Lord of Annihilation

Chapter 180: Traitors. Part 1

Carrying Zaine, Alex left the grieving hanger to head towards the Medbay. 

'This guy is only a Mid-Level Stage 1. How did he save me back then?' Using his soul power to probe Zaine's body, Alex judged the depth of Zaine's cultivation.

Identifying Zaine's pitiful, Mid-Level Stage 1 cultivation, Alex was astonished. 

'He wields such ability at only Stage 1. What would he be able to do at higher cultivations?' just thinking about the possibilities made Alex shiver.

Alex's gaze while looking at Zaine intensified, as the latter's importance and future prospects greatly increased inside Alex's heart.

'This guy must join the Saviors! His power will be very useful in our missions!'

'Saviors' is the name of a new organization established by the Earth Alliance. It was headed by Illya Roseberg and was directly supervised by the Alliance Head.

Its mission was the spearhead research and development pertaining to the Ascension and Soul Power, while also cultivating a force solely made up of Awakened Humans, loyal to the Alliance.

In a way, Saviors was similar to the 'Hero's Guild', in which it represented the pinnacle organization that would lead Mankind in these new times. Only the top of the line elites or people with unique talents would be admitted into this organization. 

Alex, Anya, Reyna, the other awakened who had participated in the battle against the Formicians, belonged to the Saviors. Just the fact that all of them were able to reach Stage 2, already spoke volumes of the Savior's importance. 

'Seeing how he managed to reach Mid-Level with almost no support, his talent must be decent. With the support provided by Saviors, it's only a matter of time before he enters Stage 2.' Alex concluded.

Staring at the deeply, asleep face of Zaine a smile flashed across Alex's face.

'I'm looking forward to seeing how far you can go.'

Raising his head, Alex noticed that he had already arrived at the Medbay area. 

Inside this area, which was suffused with white light and the scent of medicine were tens of doctors and nurses frantically moving about.

The MedBay area was almost completely occupied by wounded soldiers of the Formician battle and the survivors of the BS-Lawson. 

"Quick, quick! We are losing this one!"

"Nurse! We need a transfusion here! Prep the machine!"

"4th degree burns on this patient. Prepare a MedPod!!"

Due to the shortage of human resources, the number of medical staff could not keep up with the number of patients incoming, leading to this chaotic scene. If not for the robotic assistants available, it would have been impossible to assist every single person.

Alex quickly approached a man garbed in the doctor's uniform and called out.

"Hey, doc! Emergency here!"

The doctor who was rudely called was about to lose this temper when he saw Alex's face. Instantly recognizing the other, the doctor's temper was quickly calmed.

"Oh, it's sir. How can I help you?" the doctor amicably spoke and approached him.

Seeing that he was recognized, Alex felt a little surprised. He could not help but curiously gaze towards the doctor. Facing Alex's gaze the doctor wore a smile and replied.

"I served under Sir General's ship when sir was going around rescuing the Frontier bases." Hearing his explanation, Alex's immediately understood.

He nodded and then explained Zaine's situation to the doctor. A frown appeared on the doctor's face, as he inspected Zaine's condition.

"Apart from a few minor wounds here and there, it's only a case of over-exhaustion. This person has lost too much energy in too little time. I'm afraid if he isn't immediately treated, he might slip into coma."

Explaining so, the doctor immediately called for a nurse and a robot, reliving Zaine from Alex's hands. He then had the robot carry Zaine on a stretcher while giving some instructions to the nurse.

After excusing himself, the doctor quickly left moving on to his next patient. 

Seeing that there were no significant problems with Zaine, Alex released a sigh of relief. He stayed in the MedBay for a few seconds, before turning back to leave to the hanger.

He had received a message from Anya, informing him of the Formician's movements.

'Those bastards are moving once again.' Gritting his teeth, Alex thought about how he could organize a response against their attack.


Outside in space. 

The Formicians had already reorganized their lines, adopting new formations for their second offensive. With the Greater Queen's original plan being foiled due to Zaine's interference, she has decided to redouble her efforts and go for a direct attack.

Moreover, the priorities of the Greater Queens had changed from getting intact battlecruisers, to get their hands on Zaine.

The ability of the [Chronometry] soul was simply too heaven-defying. The Formicians had to get their hands on that human and study him, no matter the cost.

After ensuring that the formations of her brethren were properly arranged, the Greater Queen unhesitantly ordered the swarm to attack. She could not afford to delay and needed to immediately acquire that human before the other humans realized his importance. 

'Attack with everything you have. Break the ships and force an opening. Squad 12, ensure that this human lives at all costs.'

'Everyone attack!' she telepathically instructed her subordinates to begin. 

Just as the Greater Queen was about to move to directly participate in the attack, a weird buzzing noise resounded within the Hive-Mind. The Greater Queen immediately noticed his anomaly landing her gaze on a grey-colored, rectangular box of metal. 

This rather unassuming metal box, that was carelessly thrown aside was surprisingly filled with electric circuits and nano-processors both of which were a product of human technology. 

It strangely looked similar to an antique transceiver, making it an unmistakable product of human technology. 

Seeing this grey transceiver, disdain flashed across the Greater Queens hidden eyes. Although she was of the mind to ignore it, she knew that the transceiver was important. 

After all, it was the means of communications that the human 'traitors' had given to the Formicians to communicate with the latter.

Controlling one of the cables to detach from the Hive Mind, she manipulated it and attached it to the transceiver. She then controlled her soul power to flow into the device, following a specific pattern.

This pattern acted as the 'key' which would then answer the call.

Buzzing to life, the device shook a few times before a voice was transmitted into the Greater Queens mind. 

"Good day to you, Greater Queen Shea." A gentle, female voice resounded in the mind of the Greater Queen.

What was astonishing was that this voice actually spoke in Formician!

"Humph! Speak, scum!" Shea, the Greater Queen grunted in annoyance. 

The Formicians as a species that was birthed for the sole purpose of warring hated and heavily discriminated traitors. 

Especially one that was selling out its very own race!

Hearing the annoyance, the voice did not take any offense but lightly laughed in response.

"I have a proposal for your Your Highness if you're willing to listen." 

"Stop testing my patience, worm!" Shea growled.

"Would Your Highness, like to receive of a gift of three undamaged battlecruisers?" the voice teased.

Hearing that, Shea's thoughts froze. She doubted her hearing, for she couldn't believe the words of the other party. She immediately checked her memories and confirmed the latter's words.

'What is this person planning?' suspicion and denial were the first emotions that rose within her mind. 

'No, she wouldn't dare speak any nonsense, knowing of the fragile relationship between the two parties. Then why? Why would she offer such a deal?" Shea frowned, her thoughts moving at light speed.

The mysterious female voice chuckled before continuing. 

"Seems like Your Highness is intrigued. Rest assured, this one's words are completely serious."

Not waiting for Shea to intervene, the voice continued with her offer.

"In exchange for Your Highness letting the humans leave safely, this one will assure you that all the vessels currently present at your location will be given to you undamaged. Not only that, but I can also guarantee that no human will trouble the Formicians for the next six months." The voice offered.

Shea was moved. She wanted to instinctively reject, as this offered seemed too good to be true. However…

'It would be of incomparable value if we can get our hands on all the vessels present here for study. Coupled with some time, we can develop our own methods of space travel, progressing this war further into human territory.' 

Taking a deep breath, Shea asked: "This deal seemed too good to be true. What are your benefits?"

Hearing the Greater Queens response, the voice chuckled once again. The mysterious female understood that the other party was hooked.

"It's of no great concern for Your Highness. It's just that some of this one's plans would proceed quicker."

"How do I know you are not brewing some sinister scheme or trap for us? Why this very deal might be detrimental causing us Formicians to lose the war." Shea questioned.

"You worry too much, Your Highness. Both of our goals align making us natural allies. This one simply wishes to lead Mankind to its correct path, leading to the kingdom of our God, The Controller of Fate and Ruler of Destiny!" the voice was filled with heavy zealotry and maddened passion.

Hearing that reply, Shea simply scoffed and said nothing. Inside her mind, she thought with derision: 'What do you understand of God?' 

While she thought this, she did not dare to voice it out. Whether God exists or not, she did not dare blaspheme Him.

'Lord's name must not be taken lightly.' This was a commandment that was personally penned by the Great Mother, The Myriad Species Queen.

Thinking about the latter's words, Shea hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

"Fine, I shall provide 10 minutes of time. In order to not arouse suspicion, I will command my kin to make some superficial attacks, without harming the humans."

"However! I have some demands of my own!" Shea thundered.

The voice from the transceiver seemed to be caught off-guard by this change. Instantly recovering her mind, she asked.

"What might Your Highness require of this one?"

Shea transmitted Zaine's image through the transceiver and demanded.

"This human must be handed over to us alive, immediately! If you fail to comply, I will not hesitate to attack!" 

The mysterious female voice grew quiet. A few seconds passed in quiet tension before she relented.

"Fine. How do I hand him to you?"

"Preserve that human's vitals and send him outside the ship. I will have someone collect him." Shea immediately replied.

"That will do. I will instruct my men." The voice agreed.

"It has been a pleasure cooperating with Your Highness once again. I hope—" the voice was suddenly cut off, as Shea stopped supplying the transceiver with her soul power.

Quietness returned to the vessel as Shea pondered in silence. 

'There must be a deeper scheme to this. I just can't figure out what that is." She frowned.

Seeing that her deduction was heading nowhere, she shared the happenings with the other Greater Queens before sending new instructions to the Formician Army.

'It matters not. For in the face of true power, schemes are no importance.'

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