Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 137: To Save Mankind.

Alex and Anya nodded their heads and started to follow behind her. Walking through the wide hallways, Illya started to speak.

"As you know, recently our universe has seemed to have undergone some significant changes. I won't be getting into detail, for you already know what I'm talking about." Illya's tone started to turn serious.

"Chief among these changes is the matter of the soul's awakening and the Ascension."

"What are souls? How are they awakening? Why are these changes taking place and why now? These are some of the most basic questions that we face right now."

"We have little to no understanding about souls or their nature. As for the matter of the Ascension, it is even more so. Going further we face, other questions."

"What led to these changes? What are the mechanics behind the Ascension? Is it possible to evade it?"

"How are our powers related to our souls? Why are they so different? Is it possible to have more than a single type of power?"

"Are humans the only one's possessing and awakening their souls? What are those alien species that we are coming in contact with? Are we even in the same Universe? If yes, then why have we not met these alien species before?"

At this point, the trio had reached the end of the hallways. Blocking their path was a large, mechanical door. Illya neared the door and input a password. She then placed her eye on the scanner, which confirmed her identity.

"Welcome back, Miss Illya." a mechanical voice spoke.

Had Lucius been here, he would have immediately identified the sound of that voice. It was Iris. The Snowden Corporation's Main AI. The one which had assisted him in Reyna's lab.

Just as Alex was still wondering about these questions, Illya turned around and faced him. Wearing a confident smile on her face, she continued.

"And I'm aiming to change that! Your duty in coming here is to help me, as we comprehend the answers to these questions!" her eyes shone with excitement.

Hearing her words, Alex became stunned. An awkward smile formed on his face, as he spoke.

"You are familiar with me Illya. I have no proficiency in these matters. My strength lies in combat and with the military? Why was I sent to a research division?"

Seemingly having expected this question, Illya answered with a bitter smile.

"To be honest, we had no choice. Although you performed an exemplary deed, in saving multiple bases, it wasn't without any losses. The opposition attacked you using this point and demanded your position be revoked. Not only that they also tried to frame you for incompetence and requested for you to be punished. Even my father was helpless against it."

"After some negotiation, the opposition came to a compromise. In exchange for revoking your position, they would no longer pursue this matter. In addition, you will have to be sidelined and prevented from participating in any military activity. Miss Anya is here to ensure that."

Anya did not deny it and nodded her head.

"However, what they did not expect was how much influence you managed to gain amongst the soldiers. The influence of the Hellwig family is simply frightening." Illya spoke in awe.

"This resulted in the opposition, mainly that APF becoming displeased. They are worried that you might refuse to obey your commands and would stubbornly hold your position. In fact, they might not hesitate to permanently remove you. Of course, this action carries enormous risks."

"We cannot risk the situation of the soldiers losing their morale due to your death. As such to protect you, father had you sent to assist me here in my research while placing you under supervision."

Hearing the truth from Illya, Alex stood stiffly for a few minutes. Shock, rage, indignation, and other complex emotions passed within his mind.

'We should be focused on facing the enemy, not be fighting amongst ourselves! Why can they not understand this basic fact?!' Alex simply could not understand.

Although Alex had rapidly matured during these past few months, he still failed to understand the motives of these politicians. The concept of competition for benefits was still foreign to the young Alex.

Seeing the various expressions flash through Alex's face, Illya and Anya chose not to interrupt him.

After a few minutes, Alex's mind finally calmed. He closed his eyes and reopened them after a few seconds. At this moment, something seemed to have changed within his gaze.

"These people are vastly underestimating the danger of this situation. Fighting for benefits even before our safety is assured. How can they be so foolish?" he spoke in a deep voice.

"To speak the truth, Deatov was the only planet where a Peak Level Stage 1 being had personally moved to attack. The other planets had faced a much lower threat. The only reason we even faced such losses was due to being caught unprepared." Illya replied.

"While you have given such serious warnings about the ordeals, the Alliance is very confident in facing it with its current strength. They are completely assured of their victory." she seriously continued.

Hearing her, Alex felt angered and exclaimed.

"But this is only the beginning! The Ordeals will become much harsher!" Lucius' parting words flashed through his mind.

"According to you, that is. But there is no concrete evidence to support your claims." Illya rebuked.

Facing her response, Alex was tongue-tied. He could not refute her statement. Alex's information came from Ka'lor'ah and Lucius. With both of them absent, he really did have no evidence to support his claims.

While he was confident of his claims, according to the Alliance it was simply being pessimistic. Hell, his opponents within the Alliance might even use his warnings to further attack him!

"But I believe your words! With the powers I have awakened, I have this feeling that mankind will face great danger!"

"That is why I'm trying to complete my research. With a better understanding of the Ascension, we will have sufficient proof to convince the others! And with your help, the research will progress even faster!"

Illya reached out her hand towards Alex. Staring into his eyes, she spoke.

"Help me, Alex. Let's save mankind together!" her eyes brimmed with confidence and excitement.

Facing such fervor, Alex was also convinced. A smile formed on his face, as he reached out and grabbed her hand.



Meanwhile in an undisclosed location.

A large group consisting of hundreds of people, joined their hands together as they formed multiple concentric circles around a stone altar. Their bodies swayed in a strange rhythmic pattern, as their mouths chanted incomprehensible hymns.

All of these people wore golden robes, that covered the entirety of their bodies. Hoods covered their heads and their faces were hidden within the dark shadows. However, one could still guess their genders, seeing their body outlines.

An equal amount of men and women were present on the scene, with a few children also mixed with the ground. Candles were lit and evenly placed upon the ground forming lines and patterns. A faint white mist hung within the air, forming greyish-white clouds covering the entire room.

Time continued to pass as the movements of the people dancing, became faster and faster. Their voices also became louder and smoother. The mist also became thicker, as the people seemed to grow increasingly entranced.

It was at this moment, that the person group dancing at the very center of this large group suddenly stopped his movement. He immediately kneeled down and started to kowtow facing the altar in the center.

The stone altar at the center suddenly underwent a change. The sound of a small explosion was heard and bright golden light flashed from atop the altar. In an instant, golden light filled the entirety of the room.

Seeing this light, the others within the room immediately stopped their dance and fell to their knees. They continuously slammed their heads on the stone floor as they sang praises in revelation.

"O' Great One! The Ruler of Destiny! The Controller of Fate! The Forevermore!"

"You are the Great Emperor of All! The Immortal One!"

"Grace us with Your presence and guide us to our true fate!"

The voices grew louder and more synchronized with the passage of time. The golden light shone like the sun and grew brighter. The scene lasted for a few moments, after which the golden light suddenly retreated into the altar and disappeared.

Darkness returned, with faint illumination being provided by the candles present on the ground. The worshippers did not move and continued to kneel while facing the ground. None dared to move.

It was then that the person closest to the altar suddenly stood up and laughed while facing the sky.

"AHAHA! Your servant understands your wishes!"

He then turned to face the kneeling worshippers and spoke in a resounding voice.

"Hear my words, fellow brothers and sisters! For the Ruler of Destiny has spoken!"

"His Eminence has provided his believers with a mission!"

His eyes shone with crazed fervor as he continued.

"Mankind has strayed from its true fate and escaped the hands of destiny!"

"It is following a path that leads it further away from His Lordship!"

"But do not worry! For He is the kindest and most benevolent ruler!"

" 'Guide them to me, my children. Save them from suffering. Show them the path to my sanctuary, for salvation lies within!' "

"This is the mission provided to us, his children to complete! And we shall not fail Him!"

"Sors Fides!" the man roared.

"Sors Fides!" "Sors Fides!" "Sors Fides!"

The crowd of believers chanted in unison.

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