

Rennes smiled slightly, and his (Wang Zhao) heart was full of expectations and confidence for the future: "I will use this power to protect our home and children.

I want all those who dare to invade us to know that the Holy Law Empire is not a place they can trample on at will. "His voice was firm and powerful, as if he was taking an oath.

As time went by, Rennes gradually mastered this Transcendent Level forbidden spell.

He often practiced at the palace's training ground, and Angelola and the children became his most loyal audiences.

Every drill made the children cheer for joy, and they were proud of their father's strength.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and there was no cloud in the sky.

Rennes stood on the training ground. He took a deep breath and began to gather all the strength in his body.

He felt the elemental power surging in his body, which was an unprecedented feeling.

He seemed to be integrated with the whole world and became a part of nature.

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