Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 1084 Stage

The two squeezed into the crowd and saw a huge stage built in the square, where a wonderful performance was being performed.

The elves' dance was graceful and the music was pleasant, which made everyone present intoxicated.

Rennes and Renault were also infected by the joyful atmosphere and swayed their bodies gently to the beat of the music.

"Your Majesty, look there!" Renault suddenly pointed to a corner next to the stage.

Rennes looked in the direction of Renault's finger and saw a group of people gathered there, busy around a huge magic circle.

"What is that?" Rennes asked curiously.

Renault explained: "That is the elves' teleportation magic circle. They are preparing to teleport us to the place where the Devourer is rampant." Rennes nodded, secretly admiring the elves' magical attainments. Just then, a crisp bell rang, and the celebration came to a temporary end. An elf elder in a gorgeous robe walked onto the stage and announced loudly: "Dear distinguished guests, thank you for coming from afar to help our elves--

Now, we will use the teleportation magic circle to teleport everyone to the place where the Devourer is rampant. Please be prepared and follow our instructions. "

Hearing this news, Rennes and Renault were immediately excited.

They knew that the real battle was about to begin.

The two followed the guidance of the elves and came to the teleportation magic circle.

The magic circle was shining with light, and a powerful energy was surging in it.

The elder of the elves signaled everyone to take their positions, and then chanted the spell loudly.

As the spell sounded, the light in the magic circle became stronger and stronger, and a huge suction came from the magic circle.

Rennes and Renault felt their bodies lighten, as if they were pulled by an invisible force and flew into the magic circle.

In a blink of an eye, they disappeared in the light of the magic circle.

When Rennes opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a strange place.

This is a desolate ruin, with destroyed buildings and broken rubble everywhere on the ground.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood and death.

"Is this the place where the Devourer is rampant?" Rennes murmured to himself.

Just then, a huge roar came from afar, and the ground was shaking.

Rennes looked up and saw a huge snake raging wildly in the distance.

Its body was covered with black scales, its eyes flashed with evil light, and its mouth kept spewing black flames and poisonous gas.

"Is that the Devourer?" Rennes frowned, with a solemn expression on his face.

He knew that this ancient evil creature had an almost immortal body and the terrifying strength of a Rank Ten demigod, and it would be difficult to defeat it.

However, Rennes did not retreat.

He took a deep breath, clenched the long sword in his hand, and prepared for the upcoming battle.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side and went straight to the Devourer.

Rennes looked closely and found that it was the adventurer Renault he had met before.

Renault was holding a huge battle axe and exuding a powerful aura.

He rushed towards the Devourer without fear and fought with it.

Upon seeing this, Rennes immediately drew his sword and rushed forward.

He knew that to defeat the Devourer, it would not be enough to rely on the strength of one person alone.

Only by uniting as one can we defeat this evil existence.

With the addition of Rennes and Renault, the situation on the battlefield began to change.

More and more volunteers and strong men rushed forward and started a fierce battle with the Devourer.

Although the Devourer is powerful, it gradually shows its fatigue under the siege of everyone.

Rennes took the opportunity to launch his strongest magical attack, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky, hitting the Devourer's body hard.

The Devourer let out a scream, and after his body was hit by the beam of light, he flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

When everyone saw this, they cheered immediately.

They knew that Devourer had been defeated by them.

However, just when everyone thought the battle was over, Devourer's body suddenly burst out with an even more powerful energy.

Its body began to expand rapidly, as if it was about to explode.

"No! It's going to self-destruct!" Rennes's face changed drastically and he shouted hurriedly.

However, it was too late, the Devourer's body suddenly exploded, and a powerful shock wave spread in all directions.

……………………Please give me flowers………………

Rennes and everyone else were hit by the shock wave and flew backwards, falling to the ground.

They struggled to stand up, only to see that the Devourer's body had turned to ashes, leaving only ruins and smoke-filled air.

"We have won!" Rennes shouted, "We have defeated the Devourer!"

As the Devourer self-destructed, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by this energy. Amidst the smoke, Rennes and everyone stood up unsteadily.

With tired but victorious smiles on their faces, they looked at each other full of emotion about this hard battle.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Renault was the first to rush forward and asked with concern.

Rennes waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, "It's just a bit of a shock, nothing serious.

We succeeded, and the crisis of the elves was temporarily relieved. "

At this time, the elders of the elves also came from a distance, with grateful smiles on their faces.

The leading elf elder walked up to Rennes and bowed deeply, "Your Majesty Rennes, thank you and your warriors for everything you have done for our elves.

You are our elves’ eternal friend!”

"The elder is polite, this is what we should do." Rennes replied, "The elves and our Holy Law Empire are allies, and it is natural for them to help each other."

As the elf elder finished speaking, the surrounding elves and volunteers applauded and cheered, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

In order to celebrate this victory, the elves decided to hold a grand end-of-battle ceremony.

During the ceremony, the elves danced cheerfully and played exciting music.

The elf elder personally awarded the Medal of Honor to Rennes and the warriors, and announced that they would become the honorary guests of the elves, "We have the ten privileges of the elves.

At this moment, the Elf Queen walked slowly, surrounded by everyone.

Her beauty and nobility captivated everyone present.

The Queen walked up to Rennes, smiled and stretched out her hand, "Your Majesty Rennes, on behalf of the entire elves, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you.

Rennes held the Queen's hand and responded humbly: "Her Majesty the Queen has oversold you, this is our joint efforts.

I'm very happy to be able to do my little bit for the elves. ".

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